Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

From Doubt to Destiny: Ignite Your Faith and Manifest Like Never Before

The Magnetic Me; You + Law Of Attraction Podcast - Episode 81





Imagine you have a strong desire to manifest a specific sum of money, with your purpose being to create a life of financial freedom. Some of the things you might well put on your mental to-do list in this instance are to:

  • Set specific goals for increasing your income
  • Attract new opportunities
  • And get to work on building wealth

However, doubt creeps in as you embark on your manifesting journey and focus on your goals. Thoughts like 'Can I really achieve this level of financial success?' or 'Am I worthy of this kind of abundance?' begin to take over your thoughts. You may even find yourself questioning the effectiveness of manifesting and whether or not it's all just wishful thinking.

This doubt, my least favorite hurdle to manifesting btw, can be fueled by past experiences, societal conditioning, or fear of failure. It can create a sense of uncertainty and hinder your progress. You might second-guess your abilities and become hesitant to take inspired actions or even sabotage your own manifestations.

But it's important to recognize that doubt is a natural part of the process. Everybody experiences doubt at some point, especially when it comes to what we think of as big goals; for many of us, one of them is financial abundance, and that's why I started out with that example. But we all know that doubt isn't limited to that goal. In today's podcast episode, I'm going to answer the question;

How can I overcome doubt and maintain a positive mindset while manifesting?

  1. First, I'll break down why we're susceptible to this emotion in the first place.
  2. Next, we'll talk about why distrust destroys what you're working to achieve.
  3. I'll explain why doubt and clarity are connected in terms of manifesting.
  4. Then, we'll explore how to deal with doubt to combat any disbelief and cultivate faith.
  5. And finally, I'll give tell you what manifesting techniques I've found most helpful & effective to help you ditch the doubt.

That means it's time for the Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.


It's time for The Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.

06:50 Who I Am & Why Magnetic Me


Hello there, and thanks for stopping by to check out episode 81 of the podcast. I'm Marcie Robinson, and I'm so grateful you're here and happy to see you in our magnetic space today so you can be aligned with all the things you'd like to attract into your life!


You know as a manifesting enthusiast that the way to make yourself attractive to your desires is to cultivate a strong, unwavering sense of faith. But as a manifesting enthusiast, you also know it sometimes isn't an easy thing to do.

Heck, being human, it's very easy to feel doubt when we sit down and think about what we want our manifesting efforts to bring us. There are just so many factors and challenges that we encounter in our daily lives, such as;

  • Our own and often limited perspectives we've created through our personal experiences, beliefs, and conditioning. There's no shame here because we all have some limiting beliefs. But having them can make it challenging to have unwavering faith in something that's beyond our immediate understanding or tangible evidence. Doubts easily arise because we rely heavily on our senses and logical reasoning, which don't always align with the abstract or spiritual aspects of faith.
  • Memory plays a role here, too, especially when we've had a negative experience or disappointment in our past that could relate to our desire in some way. Or we remember the opinions of those we love who've told us negative things and taught us based on their experiences; it's normal for doubts to come to the surface then. And it can be difficult to escape the influence of skeptical attitudes in any environment. For most, the workplace is filled with different perspectives you can bump into at any time, and they're not always the most pleasant or agreeable to what we're trying to achieve.
  • We're also prone to fear. It's human nature to fear failure, rejection, or the unknown, which can create those doubts for us. Our inherent need for control and security can make it difficult to surrender to faith because it involves embracing uncertainty and trusting in a higher power or unseen forces that can be difficult to think of as being real. How many times do we hear, "I'll believe it when I see it, "as an example?
  • The human mind tends to rely on rational thinking and evidence-based approaches. Faith, on the other hand, often goes well beyond what can be logically explained or proven. This conflict between faith and the inclination to seek out tangible evidence can block our ability to fully embrace and sustain faith.
  • Society, cultural norms, and external influences can all impact cultivating trust. Social expectations, peer pressure, and conflicting belief systems may create times for us when we question our faith. It can be challenging to maintain it when it goes against societal norms or is not supported by the majority.

Just like manifesting itself, faith is a deeply personal and individual experience.


