Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Client Stories

The Law Of Attraction Didn't Want Isabella To Reverse Her Thoughts

The Magnetic Me; You + Law Of Attraction Podcast - Episode 80

Note: Sorry about the noise in my background. I don't know what was happening, but I tried to remove as much of it as possible. I figured it was better to put up the episode as is instead of making it super late because I had to record it. When I get a chance, I will re-record, but for now, here's Episode 80 & thanks for understanding.




Once upon a time, I had a fabulous client named Isabella who discovered the Law of Attraction (LOA). Excited by the potential to manifest her desires, she delved into countless books, videos, and seminars, hoping to unlock the secret to a fulfilling & abundant life. However, in her eagerness, she misunderstood a crucial aspect of the LOA.

Isabella believed that if she could reverse her thinking by consciously using better thoughts, she could manifest her dreams effortlessly. She wasn't totally wrong about that. What she didn't realize at the time was the way she went about it had her suppressing all her negative thoughts and emotions and replacing them with positive thinking & feeling. I'm sure you can see where this is going.

Determined to make it work, Isabella spent what I'm pretty sure amounted to hours every day repeating affirmations, visualizing her ideal life, and trying to maintain an unwaveringly positive mindset. She pushed herself relentlessly, ignoring any signs of opposing ideas or discomfort that arose within her.

Initially, Isabella felt a surge of motivation and enthusiasm. She believed that her efforts were making a difference for her, but as time went on, she started to notice a sense of unease and frustration creeping in. After months of struggling to make the LOA work, she found herself feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, mentally drained, and emotionally disconnected.

Despite her best efforts, Isabella's manifestations didn't seem to materialize in the way she'd envisioned. She felt stuck and disheartened, unable to understand why her diligent application of the LOA principles wasn't yielding the desired results. Can you relate? I know I can.

One day, while reflecting on her journey, Isabella had an epiphany. She needed somebody who had been through the same type of manifesting difficulties. That's when she searched Google, and she found me.

If you've never found yourself in Isabella's position at any time in your manifesting, lucky you; you're a manifesting rock star, and you should get an award for it!

But if you've bravely set out on an adventure to co-create something fabulous in your life, and as you think you're taking the right steps forward, you start feeling the subtle tug of resistance, congratulations, you're like the rest of us when it comes to co-creating; completely normal. Said resistance may come disguised as doubt, fear, or even a whisper of unworthiness. But fret not because this experience is not unique to you. It's just a gentle reminder that manifesting's not always a linear journey. By acknowledging and addressing your resistance head-on, you can navigate the twists and turns and release what no longer serves you so you can realign with the effortless flow of manifestation.

That's what Isabella's story is about, and I think it's one that's certainly worth sharing with you. And that means it's time for the Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.


It's time for The Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.


Can you believe it? It's episode # 80 of this podcast, and I'm beyond grateful to have you here today. I'm Marcie Robinson, and I'm excited to welcome you into our magnetic space to hear this inspiring story of how Isabella overcame this giant roadblock in her manifesting. My intention in sharing her story with you is that you can do the same when you find yourself coming up against resistance.


Now, where was I?

As Isabella and I talked, she gave me her daily manifesting routine. She listed out;

  • 30-minute visualization block of time...and this was before she got out of bed in the morning
  • her journaling at lunch for 20 minutes
  • the affirmations she was using....she switched them up every day
  • the 55x5 method she did after work, so she was using her two affirmations for that, and it took her another 30 minutes or more to do that
  • and this isn't even mentioning the constant monitoring of her thoughts and emotions

I'm sure you're thinking because I know I was thinking it; "I know why she's overwhelmed and exhausted!" I mean, I would be too. By the way, I'm not criticizing her or her method or the 55x5 manifesting technique at all. If it's working for you, then I'm happy about it.

However, it wasn't working for Isabella, and even worse, it was bringing out a lot of negativity, which, as you know, equals resistance.

I gently explained to Isabella that her manifesting exercises inadvertently created resistance because her beliefs didn't align with her affirmations. I also emphasized the importance of addressing her thoughts and feelings authentically. That's truly the first step for any manifesting enthusiast because if you slap that proverbial happy face sticker over real issues, you're not really dealing with your mental or emotional state. To create alignment, a person will want to acknowledge and honor even the crappy thoughts and feelings because we're all human, and they're gonna happen. It's only by understanding that you can recognize them for what they are that you can let them go.

Remember that our perceptions are influenced by conditioning, limiting beliefs, and past experiences. How we feel about ourselves is brought on by all of that. Many of our thoughts may be accurate, but many might not be, and therefore they are unworthy of a lot of your time.

As Isabella worked on this aspect of manifesting, she realized that her approach had been flawed. She'd ignored and neglected herself by forcing herself to reverse her thinking in the way she had. So she started to address the underlying limiting beliefs that held her back. And she began to see that the LOA wasn't about forcibly changing her thoughts but about aligning her thoughts, emotions, and beliefs in a harmonious way. She had learned the hard way that pretending to be positive when she wasn't wouldn't lead to a true manifestation of the kind she was anticipating.

