Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

Does It Really Matter? Personal Responsibility & Being Accountable In Your Manifesting

The Magnetic Me; You + Law Of Attraction Podcast - Episode 77


0:00 A Million Valid Questions

I'm often asked valid questions about taking personal responsibility for your life so you can change your ability to manifest your desires. There are a lot of people out there who love the idea of unlocking their full co-creative potential.

Any good coach out there usually takes their training and certification seriously. One of the things you need to keep getting clients is to have the skills to guide them to the results they want. That means one of the jobs of any coach worth their salt is to ensure that their clients have an outstanding balance of support and accountability.

There are different ways to achieve this, and most experienced coaches have their own style, so, FYI, here are some of the things to keep in mind when looking for a coach. You want to have someone you like, feel comfortable with, and who will help you;

  • set clear and specific goals
  • identify what's holding you back right now
  • create an action plan with steps to achieve said goals
  • set up regular check-ins with you so you can track your progress
  • give you feedback and encourage you along the way
  • guide to find what you may need to adjust if you're not making progress
  • celebrate both the small and the enormous strides you make
  • discuss any challenges or obstacles that arise
  • continue to help you review and adjust as needed

All that sounds great! Here's where it gets a bit sticky sometimes. Coaches use tools to help you get from point A to point B. The tools of our trade are things like progress reports, action plans, different techniques, and exercises, as well as accountability journals to help keep you focused and committed to your goals. In other words, we're providing ways to keep you accountable, which is part of our job.

There it is, the big elephant in the room. Don't get me wrong; it's not that way for everyone. However, only some people who want to jump into a coaching agreement are fully willing to be accountable. I'm not bringing that up to shame anyone because there's no shame. It just means that person isn't ready for coaching, at least not right now. It's entirely possible that they might be prepared and willing to put in that effort, say, six months or a year from now because they are ready then.

But there will always be some people who shy away from coaching because they never get prepared for it. Thinking about being responsible for themselves and their actions causes them so much anxiety they'd rather forget the whole thing. Nobody wants to be responsible for failing or missing their mark. Again, no shame here; deciding to forget about something that's causing you stress can help you focus on other essential things. But it's still a decision, and there's usually a desire to reach for more that remains and sometimes spawns regrets that can stay with you for a long time.

In this podcast episode, we'll dive into being accountable and personally responsible for your life. There will also be some tips here about embracing responsibility and being accountable in your Law Of Attraction Lifestyle. My intention for this episode is that it will inspire you to step into your own co-creative power.


It's time for The Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.

04:04 Who I Am & Why Magnetic Me

Welcome to episode 77! I'm Marcie Robinson, and I'm so glad you're here today. Thanks so much for sharing this with me! Leave the world outside for a bit and get comfortable in our safe space here so you can become more magnetic to all the things you want.

I'm sure you know what accountability and responsibility are, but just to do my due diligence, I'll give a brief explanation to start so you know how each one fits into your manifesting process.

My Go-To Starting Point When Manifesting Seems Slow

07:05 What’s The Diff? Responsibility & Accountability

As with so many things in life, these two concepts are related with a distinct difference.

In short, personal responsibility is about taking ownership of our lives and making choices that align with our values. Think of it as the foundation for accountability.

Personal responsibility means that we own our thoughts, feelings, and actions and recognize that we can create our own outcomes in life. It requires;

  • being self-aware
  • making choices based on our values and beliefs
  • accepting the consequences of those choices

Accountability, on the other hand, refers to being responsible for the outcomes of our actions and being willing to answer for those outcomes.

It requires;

  • being answerable to ourselves and others for our choices, actions, and results
  • and taking steps to make things right if we fall short

And as you can guess, these things are sometimes not very popular because it means that blaming other people for circumstances we find ourselves in, mistakes we've made, or failures we've had is strictly out!

It also means that we may need to change some of our behaviors. Letting go of blame as a way to cope with life means we embrace;

  • being more reliable and dependable
  • demonstrating integrity and honesty in all we do
  • showing respect for others, even the people we don't like
  • taking care of ourselves physically and emotionally
  • fulfilling our obligations to our families, community, and our society

Depending on where a person is right now in their life, it could be some work, and it could hurt a little. But the reward is a foundation for living a meaningful and successful life.

