Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

Living Large And In Charge With The Law Of Attraction...Your Qs Answered!

The Magnetic Me; You + Law Of Attraction Podcast - Episode 78


0:00 Opening: Late episode & A firestorm of Qs

Hey there, before I get started with the podcast, I'd like to apologize for this episode being late. On the day that I was supposed to sit down and record it, it happened to be a very eventful day in my house. My husband and I woke to the news that our son had been sitting at a stoplight on his way to the gym early in the morning, and his car had been rear-ended by a drunk driver going 70 kilometers per hour. We're so fortunate that the only damage that was done was to the car, which is totaled. A couple of hours later, there was an issue with one of our other children, which meant I was tied up by extra calls and meetings. And also, my elderly mom, who isn't doing too well at the moment, was admitted to the hospital for the second time within a week. So there was a lot going on, and I didn't feel it was the right time to sit down and to record a helpful podcast episode since my energy wasn't right for it that day. But because I'm committed to providing this podcast to anyone who needs it, it's still going up this week, even if it's late. So, thanks for being here.

Whenever I talk about responsibility and accountability in your manifesting, it kind of starts a firestorm, and I guess that it's pretty natural it does because I realize that some people find the idea of taking ownership of their lives very intimidating. And I hear that some people find just speaking about it feels a bit harsh to them because they feel like they're being criticized if their current circumstances aren't as they want them to be. So please understand that I'm approaching this topic today with empathy and with understanding, and I acknowledge that accepting responsibility can be a very complex process.

As it happens, I've had a lot of questions from listeners in the last week, and I wanted to address them because it's crucial that you know how far your power in co-creating your life extends into the day-to-day things that you experience. And that means today's episode could probably be part two of last week's.

Many of us struggle with accepting responsibility for the challenging experiences that we face. So if you do also, you're not alone. We might feel helpless or victimized by the circumstances that come our way, and it can be difficult to know how to move forward. However, by understanding how the Law Of Attraction works, we can begin to see how our thoughts, emotions, and what we do play a role in creating our experiences, both positive and negative.

This week, I'm responding to your top questions about how in charge you are and the things that happen to you.


It's time for The Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.

03:03 Who I Am & Why Magnetic Me

Hello friend, thank you so much for joining me, and welcome to episode 78 of the podcast. I'm Marcie Robinson, your manifesting coach and mentor here at IYLC. As always, please come into our safe space and get comfortable. Let go of all your worries as you become more magnetic to what you want this week.

5:31 Welcome: What To Expect From This Episode

Now, before I start, let me tell you that what I've done is to gather the questions I've had come in from all my social media accounts and the membership people that I have right now. And I've looked at them all. It turns out that many people have very similar questions. So, I'm highlighting the most important things to those listeners. I'm bringing out the most important points because I'm sure they're relevant to you. And I'm not going to be reading out the same questions or random questions that don't apply here
because I do not want to waste your time.

Also, I'd like to add that I'm answering these questions according to what I know and have learned about manifesting and working with universal principles. So, I'm not asking you to believe anything that I'm saying because it's your choice to listen and to take my ideas and knowledge about what I know and believe it with you if it resonates with you. Some things that I say may not resonate with you, and that is completely okay. Just a quick warning here as well that some of the questions were quite dark and dealt with very serious things, so I'm going to give you a bit of a warning before I get into those ones.

I also want to say how much I appreciate the questions that I got. So thank you very much to each one of you who submitted one because it's always a pleasure interacting with my listeners and my members.

With that, let's get started.

Question Time

07:06 Q#1: Is It True That We Create The Good And The Bad In Our Lives?

A-The first question is kind of starting at the beginning. So it was, is it true that we create the good and the bad in our lives? And according to the law of attraction, we're responsible for everything that happens to us. This law says that our thoughts and emotions and what we do create our reality. As a result, we're attracting people circumstances, and events that match our vibrational frequency at any one time.

Now, it is important to note that this does not mean that we're consciously aware of why certain things happen to us. Sometimes, our thoughts and emotions can be subconsciously influenced by our past, sometimes by things that we don't even remember. It's also possible that other people's thoughts and emotions might be playing a role in what we attract into our lives. There will be more about that later. But that being said, taking responsibility for our energy is a key part of using the Law of Attraction effectively, and by being aware of our internal state and what it is at any one time, we can make an effort to shift negative patterns, and then we begin to attract more positive things and to manifest the life that we desire.

08:22 Q#2: Why Do We Still Experience Stuff That's Bad Or Challenging While Using The Law Of Attraction?

