Video Q & A

What If My Partner And I Have Contrasting Desires?

It's hard to put in the effort and not get the desired results. Listen to our podcast about effort and blocking the LOA below.

Welcome to this week's Ignition Blog! I'm Marcie Robinson here with our question of the week. This time it's an email question from Carla who asks:

"I'd like to know what happens if two people who are in a relationship with each other are both using the LOA to manifest something different, and the two outcomes are in contrast to one another?"

That's a fabulous question, Carla! Thanks for it. I'm sure there are a lot of other people who would like to know the answer to this one too.


Let's start at the beginning because sometimes, that's where the clues to the answers are. There's a good reason for it if you've ever heard the LOA referred to as the "Law of One." That's because the LOA works with everyone on this earth. It does it as though each one of us was the only person that it worked for. You have the complete attention of the Law of Attraction at all times! If that seems a bit creepy to you, sorry, but just that's how it works, and it gets even more disturbing. Not only that, but because you are energy and the LOA is only paying attention to the energy that you put out into the universe, it knows what you want as well. Sometimes even before you do, now, don't be too weirded out about this because the LOA has no hidden motives or secrets. It's just there to direct similar energies back to you so that you know what you've been doing vibrationally. Therefore, you can think of the Law of Attraction as being the ultimate learning tool for manifesting what you want.


What happens when your energies come together?

When it comes to relationships when two people come together, there's a new kind of energy created as an offshoot of the types of energy each one is bringing into that relationship. If you've ever had to deal with someone that you felt very uncomfortable with, then that feeling of being uncomfortable for you was likely because there was something in their energy field that didn't match up with what was in yours. If your energies didn't mix well, there were likely a bit like oil and water, not able to blend nicely. Now, think about your bestie. The reason you feel relaxed and you're able to have a good time with them is that the two of you have energies that do mix nicely together. So when you have two people coming together in say, a romantic relationship, then there's a reason that you feel that "chemistry" when you're with them. It's all about those energies that attract one another.

Now, when you want something to come into your life that seems to be at odds with the desire of your romantic partner, then it's easy to get all kinds of ideas about who's right and wrong. But in the world of energy, there isn't a "right" or "wrong." Energy just is. There is high vibrating energy and low vibrating energy.


The universe can deliver what's best for you both.

When you invite the Law of Attraction to help you with your quest for your desires, remember that universal energies have access to all kinds of information that you don't. The universe has the absolute broadest expansive view possible where our human minds are confined in many areas. We can't possibly know, see or understand all that the universe does. It knows who has what you want, what you need to make it happen, and what's going to be the highest good for you and everyone involved.

Remember that a genuine desire is born out of your spirit. There's a good reason why you want what you want. When you're seeking to have more, to do more, or to be more, that desire is your spirit speaking to you for your highest good. It may not always line up with what your partner wants for you, but that's no reason to give up on it. There are ways and means that you know not of. If there weren't any, then no one would believe in miracles.

So my suggestion would be that when you ask the LOA for help, then also request that the circumstances you desire also line up for the highest good of all involved. There are a million ways for you to get what you want with the help of the universe, so don't limit the universe with how you'll allow it to get to you. There's an answer for everything. If you and your partner are aligned with one another, then you can have your desire in a way that suits both of you. It certainly isn't going to be a problem for the Law of Attraction.