Let's Play "If You Were My Client"...And No Eye Rolling, Please

09:22 Coaching Questions About Personal Responsibility

If you're my client and I'm coaching you on manifesting, personal responsibility will definitely come up in our conversations. Here are some sample questions you can bet I might ask you along the way to help you understand the importance of personal responsibility in the manifesting process. And if you want to write these questions down and answer them for yourself, feel to do so. Here we go;

  1. How do you take responsibility for your thoughts and emotions?
  2. Do you know how your thoughts and emotions influence your ability to manifest?
  3. How do you hold yourself accountable for your actions toward your goals?
  4. Do you believe you have the power to create the reality you desire, or do you feel it's outside of your control?
  5. How do you respond to setbacks or challenges during the manifesting process?
  6. How do you maintain a positive mindset and take action towards your goals, even when things don't go as planned?
  7. How do you balance the need for action and effort with the ability to surrender and trust the process?
  8. Do you believe that you're worthy of achieving your desires?
  9. Do you take responsibility for creating that reality for yourself?

If you take the time to answer these questions, I'd love to know some of your answers. You can let me know on my social media pages. I'll make a post for this and share a comment or two.

Now if you, as my client, question why I'm asking you questions that you may think are harsh, know that as your coach, it's my role to help you understand that responsibility is a crucial part of co-creating the life you deserve. Hopefully, other parts of my job will help you accept what I'm saying so you can move forward, like my role of supporting you or empowering you while you take ownership of your energy and goals, even when it's challenging. But if that's a problem for you, then it could signal some issues you'll want to discuss with your coach.

Let's talk just for a minute about what could be going on there.

Know That Coaching Can Cause Some Agitation

11:52 Indications of Avoiding A Responsibility Mindset

As a client paying a coach your good, hard-earned money, there are some good reasons you might get upset with your coach when they question your commitment to your progress and start talking about owning things and staying accountable to you yourself.

  1. Resistance to change: It could be some resistance to change which is very normal. Of course, it feels uncomfortable when your beliefs or actions are challenged. When your responsibility is questioned, or your coach is trying to hold you accountable, it may trigger some feelings of discomfort, defensiveness, or resistance to change.
  2. Misaligned expectations: Some people may have unrealistic ideas of what a manifesting coach can do for them. They may believe that the coach's role is to provide them with a magic formula for manifesting their dreams. I have great frameworks for this, but I'm honest in that it takes some inner work to follow the frameworks. What kind of inner work, you ask. Well, for a start, things like identifying and addressing any limiting beliefs or behaviors that may be holding you back. Once your coach helps you with these things, shows you how to do them, and supports you, it gets easier.
  3. Lack of trust: Some people may feel that their coach is being too critical or judgmental rather than supportive and encouraging. They may feel that their coach isn't empathetic to their situation or isn't invested in their success. You definitely want to speak to your coach to iron out any misunderstanding.
  4. Communication issues: Sometimes, communication issues may arise between a coach and a client, leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. The coach may come across as overly critical or harsh, even if that wasn't their intention. They may need to take some responsibility for that.

It's important to remember that a good manifesting coach should be supportive, encouraging, and empowering while also challenging their clients to take responsibility for their actions and beliefs. If you feel your coach isn't a good fit for you, it's okay to seek a different coach who better aligns with your needs and expectations.

Situation Critical; Changing Mindsets

14:47 Creative Components For Owning Your Mindset

Being responsible and staying accountable for ourselves allows us to take control of our lives; it goes a long way to feeling and being empowered to manifest our desires and achieve our goals. When we accept that personal responsibility and accountability are part of the process, all of a sudden, we're more likely to do the things that are required to transform our circumstances.

  • take consistent and inspired action
  • align our energy with our desires
  • cultivate self-awareness
  • become attuned to inner guidance and intuition
  • stay focused and committed to our goals

Why Placing Blame Is A Non-Starter For A Co-Creator

15:31 Ditching Blame To Better Your Manifesting

Blaming someone else for your circumstances or lack of manifesting makes it hard to attract what you want because it takes away your power and places it smack-dab in the hands of others.

As someone who cares about your manifesting, please be on the lookout for the slightest hint of blame in your thoughts or emotions because it signals three common pitfalls I've seen over and over again;

  1. Lack of control: Blaming someone else for your circumstances or lack of manifestation creates a sense of powerlessness. When you believe that your situation is entirely the result of someone else's actions or decisions, you may feel like you have no control over your life. This sense of powerlessness can create resistance to the manifesting process, making it difficult to attract what you want.
  2. Negative energy: Blaming others for your circumstances creates negativity, and you know that if it's strong enough, it can halt all the good things you've been working toward.
  3. Victim mentality: Blaming others creates and/or shows thinking and feeling like a victim. It's dangerous to your manifesting abilities to believe that you're powerless to change your circumstances. That type of mindset limits your ability to take inspired action toward your desires and creates more resistance.


Freebie Time

17:19 Get My Latest Freebie, Self-Talk Switch-Ups!


