Video Q & A

What Happens When Two People Are Manifesting The Same Thing? (With Only One Being Available?)

Please remember that we all manifest all the time. Someone who doesn't believe in the LOA is manifesting an outcome just as much as the person who does. The question is whether or not you're doing it consciously! The second story below is told from the viewpoint of the source of the desire. The real info there is in how the two people who were in the situation with him acted. How the wanted person's response brought about a result that included one of the other people in the story tells you that she did what was needed to manifest a relationship with him. 


Today's question is one I've seen asked several times recently. I've also got it in the past, and I've seen the scenario of it play out in "real life" as well. It's always interesting to see how things work out.

The question is this: when two people try manifesting the same thing (with there seemingly being only one of the "thing"), how does the LOA choose who gets it?

Now we're talking! It's a provocative one because so much of what happens depends on the people in question. It seems as though the correct answer would be that the person who's best at manifesting would get it. But that's not always the case. Yes, it's true in theory. But for the most part, we all have times when we are fantastic at realizing our desires, and there are other times when we're not. Let me explain.

The first thing I want to remind you of is that the universe has a very expanded view of things while our perspective is minimal. What we think is possible and what the cosmos knows can happen are two very different things indeed! It's a bit like when we're in our homes. When we're there, we're in one room, presumably with four walls. It's harder for us to imagine what's going on outside of those walls while we're indoors. But when we leave our homes to go to work or run errands or do something fun, suddenly our view of things changes because our surroundings change. What we see is an expanded view.

Now to put things into perspective here, imagine what the universe sees. It sees everything. It knows where all the people are, what we all need to succeed, what we're feeling (because of the vibes we're putting out). It also sees what our challenges are, where we struggle, and what we can do about them. It knows the quickest, best way to get us what we want. It's basically like Google Earth or the internet on steroids. It knows everything there is to know about all the planets in every galaxy there is and beyond. That's why we want to trust the universe.

So when we come up against an obstacle such as a lack of something we want, there's only one thing to do. Keep in mind that there are infinite possibilities for fulfilling our desires. What I mean by that is that we're human, right? Even if there is only one of this particular thing in the entire world, we don't know everything else that's out there. There may be something else that can fulfill our desire even better than what we have in mind.

In a couple of cases, I've seen, and one that I've experienced myself, by the way, the people who truly got what they wanted, were the ones that had the open mind and trusted that the right thing would fill the desire they had.

In one case, it was a one-of-a-kind painting done by a local artist that my client manifested. One of the reasons she'd wanted it is because she'd known the artist. She did have a couple of small works by him already; he'd given them to her. But there was a certain painting she knew she had to have. That particular painting was one he was working on when they were the closest, and it had a special meaning for her. When he died, she knew she wanted it to remember him by and to remember their special time together. She had some very stiff competition for it when it went up for auction. She didn't have a lot of money, but her bid won out in the end. That's because she consciously used what she knew about the LOA to get it.

In another case, the subject of the desire was a person. I'll be talking more about this type of circumstance soon in terms of manifesting a soulmate. But for now, let's just say there was a love triangle going on. It all took place about five years ago. It may sound romantic to have two people fight over you, but that isn't always the case. My client, Troy, happened to be the source of all the drama and felt terrible that two special ladies had their hopes pinned on him. Troy cared pretty deeply for both parties involved and didn't want to make a choice. In the end, though, a decision was made. Now my client was using the LOA to attract the right person for him when all of this occurred. Both girls knew he was dating the other; he'd been honest with both of them. They were both very upfront with him that they wanted a lot more from him too. The story played out for about a year.

One day when I had a session with him, I asked how things were, and he told me that he'd broken off both relationships. When I asked him how he knew that was the best choice, it was because he'd surrendered the outcome to the universe. One of the ladies did something shortly after he'd done that. Her actions were not at all in alignment with what Troy wanted or who he was. It was a severe breach of trust, so much so that my client knew he couldn't be with her. That's when he realized she'd been hiding who she truly was to win him. That didn't sit well with him at all. He started questioning his judgment at that point. That's when Troy broke it off with both ladies. One girl was extremely angry with him, of course, and she told him she never wanted to see him again. The other gracefully accepted his decision even though it was clear she was disappointed. He couldn't deal with that type of pressure anymore.

Troy took some time to sort out his feelings about what had happened after that. He did some major self-reflection about what he wanted in his soulmate. One of the things that were important for him was that whoever he ended up being with had to be open to his beliefs about spirituality. He wanted them to share some mutual desires and work on manifesting them together. Once again, he left it up to the universe to show him the way. He found during that time that he couldn't stop thinking about the other girl that he'd broken things off with. He'd genuinely cared about her a lot. She did have similar morals and beliefs; they had tons of things in common. One day about eight months after all that drama had happened, they ran into one another in a completely random way. They decided to get a coffee and have a chat. Troy was thrilled to learn she was still single. They decided to start seeing each other again. They're now married and have an adorable three-year-old! So cute.

So my point in this answer is that the person who can surrender their desire wins the prize. That doesn't always mean they get what they wanted. It means they're open to something better coming along to fill that want. That's why I like many other manifesting teachers, always suggest asking for your wish or something better to show up for you. You may be surprised at just how well the universe knows you! The other person may or may not get the prize, that's up to how well they deal with their own vibes, but it's nothing for you to be concerned with. The LOA will give you what you want when you're in alignment with the greater good.

Until next time, Get Your Shine ON each day to make the world a better place to be!