With this newfound insight, Isabella decided to shift her focus. Instead of forcing herself to think a certain way, she started practicing a little bit of self-compassion and self-acceptance. She started thinking about manifesting as a way to learn more about herself and grow from the experience. Ultimately that's the best part of learning how to co-create. I should say that I think it is, at least in my opinion.

If you're wondering what she did to get rid of the struggle between what she was actually thinking and feeling instead of trying to cover it up with forced affirmations and techniques, let me tell you how her "manifesting routine" changed.


But wait, please let me interrupt that train of thought because before I get into that, I want to say a word about having a "plan" or a "routine" for manifesting because I have thoughts on this. I've worked with a lot of people over time, and I can say this about it;

Having a manifesting routine can be very beneficial for some of us, but I think it's important to recognize that it's not a requirement for everybody or even a requirement for a certain manifestation or at certain times. And since having a very strict one was a big part of the problem for Isabella, I don't want to forget to say this.

There are a few reasons you might not even want a manifesting routine.

  1. Your Authenticity: Manifestation is a deeply personal and unique process. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. It's essential to honor your authenticity and find an approach that resonates with you. If a structured routine doesn't feel aligned or natural to you, it might be more beneficial to explore other methods that suit your individual preferences and style.
  2. Your Flexibility & Flow: Manifesting isn't solely dependent on following a rigid routine. It is a dynamic and fluid process that can happen spontaneously and effortlessly. By being open and flexible, you're allowing room for unexpected opportunities and synchronicities to manifest. Embracing the flow of the universe can be just as effective, if not more so, than adhering to a fixed routine.
  3. Trusting and Surrendering To The Universe: This is the foundation of successful manifestation. It's about aligning yourself with your desires and then allowing the universe to unfold them naturally. Instead, you could focus on cultivating trust in the universe and surrendering to its wisdom and timing.
  4. Your Intuition & Being Inspired: Manifesting your dreams often thrives on inspiration and intuitive nudges. You want to stay attuned to your inner guidance and follow your instincts. Pay attention to the ideas, inspirations, and opportunities that come to you spontaneously. Be open and receptive because you might find that your manifestations effortlessly unfold without the need for a plan.
  5. Your Time & Personal Freedom: Not having a routine gives you the ability to explore and experiment with various techniques and approaches. I match people up with techniques for certain reasons, but I always encourage people to try techniques and methods that they're drawn to because you might find one works better than others or even that one works better at a different time for you. Listen to your inner guidance and adapt your practices based on what you feel right now. That way, you can tap into your creativity and discover what works best for you as an individual.

Whether or not you choose to have a manifesting routine is up to you. I'm all for it as long as it helps you build trust in your natural ability to manifest and allow the universe to do its work.


Back to Isabella's routine....

  • When she noticed she was thinking things she didn't want to, she stopped and reframed it. If she noticed she hated the weather that day, she'd think, "Yes, it's cloudy out, and I wish it were sunny, but the rain will help my garden grow too." That's not her example, by the way; it's just a demonstration of how you can reframe a thought.

  • As far as negative emotions went, Isabella told herself what she was feeling, for instance, "I feel anxious or sad right now, and that's okay." And then, she used an EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) she'd learned and liked to process her emotions asap.

  • That meant she could focus on her affirmations to build up more positive energy and leave her feeling empowered and inspired rather than forcing things down. She still used 2 affirmations a day but made ones she really liked and changed them up once per week, which helped reinforce the point she was trying to make by using them. She really got into the words she used for each one and only used them when she remembered. Mostly it was while she was in the car; she would focus for a few minutes on one affirmation and get herself feeling the words.

  • She ditched the 55x5 method because she admitted that she hated doing it. She felt like it was too much work. That's just her experience. If you like doing it and it's working for you, don't stop!

  • Isabella cut her visualization down to 10 minutes daily since her mind would wander after 10 minutes.

  • She used her extra time to put toward her painting. Isabella is quite talented, and she loves the creative outlet it gives her!

All of this created a space for positive energy to flow.

As Isabella began to release her resistance, she let go of the need to control every thought, and instead, her focus changed to cultivating a genuine sense of joy, gratitude, and belief in the possibilities of the universe.


As Isabella began to release her resistance, she let go of the need to control every thought, and instead, her focus changed to cultivating a genuine sense of joy, gratitude, and belief in the possibilities of the universe.

And a funny thing happened. Opportunities she'd wanted forever started to show up. Like what, you ask? She's a graphic designer, and she landed some agency work and got to work with a client that was her dream client. She also got to travel to Tokyo, which was on both her and her husband's bucket list. One of the things Isabella told me she loved most about Tokyo was the way traditional and modern elements blend together there. She was crazy about the cherry blossoms and got to explore some of Tokyo's hidden gems, like the teahouses and the fish market.

