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Are There Really Any Benefits To Having A Vision Board For Your Manifesting?

The answer to the question in the title of this post is that it depends on you. For some, having a vision board may be extremely helpful. But I've also worked with a fair amount of manifestors for whom it may not be as beneficial. That's why today, I'd like to visit just for a moment why as a manifesting enthusiast, a vision board is a thing you just might want to have to add some zest to your routine. Or not. 

Yes, the good, old vision board is just one of many favorite tools any manifesting enthusiast can use to aid in your journey to attract those dreams and desires. It's for a good reason too! Having one can be a powerful, tangible reminder of your commitment to manifest if you're a visual person. But if you're not a visual person, I may still be able to convince you to get to work on one. Let's look at some benefits of using a vision board for manifesting.


  1. Visualizing Your Desires: Your board visually represents your goals, dreams, and desires. By creating a collage of images, words, and symbols that resonate with your aspirations, you engage in visualization, which you'll remember is a critical element of the Law of Attraction. Focusing on your vision board regularly enhances your ability to attract those experiences and opportunities into your life. It's an excellent way for someone who struggles with visualization to get the benefits of the practice.
  2. Clarifying Your Intentions: When you create a vision board, you are forced to define and clarify your intentions. Hey, I know it's not always easy to know what you truly desire, but the process of setting up a vision board can really make things come into focus. And that also brings clarity to your thoughts, making it easier to align your energy with the things you want to attract.
  3. Emotional Alignment: You already know that your emotions and energy play a significant role in manifesting your desires. When you create a vision board, you select images and words that evoke positive emotions within you. By surrounding yourself with these positive representations, you can uplift your mood, maintain a positive mindset, and align your feelings with the vibration of the things you want to attract.
  4. Daily Affirmation and Motivation: Placing your vision board in a visible location, like in your bedroom or office, allows you to see it daily. When you look at your vision board, you reaffirm your desires, goals, and intentions. This consistent exposure serves as a reminder of what you are working towards and motivates you to take inspired action in alignment with the Law of Attraction.
  5. Increased Belief and Faith: A vision board acts as a tangible representation of your dreams and desires. As you observe your vision board daily, you develop a stronger belief in the possibility of achieving your goals. Continually reinforcing your aspirations helps build faith in the manifesting process, empowering you to stay committed and persevere even during challenging times.


While vision boards can be a valuable tool for many individuals, certain situations or personal preferences could make someone reconsider using a vision board. Here are a few reasons why someone might choose not to use a vision board:

  1. Having A Different Learning Style: Vision boards primarily cater to visually oriented individuals who find visual representations helpful in their manifestation practice. However, you might have a different learning style. You might be an auditory or kinesthetic learner and prefer other methods of manifestation that align better with your learning preferences.
  2. They May Lack Visual Appeal For Some: Not everyone may find vision boards visually appealing or resonate with using images and words to represent their desires. A physical board may not be the way to go if you're a minimalist. But perhaps a digital one could be of great use to you. And some people may prefer alternative manifestation methods, such as journaling, affirmations, guided meditations, or verbalizing their intentions.
  3. Having Limited Access or Resources: Creating a vision board typically involves collecting images, words, and materials to represent your desires. Of course, you can make a physical or a digital vision board, whatever suits you best. But if someone has limited access to resources or lacks the means to gather the necessary materials, they may be unable to create a vision board. In such cases, they can explore alternative manifestation practices that require fewer resources.
  4. Your Preference for Flexibility and Adaptability: Vision boards are static representations of your desires and goals. Some manifestors may prefer a more fluid approach to manifestation, allowing for the adaptation and evolution of their desires over time. They may find it more effective to work with mental visualizations or flexible goal-setting techniques that can be adjusted as their desires shift.
  5. Your Privacy and Personal Preference: Creating a vision board requires selecting and displaying images and words that represent personal goals and desires. Some of us may prefer to keep our aspirations private or feel uncomfortable displaying them openly. In such cases, alternative methods of manifestation that offer a greater sense of privacy could be explored .

Ultimately, deciding to use a vision board or any other manifestation tool is a personal choice. Finding manifesting techniques that work for you and your comfort level is important.


Because everyone is different, opinions on vision boards for manifesting range from "They're amazing!!!" to "Meh."

Here are a few differing perspectives you may come across:

  • Skepticism: I've worked with plenty of people who may have a skeptical view of vision boards and manifesting techniques in general. They may question the effectiveness of visualization and the Law of Attraction in bringing about desired outcomes. Skeptics will often emphasize the importance of practical actions and logical reasoning rather than relying on visualization or external representations.

  • Preferences for Other Techniques: While vision boards are popular, some individuals may prefer alternative manifestation techniques that resonate better with them. They may find greater success with different practices, and it's important to remember that different methods work for different people. Any manifesting practice will only be effective if it's authentic and flows for the person doing it.

  • Emphasis on Internal Shifts: Some people believe that the key to manifesting lies in making internal shifts, such as changing beliefs, thought patterns, and emotional states. They may argue that focusing on external representations like vision boards can distract from the essential inner work needed for manifestation. Instead, they emphasize practices like mindfulness, self-reflection, and mindset shifting.

  • Practical Action as the Primary Driver: While vision boards are a valuable tool for manifestation, some believe that taking practical action is the primary driver of success. They may be drawn more to setting clear goals, creating action plans, and consistently taking inspired steps toward those goals. While a vision board can provide motivation and focus, it is seen as a complementary tool to practical action rather than the main catalyst for manifestation by some folks.

It's important to respect differing opinions and perspectives on manifestation techniques, including using vision boards. Ultimately, the effectiveness of any method depends on an individual's beliefs, mindset, and alignment with their desires. Finding an approach that resonates with you personally and supports your manifestation practice in a way that feels authentic and empowering is essential.

For those who are more visually oriented, a vision board can be your go-to tool as it's a constant reminder of your intentions and can quickly and easily provide a source of motivation and inspiration at any time. Your key to attracting more is to find a method that helps you connect with your desires and emotions because that's where the true power of manifestation lies.

The Easy Way To Make A Vision Board Fast

See more about the Manifest My Life Vision Boards in this blog post:

Use A Vision Board To Clarify And Connect With Your Desires

Find this downloadable Vision Board in several colors in my Etsy shop

complete with a 10% discount on the current price!