Manifest The Good Stuff

22:45 Take Back Your Manifesting Power

Let's go back to the list at the top of this episode I gave you. You know which one I mean. I'm talking about the list of things to remember when searching for a coach. That's where I will be taking tips from today to help you step into your power and get that transformation you're looking for.

Let's start with being responsible for your manifesting.

  1. Be clear on what you want: Take the time to think about & clarify your desires and intentions. Get specific as possible about what you want to manifest.
  2. Monitor your thoughts: Be mindful of what's going on in your head and emotions. Be on the lookout for blame or limiting beliefs that may be blocking your co-creative style. Take responsibility for your thoughts and beliefs by choosing to focus on positive and empowering ones that support your manifesting goals. That's where using those switch-up cards I just told you about can help.
  3. Take inspired action: Manifesting requires action but not just any type of action. Be responsible by taking inspired action that moves you closer to your goals. That means you''ll be trusting your intuition and taking the necessary steps towards your actualizations as soon as possible when the steps are shown to you, even if they feel uncomfortable or challenging.
  4. Stay committed: Manifesting's a process, and it takes time and a bit of effort to bring your desires into reality. Take responsibility for your commitment to the process by being focused and persistent. Keep your goals in mind and stay committed to your manifesting journey, even when it feels difficult or slow.
  5. Embrace those challenges and setbacks: Manifesting isn't always easy, and challenges and setbacks are a natural part of the process. Be responsible for your responses to them by seeing them as opportunities for growth and learning. Reframe them as stepping stones towards your manifesting rather than obstacles.

Now let's talk about being accountable to yourself, your coach, or others.

  1. Find an accountability partner: If you have a trusted person in your life that you know will support you in your manifesting, ask them to be your accountability partner. You can share your clear, specific goal with them. If you don't have a coach or a partner, then at least write it in your journal. Then check in with your person or journal, sharing how you're doing with your goal often. It can be at a specific or planned interval or just a text saying, "Hey, this is what I'm working on!" It can really help with your motivation. And knowing that your accountability partner will ask about it will keep you moving on it.
  2. Establish a plan: I'm throwing this one in with a disclaimer. It might not be for everyone meaning if you have anxiety about being too organized, it could do more harm than good. Also, the super-organized perfectionist can falter here. And manifesting doesn't really require a plan. Some day you can ask me how I know. But...If you want to, you can create a plan of action for achieving your manifesting goals. Break down your goals into smaller, more achievable steps, and again, if you want to, set deadlines for each step. This can help you stay on track and accountable for your progress. My only word of caution here is to not get too caught up in the deadlines. I know people like to have 'em, but if you don't reach the required step by the deadline, let it be okay. Set a new one, maybe one that's a bit more realistic, or perhaps you'd like to break things down a bit more to see some progress faster. Or do away with timelines altogether if it makes you feel negative about your goal or yourself. Remember that lack of progress doesn't mean the universe or LOA is slow. It's usually because of something we're doing or not doing that's getting in its way. This is a place where some of that self-responsibility can help. Also, please remember everything happens in perfect time if we allow it, and inspired action is better than senseless effort any day.
  3. Measure your progress: Regularly check in on your progress towards your manifesting goals. This doesn't always work for everyone, but if you think it will help you, use measurable metrics to track your progress, such as how many times you meditated or visualized your desires. The disclaimer here is that those things can help create alignment through your energy but doing exercises and techniques for the sake of doing them and putting a check on a checklist doesn't necessarily get you there. However, if it makes you feel good, this can help you see your progress and stay accountable for your results if you're into that.
  4. Celebrate your successes: Always acknowledge and celebrate your successes along the way. And do it again and again! I suggest writing down the synchronicities and signs that really grab your attention. I give my clients a list for doing this in their journals. When you're having a down day, seeing these things can help you stay motivated and accountable for continuing your manifesting journey.
  5. Reflect on challenges: When you encounter challenges or setbacks, take the time to think on what happened and what you can learn from the experience. Journal about it and let it out. It will create space for you to absorb the lesson and avoid mistakes in the future. This will help you stay accountable for your response to challenges and develop resilience.


I can't express enough how grateful I am for you and the gift of your time. Your support, feedback, and enthusiasm are what keep me going, and it's an honor to share my passion for manifesting with you. I truly believe in your power to manifest your dreams and desires, and I'm here to help you along the way. So, let's keep this adventure going. Together, we can create the life we desire and deserve. Thanks for being an awesome listener & co-creative enthusiast!


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Thanks for being here, and remember to Get Your Shine ON because the world is always so much better for it when you do!

Take care, and I can't wait for next time!