Video Q & A Money

What's The Best Technique To Manifest Money?

Welcome to our Ignition Q&A this week. I'm Marcie Robinson from IYLC. 


Today I'm answering a question from one of my newer clients. I love having a new client because they have all kinds of great questions that get me thinking. This question though is one that many, many people ask, so I thought I'd share it with you in case you were wondering too.


So Diondre asked me,

"What is the best technique you have for manifesting money?"


Now when I work with a client, I'm able to get a sense of what will be best for them. It kind of works like this. I ask questions and suggest processes based on their answers and how they're feeling. Makes sense, right? But the answer you want is what I could recommend for you right now that will help you manifest money?


The answer to this question isn't as simple as either one of us would like it to be, I'm sure. The truth is that different things will work better for you than others will. That's because everyone is at a different place in learning how to manifest. Just because something works well for me doesn't necessarily mean it will bring you results the first time you try it.

And if you've been following our series of Q&A's over the last few weeks, you'll likely know that if you've had some difficulties attracting the money you are not alone.


Best Tips for Manifesting Money or Anything Else

However, I can give you some general ideas that you may want to try adopting for yourself that will help you manifest pretty much anything you want. These are things that help get you ready to attract the stuff you want.


  1. Understand that you came to this earth with the ability to use the Law of Attraction built into you. It's a feature that comes with every human being because we have a brain to think with; we have emotions and the ability to act on both. You're attracting stuff to you all the time; it's just a matter of understanding that you have a choice in this matter. If you don't feel worthy of having good things, then you'll want to start re-programming your mind a little to allow for it to show up. And it's never a case of not being worthy of what you want. It's always a question of whether what you wish to have is worthy of you. Think about that a little. You are plenty worthy, I promise.
  2. Then I would suggest choosing one thing you want to have and start working toward it. In this case, it's probably money. You'll want to select an amount that feels believable for you to attract. If $1,000 feels like too much, start at $500. Now let me make myself clear, don't ask yourself how much you want. Ask yourself how much feels comfortable right now. Once those smaller amounts start showing up, you can increase the amounts, and it will feel believable then.
  3. Make an intention and let it go. I've talked recently about affirming and forgetting. Do that. Do it with all amounts of money. You already know that the importance human beings put on money makes it one of the more difficult things to manifest. So once you have the intention, formally make a moment for yourself, state it, and let it go. Walk away from it and leave it be. Try forgetting that you even made the intention for that amount of money like you'd forget to go to the gym if you could. 
  4. Create a general mantra that you can tell yourself to make random amounts of money, showing up more natural for you to accept. I know you're probably thinking, "Hey, I have no hang-ups about accepting money!" but I promise you probably do. Let me ask you this. Do you believe that money just appears randomly? If the answer is no or it's never happened to you before, then you may have some sort of mental block keeping it from coming to you. Create an easy-to-remember affirmation tucked away in your brain to repeat whenever money pops into your mind. Use your own words that feel positive and flow smoothly. I might say something like, "Money always comes to me in any amount I want it to, exactly when I want it to with ease and with grace." Now you know what my money mantra is. 


I know that these tips may sound a bit too easy to have money knocking at your door in no time. If they do, it's because you probably think it's hard to attract money. But it's not hard when you convince yourself that it isn't. I promise that I have a much easier time finding money appearing from seemingly nowhere because I've convinced myself it's easy to find it. 


Manifesting takes form through a process, so make the process of manifesting as seamless and effortless as you can, and you'll be happy.


That's it for this week but please do Get Your Shine ON! When you shine, you make the world that much better for all of us.