Doubt counteracts manifestation because it neutralizes the power of belief. When you have a desire, and you're consciously working to attract it but don't have any faith in the co-creative process, the Law Of Attraction gets confused. This is where so many of us will start getting things showing up for us that will confuse us! Of course, the combination of the focus on the goal and the vibration of doubt and confusion attracts stuff that's often the opposite of what we're going for.

Feeling a lack of anything, including faith, is the top reason we can't shift and create the momentum we want in our manifesting efforts. Doubt and belief cannot coexist harmoniously because doubt undermines the effectiveness of positive thoughts and intentions we're trying sooo hard to create. Not only that, but doubt can reinforce your limiting beliefs, making them harder to release over time.


If clarity isn't the first thing you think about when pondering the effects of doubt in your manifesting, I don't blame you. At first glance, they don't have much to do with one another. But hold on because a little clarity can work wonders. Here's how;

  1. When you have doubts, including self-doubt or mistrust about your manifesting goals, it can create a mental and emotional fog, making it difficult to maintain a clear and focused mindset. On the other hand, doubts tend to diminish when you clearly understand what you want to manifest, why it matters to you, how it aligns with your values and aspirations, and what you can do about it. So, clarity provides a strong foundation for belief and confidence in manifesting your desires.
  2. A clear vision of your goals helps you stay positive and motivated. It reinforces your belief that your desires are achievable and worth pursuing. This positive mindset, in turn, helps to counteract doubt and keeps you focused on taking inspired action toward your manifestations. That means you can release resistance more easily, and your intentions flow more freely.

By gaining some clarity, your belief in manifesting and the process strengthens. You become more certain about the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead. And certainty just happens to be the opposite of doubt. So, while I can't promise you'll never have another doubt, looking to clarify your goals and intentions can be a super booster to creating that momentum in your manifesting when doubts start popping up.

Now that we've talked a little about the what and the why, we're going to take a little break so I can tell you about a new feature that I'm putting together so we can stay connected between these podcast episodes.




As with anything else I talk about here, if your doubts have a strong hold on you, it will take some consistent effort and even a proactive approach to combating them. Let me give you a few things you can work on when the pull to "do" something to manifest your desires is strong and you want to feel like you're helping the process along.

  • Clarify your desires: Clearly define what you want to manifest. The more specific and detailed your desires are, the easier it becomes to stay focused and maintain positivity. Write them down and review them regularly to reinforce your intentions.
  • Set realistic expectations: It's important to set some of these for the manifesting process. Understand that manifestation takes time and may not always unfold exactly as you envision. Be open to unexpected opportunities and trust that the universe has a plan for bringing your desires to fruition.
  • Take care of yourself: Practice some self-care and compassion. When you feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally, it's great for your manifesting mindset. Engage in activities that bring you joy, find some self-care rituals you like to practice, prioritize rest and relaxation, and surround yourself with positive influences. Nurturing self-love and self-worth helps combat doubt as much as anything else.
  • Be aware and redirect your thoughts: Pay attention to any negative or doubtful patterns. You know what I'm about to say. When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, consciously redirect them towards positive and empowering ones.
  • Surround yourself with positivity: As much as possible, spend time with people and places that uplift and support your manifesting journey. Engage in positive conversations (avoid gossip!), read inspiring books, listen to motivational audio, or join communities of like-minded individuals focused on personal growth and manifestation. This helps you stay motivated, inspired, and aligned with your positive mindset.
  • Practice gratitude: Cultivate a regular practice to shift your focus towards the positive aspects of your life. Take time each day to express gratitude for the things you have already manifested and the blessings in your life.
  • Celebrate your progress: Acknowledge and celebrate the small wins because they show your progress in manifesting! It will boost your confidence, affirms your ability to manifest, and strengthen your positive mindset.
  • Feel connected to your source: Remember the power of the universe and that you're connected to it! Realize that everything is unfolding in divine timing and that the right opportunities and resources will come your way. It allows you to release control and stay open to the possibilities that are coming.

Remember, this is a continuous practice. Consistency and commitment to any strategy will help you stay on track and create a positive, empowered state of mind throughout your manifesting journey.

