Video Q & A

What Is The Cost Of Manifesting?

Are you wasting energy on manifesting things you don't want? Listen to this week's podcast below. 

This week, we have another fantastic question that you might be wondering about as well. It came from from Mike. Thanks, Mike. He asked,

"Does manifestation have a cost?"

Cause and effect. It's a big factor for a happy realization.

The easiest way to understand this is to understand another essential universal law, which is the Law of Cause and Effect. It tells us that for every effect, there's a cause, and for every cause, there's an effect. There are a bunch of universal laws out there, and they all work together. What we end up manifesting through the Law of Attraction is the result of how these laws are working in our lives.

The other important thing to understand is that without us, or more precisely without our energy, these laws wouldn't have nearly as much to do. It's because we can think, feel, and take action that we activate these laws to work on our behalf. The thing is that because we are a spirit living in these physical forms, and because we are all responsible for what we do individually, we will manifest all kinds of things into our lives daily.

Now, let's understand that the meaning of manifestation is that it's something that happens when we align with something. In other words, it's just another sign of alignment. We happen to align ourselves with things we determine are bad for us as well as things we think are good for us. The way we do that is through, and I'm sure you can guess the right answer, we align through those thoughts, emotions, and the actions that we take. Another way to think of this is that what we believe to be true, is what we manifest.

Because of the law of cause and effect, which by the way, Ralph Waldo Emerson felt was the "law of laws', we will always be manifesting something. Let's think about this in our real-life terms. What has happened to you today that you can attribute directly to something you did? It could be something as simple as setting your alarm last night, causing you to get up this morning. Then the reason you got to work on time (the effect) was that you got up when the alarm went off. Our lives are a series of this type of event manifesting. We manifest stuff all day long, every single day. We're just not taught to think of it in this way. In our example today, part of the cost for aligning yourself with getting to work on time was that you got out of bed when that alarm rang.


Know that cost is a relative term in all manifestations.

Now, when we use the Law of Attraction, the cost of attracting our desires might not be what you think it will be. It could be changing your energy by way of shifting that mindset or learning how to manage your emotions. It could also be taking some action in the physical. Or, it just as easily might be letting go of something to make room for your desire to manifest. So, yes, there's always a cost, meaning some form of exchange in energy.

If you're worried about karma coming back and biting you in the backside, or what might happen in the larger scheme of things for yourself or others, please don't. Karma is the law of action in motion, but by controlling our inner world, we can improve our karma drastically. Remember, these universal-type laws work together.

When you manifest something good for yourself, don't be afraid that you're taking away anything from anyone else. Creation is done. There's nothing that can be created that already isn't created energetically. It's when you align yourself with something that it will show up for you or manifest. That's why you can't take something away from someone else. So start thinking about the cost of manifesting as something that you can easily handle.

I love, love, love these questions, thanks for each on and please keep them coming.

Remember that when you shine, the world is a better place, so go and;

Get Your Shine ON!