Video Q & A

Why Is Mindset Important To The Law of Attraction?

Are you putting your anger to the best use? Find out. Listen to this Magnetic Me episode for more.

Welcome to the Ignition Blog Q&A this week! I'm Marcie Robinson with Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.

This week, we have an email question from Kimberly K. in Arizona. She submitted this burning inquiry.

" Hi, Marcie. I really, really want to start using the law of attraction. This wouldn't be the first time that I've tried though. I have to say it's harder than I thought. For a long time I thought it might be that I was wrong and it doesn't exist. But then I had a friend who starting using it and she's manifested some stuff she wanted. My problem is that even though I've used different things like imagining what I want and doing different stuff like the 55x5 thing, I don't know how to make them work. We hear it's important to be positive but I'm not a positive person. Is that what I'm doing wrong? Why is mindset a big deal with the law of attraction?"

Why your mindset matters to the Law of Attraction.

Thank you so much for the question, Kimberly! You're right in saying that mindset is a big deal for the LOA. All the results you might get in any area of your life, hinge on what your mindset is most of the time. It goes for when you're using the LOA and when you're not (*consciously) using the LOA as well.

In these physical forms, we lug around all day; if we didn't think, then we wouldn't be able to generate actions or emotions. We wouldn't be doing anything. How does the concept of being positive or negative fit into what we're thinking and the LOA?

Even though we might find it complicated, it comes down to this. Our mindset is programmed through all of the things that we experience every single day. Do some of us tend to think in a more positive way than some of our human counterparts? Sure, and it all stems from what we decide to take from those daily experiences. If you're a "glass half full" type of girl, then you're going to process what happens differently than if you were a "glass half empty" type of person. That makes sense.

Now apply what you know about the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like right? When we say that, what we mean is that because the LOA uses our energy to send things back to us, the type of energy we generate is essential. That makes sense too. Guess what? Thoughts are mental energy; feelings are emotional energy, and actions are physical energy. So the LOA at all times is returning the same type of energy we're sending out.

There's a big difference for you in being positive.

Positive and negative come into play because positive thoughts, emotions, and actions all vibrate at much higher rates and frequencies than negative energy does. Negative energies are slow-moving, and you know when you're generating them that you feel like things aren't happening fast enough, and that creates confusion. Like attracts like once again. However, if you tend to have lots of negative things going on within your person regularly, know that you're normal. It's part of being human. The good news is that you have a chance to change what you're attracting. That's because you always have a choice to change your mindset. Therefore, you can change your point of focus as well.

More good news is that positivity is much stronger than negativity any day. That's because higher vibes that generate faster frequencies "kick the butts" of those negative things that tend to happen to all of us. There's real power in that. So we only need to make our choice to think better thoughts and to feel a bit better each time we do. Once we know it and live it, it all works for the good of everyone. The biggest hurdle is to be aware that what you're thinking is harmful and to shift it.

Again, great question Kimberly. That's it for this week. So use this knowledge about mindset to change some vibes. When you get your shine on, you have more fun and make the world a better place for everybody! See you next time.