Freebie Time




I get asked all the time about specific techniques and exercises you can use to minimize doubt and build faith. Here are a few effective methods I use in my coaching practice with my clients:

  1. Affirmations are positive statements that help reprogram your subconscious mind and reinforce positive beliefs. Create affirmations that align with your desired manifestations and repeat them regularly, preferably in front of your mirror, or write them in a notebook or journal. For example, "I'm worthy of abundance and success," or "I trust in the process of manifestation and believe in my power to create my reality."
  2. Visualization is a powerful technique where you imagine yourself already experiencing your desired outcomes in vivid detail. Engage your senses and feel the emotions associated with achieving your goals. Practice regular visualization sessions, especially before bedtime or getting out of bed. When we're sleeping, the door to our subconscious mind is open. While that door is open, you want to provide the subconscious with the details of your desires. You'd be surprised how fast things manifest when you use this practice consistently.
  3. Cultivating gratitude is an effective way to shift your focus toward the positive aspects of your life and strengthen your belief in the universe's abundance. Take time each day to express thanks for what you already have and the manifestations on their way. Create a gratitude journal or simply express your gratitude out loud to reinforce positivity and diminish doubt.
  4. Scripting involves writing out your desired manifestations as if they have already happened. Use present tense and be as detailed as possible. Write in a way that evokes positive emotions and reinforces your belief in the manifesting process. This exercise helps align your subconscious mind with your desires and reduces doubt by creating a clear and compelling vision.
  5. Monitor self-talk and consciously replace negative or doubtful thoughts with positive and empowering statements. Do this once or twice a day. Becoming aware of your language and listening to how you say what you think or speak about your manifestations can give you some powerful insights. Reframe any doubts or limiting beliefs into affirmations of confidence and possibility. Practice positive self-talk consistently to strengthen your belief system.
  6. Collect the evidence and keep a record of any signs, synchronicities, or small manifestations that occur along the way. Create a manifesting journal where you document these occurrences. I can help you with creating your journal when you become part of my membership. Using this exercise serves as evidence that the manifestation process is working and reinforces your belief in your ability to manifest everything you want.
  7. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who are also focused on manifesting their desires. Engage in communities, forums, or groups where you can share your experiences, learn from others, and receive support and encouragement. Being in a supportive environment enhances your belief and minimizes doubt.

Incorporate the techniques and strategies we've talked about into your daily routine and make them a habit. But don't do them all at once! Focus on one technique or strategy for a week or two. See how it goes, adjust as needed, and switch them up when you tire of them. The more you practice, the stronger your belief will become, and the more you'll minimize doubt in the manifesting process!!! Remember that doubt is not an indication of failure or inadequacy; it's an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. It's through facing and addressing our doubts that we can cultivate unwavering faith and belief in the manifestation process.

Thanks so much for joining me today; if you'd like a bit more to get the full experience of this podcast episode, go over to my Manifest With Marcie hub on Passes. This week, to continue this conversation, I'm putting up some mindset shifts to help you overcome doubt, and I'm giving you some affirmations to go with each mindset shift!

The best part is that it's free to access by clicking on the Manifest With Marcie link.

I'd love to get your thoughts, suggestions, and questions over there, so don't be shy; go on over and check 'em out.

32:39 THANK YOU! πŸ™

I can't express enough how grateful I am for you and the gift of your time. Your support, feedback, and enthusiasm are what keep me going, and it's an honor to share my passion for manifesting with you. I truly believe in your power to manifest your dreams and desires, and I'm here to help you along the way. So, let's keep this adventure going. Together, we can create the life we desire and deserve. Thanks for being an awesome listener & co-creative enthusiast!

33:10 REMINDERS πŸ“ƒ

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  • Share this podcast with friends and family who are interested in manifestation and want to unlock their manifesting powers.
  • Leave a review and rating on iTunes or other podcast platforms to help me reach more people and spread the message of how you can co-create the things that are important to you.
  • Join my brand new Manifest With Marcie Portal for additional manifestation tips, updates, and discussions.

33:39 CLOSING πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

Thanks for being here, and remember to Get Your Shine ON because the world is always so much better for it when you do!

Take care, and I can't wait for next time!

In the meantime, find me here.