A- The next question is, why do we still experience stuff that's bad or challenging while you're using the law of attraction? And I want you to know that the LOA is no guarantee that we're never going to experience negative or challenging situations because life is a mixture of positive and negative experiences. So it's natural to face challenges and obstacles along the way. However, the law of attraction does offer a framework to us for understanding how we can influence the experiences that we do attract. It's also important to recognize that some of the challenges that we're facing in life might be opportunities for us to grow and to learn so that we can manifest what we want.

By approaching challenges with a positive mindset and being willing to learn and grow from them, we can turn them into opportunities for personal development and transformation. And that benefits us. So ultimately, the law of attraction isn't a magic formula that's going to eliminate all negative experiences. It is a tool that we can use to create more positive and empowered mindsets and attract the circumstances and the things that will bring us closer to manifesting what we want.

09:39 Q#3 Does The LOA Mean We Need To Blame Ourselves For The Bad Things That Happen To Us?

A- Next, does the law of attraction mean that we need to blame ourselves for the bad things that happen to us? And the answer to that is no. Using the LOA to manifest our lives doesn't mean that we need to blame ourselves for anything that happens. The Law of Attraction tells us our energy is constantly creating our reality and that we can intentionally change things to attract more of the positive stuff. So while it does mean that we can and we should take responsibility for ourselves and the way that we interact and behave in the world, it doesn't mean that we can curb all of the negative things.

Remember, there are many outside factors that can influence our lives that we're not responsible for. It could include things like other people's thoughts and actions, natural disasters, or just some kind of unexpected event. So it's important to recognize that while we might not have control over everything that happens to us. We do have control over our responses to what's happening.

10:44 Q#4: Who's Responsible For The Bad Stuff Stuff That Happens Then?

A- The next question is, who is responsible for the bad stuff that happens then? And this one isn't as easy to answer because while we are responsible for our energy, remember manifesting is a co-creative activity for a reason.

Look, we all exist on this planet that currently has 8 billion people. And just like we can't blame any one of them for a natural disaster that occurs, we can't blame ourselves or anyone for factors that aren't under their control. Many times things that happen can impact our lives in negative ways, despite our best efforts to attract positivity. The law of attraction isn't meant to be a tool for blaming anyone. It's a tool that's meant to empower us to control the only thing we can, which is ourselves, and depending on how it's used, you could end up with more negative things, or you could end up with a much more positive reality By understanding and working with it and other universal laws too.

So, if we're facing some kind of adversity, it's better for everyone not to blame anyone or even to look for something to blame because we're not going to fully understand it, but we can use what we know to create a much more positive outcome. And that's what's important.

12:04 Q#5: Does This Mean That Everybody Is Absolved Of The Bad Things They Do?

A- So then that naturally leads to the question Does this mean that everybody is absolved of the bad things they do? And I'd like to pull back and just think about this for a bit.

We're all connected energetically, and the energy that we radiate out into the world can have an impact on those that are around us, for example, and you know this, if somebody that we're close to is constantly negative and critical and we're spending a lot of time with them, then their energy can affect our own. It can really start taking a toll if we're not good about keeping our own energy out of the danger range for negative experiences. And similarly, if we have supportive people, positive people surrounding us, their energy can uplift us, and it feels so good. It really encourages our energy in a more positive direction.

But it's imperative to know that while other people can influence our energy and the experiences that we attract, we still have control over ourselves. And that means that ultimately we're responsible for our internal state, and so are others. So if somebody hurts, you just know that the forces in the universe will take care of them in the way that they've earned. And that frees you up to contend with how you're responding to what's happening. It's a process that we don't need to interfere with, even if it seems like we should. So it's always much better for us energetically not to have to decide what other people deserve and to pursue revenge for what they've done. And if they've done something that's so awful that society demands it, it's best left to those in charge of the processes that will help them come to justice for it. I hope that makes sense.

13:56 Q#6: Can We Ever Really Know Why Bad Stuff Happens To Us?

A-This is an interesting question. Can we ever really know why bad stuff happens to us? In my opinion, not necessarily.

There may not always be a clear or a logical reason why we encounter bad things. But remember that even when we're working on bettering ourselves and our energy, things can be influenced by our subconscious or past experiences, and we might not fully understand those. So regardless of the external circumstances we're encountering and how difficult they might be, we still can learn how to shift our energy and to attract more positive things. And in some cases, though, healing might need to take place before we're ready to do that.

So instead of blaming ourselves or feeling guilt or shame, try practicing some self-compassion and start accepting that there might be some things out there that are out of your control, then concentrate on cultivating resilience and find ways to cope that are going to be productive and helpful to you. That will always be the best course of action.