In addition to all that, synchronicities began to unfold naturally. One day she was looking for inspiration for a new design project and felt a bit stuck in a creative sense. When her lunchtime rolled around, she said all she wanted to do was to go for a walk. She had a really strong pull to go outside that day, and normally she didn't. She walked through a park near her work. She stumbled upon a book fair happening there. As she browsed the books that were there, she found something amazing she just had to have —a rare book on graphic design that was exactly what she needed to spark her creativity. She was so excited when she texted to tell me that because she said she really felt like the LOA worked and the universe had heard her.

In the end, Isabella learned that forcing herself to change her thinking hindered her manifesting ability. And since I asked if I could share her story on the podcast, she asked me to let you know that if she can have all the great things she's experienced come to her through manifesting that you can too!

So that's a bit about Isabella, but I want to give you a bit of guidance about not getting stuck trying to force yourself to reverse the way you think because I think that what Isabella went through shows you that there's an effective way to do this as well as a not so effective way and I want to be sure you're on the right track. First, though, I'm going to take a bit of a break so you can hear about the free reframing cards that you can pick up today, and I'll be right back with more.

Freebie Time




I said that I was going to make the idea of reframing more relevant to you here, and I suppose to do that, I should first explain the difference between reversing your thoughts and reframing them. The difference really lies in the underlying approach and intention.

  • Reversing your thinking typically involves attempting to completely negate or reverse your current thoughts or beliefs. It often stems from a mindset of resistance and a desire to escape or eliminate all unwanted thoughts or patterns, usually all at once. This approach tends to focus on what you don't want rather than what you do, and it can perpetuate a cycle of struggle and resistance. And talk a lot of work!
  • On the other hand, reframing your thinking involves consciously shifting your perspective and finding a new, more empowering interpretation or belief about a situation or thought. It is about looking at things from a different angle and seeking positive, growth-oriented meanings. It allows you to reinterpret your thoughts in a way that aligns with your desired outcomes.

You can see the problem with trying to do a 180-degree turn here because doing so essentially gives attention and energy to the things we want to avoid. Not to mention that the negative patterns we're setting up for ourselves can be tough to break free from, and we end up struggling that much more.

And reframing is a powerful tool for personal growth and manifestation because it redirects your focus toward the positive aspects of a situation or thought. It helps you cultivate a more empowering mindset, allowing you to see opportunities, lessons, and possibilities where you may have previously seen only obstacles or limitations. By reframing your thinking, you can shift your energy and vibration to align more with what you want to manifest.

✨The Guidelines:

Given the abundance of negativity you could encounter in any one day, you might wonder how it's even possible to reframe your thoughts. So instead, I'll send you off with two things to think about between now and when we meet again for a new episode. When you notice your "negative nelly" thoughts taking over;

  1. Look For A Different Perspective: Stop what you're thinking for 10 seconds and challenge your default viewpoint. Consider how someone else might interpret the situation or think about things from a broader perspective.
  2. Encourage A More Positive Or Supportive Word Or Statement: Nope, it might not feel right at first because changing the way we view things happen rather slowly & not usually all at once. But keep practicing. Consistently reinforce the positive over time, and I can promise it will become easier.


Remember the immortal words of Thomas Troward from the Dore Lectures on Mental Science.

"My mind is a center of Divine operation. The Divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression, and this means the production of something beyond what has gone before, something entirely new, not included in the past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth. Therefore, since the Divine cannot change its inherent nature, it must operate in the same manner with me; consequently, in my own special world, of which I am the center, it will move forward to produce new conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before."

― Thomas Troward, The Dore Lectures on Mental Science

What he's saying here is that you don't have to change the things that are wrong in your life; that's a lot of work and resistance. However, you do have the ability to co-create something new. I remember how freeing that was for me the first time I read that. So, friend, it's good enough for Thomas Troward; it's good enough for me. And since I certainly can't top that quote, that's where I'm leaving it for today. Thanks soooo much for joining me today. I'd welcome your thoughts and comments about this topic on my social media posts for this episode.

For more tips & guidelines on having a manifesting routine, join the Magnetic Me Manifesting Enthusiast Community on Facebook! I check in every day, so I hope to see you there.

29:10 THANK YOU! 🙏

I can't express enough how grateful I am for you and the gift of your time. Your support, feedback, and enthusiasm are what keep me going, and it's an honor to share my passion for manifesting with you. I truly believe in your power to manifest your dreams and desires, and I'm here to help you along the way. So, let's keep this adventure going. Together, we can create the life we desire and deserve. Thanks for being an awesome listener & co-creative enthusiast!

23:10: REMINDERS 📃

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  • Join my brand new Manifest With Marcie Portal for additional manifestation tips, updates, and discussions.

23:50 CLOSING 🙋‍♀️

Thanks for being here, and remember to Get Your Shine ON because the world is always so much better for it when you do!

Take care, and I can't wait for next time!