15:07 Q#7: Why Shouldn't I Blame Myself If Things Don't Work Out?

A- Here's another interesting question. Why shouldn't I blame myself if things don't work out?

And the reason for that, and I'm sure you can guess it, is that blaming ourselves for bad things that happened to us could actually create a negative cycle that reinforces more negative experiences. And that's because blame is a very, very low-energy emotion. When you're feeling it, you're focusing on the negative, and that's going to lead to feelings of guilt and shame, and inadequacy. And that can further lower our energy can make it very hard to attract positive things that we want to have.

It's important you know that all you need to do is to take responsibility for your current internal state. But here's the hard part. We have to get used to doing that without putting blame or judgment or fear, or any other lower level of motion into that mix. We don't want those things getting mixed into our energy. That can take some time and some practice, though.

What I'd like to do right now is to take a little bit of a break to tell you about something that you can get for free that will help you start to reframe ideas and create a new mindset about manifesting. So please listen to this short explanation, and we'll get back to the questions after this.

Freebie Time

16:11 Get My Latest Freebie, Self-Talk Switch-Ups, Thought

Re-Framing Cards


Thank you so much for listening to that. As always, there will be links to the free download for the idea switch-up cards in the notes on my blog, where I put this podcast every week, or you can also find them underneath your podcast player.

18:53 Q#8: What Happens If I Do Something Bad To Somebody Else?

A- Next question. What happens if I do something bad to somebody else? And I want you to know that if you do something bad, there's always the possibility, even most probably, it will come back to haunt you through experiences that you attract into your reality. And that's because it's the result of that negative energy that you've created. Remember, we are all connected, and your energy is reflected back to you by the Law Of Attraction.

When we do something bad to somebody else, We're disrupting the natural flow of positive energy in the universe. And that can lead to negative consequences like experiencing bad emotions or conflicting with other people, or attracting something that's negative into our life. So if you've done something to someone that has a negative result, and it wasn't intentional, or you feel very sorry for it, now remember not to punish yourself. It is important, though, that you take responsibility and be accountable for what you've done. And to make amends as best you can. You might need to apologize profusely and to make some restitution, but when you've handled that, try to prevent similar things from happening in the future by making conscious choices that align with what you want to experience.

19:54 Q#9: Does Living A Law Of Attraction Lifestyle As You Say, Mean I Can Live Guilt Free?

A- I want you to know that it's important to understand that the law of attraction isn't about ignoring or suppressing negative emotions. It's crucial to learn how to manage negative emotions in a healthy way, though, and this means that you need to acknowledge and accept the negative emotions that you might be feeling. You also have to choose to re-frame your thoughts about what's going on. So remember, if you're feeling guilty, to be accountable for the reason that you're feeling that way, then when you've dealt with that, then you can shift your energy into something better. It does take some time to learn how to do this, but it is well worth it, I promise you. It's important to work on forgiving ourselves and releasing guilt and shame because holding on to that negativity will just create more of it.

21:01 Re-cap: Today's Main Points

So, I'm going to end things here this week. But as I wrap up this episode, please remember the key points that I made from the responses to the listener questions.

  1. The first thing is that the law of attraction says we're responsible for ourselves and our energy.
  2. Two is that sometimes, our subconscious mind will attract things we're not even aware of. Other people's thoughts and emotions could play a role, at least as far as you allow them to.
  3. The third thing is that blaming others is a non-productive activity, and it's damaging.
  4. Four is that being mindful of our thoughts and emotions and the things we do, and the things we say is key to attracting positive experiences and manifesting the life that you desire.
  5. Number five is that it's important for us to practice self-compassion & not blame ourselves for things that might be out of our control or we don't really understand.
  6. Number six is to take ownership of our lives and to learn from every experience, good or bad, to attract the life of our dreams& live our best life.


22:35 Wrap-Up & Thank You💜

So, as I wrap up here, thank you so much for tuning in and listening to this episode. I hope you found my responses to the questions helpful and insightful. But hey, we're not done quite yet because I want to remind you, always here for you whether you have a question or you want to say hi; my contact information, including my blog link in the notes below. Honestly, I can't express how grateful I am to each and every one of you; your support, feedback & enthusiasm really keep me going. It's an honor to be able to share my passion for manifesting with such a wonderful community. I truly believe in your power to manifest your dreams and desires, and I'm here to help you along the way. Let's keep this adventure going, shall we? Together we can create the life that you desire, that you deserve. I want to say thanks for being awesome co-creative enthusiasts!

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Thanks for being here, and remember to Get Your Shine ON because the world is always so much better for it when you do!