Video Q & A

What Can I Do About My Law Of Attraction Fails?

Do you know how to detach yourself from need and want? Listen to our Magnetic Me podcast episode for more info.

Hey there, welcome, and thanks for checking out this Ignition blog post and our question of the week. I’m Marcie Robinson. Today I’m answering a question that came in through my website at just a couple of days ago. The asker of the question preferred to be anonymous, so I won’t use their name. But they said they’d like it to be a question that I answered on the blog. Let me read just a little of what they wrote. 

They said, “Hi Marcie. I’ve been listening to your podcast and thought that you might have an answer to this question. I want to use Law of Attraction, but I’m having a lot of trouble with it. I can’t seem to get things right. It’s been a while now and all I’ve been getting is stuff I don’t want. I’m not sure that I can wait much longer for things to turn around. What can I do about my Law of Attraction failures to move forward and get what I want?”

Well, first of all, let me thank you, podcast listener, for listening to my work on the Magnetic Me podcast and of course, for coming to this blog. Second, you are not alone, my friend. Learning how to work with universal forces is just like learning anything else. It takes some time and some practice! Here’s what I know to be true. 


Failing is a natural way to learn.

Failure is just a way of learning. What you might be thinking about as failures are lessons that will help to show you what not to do the next time. So I urge you to stop thinking of these things as big, fat fails, and start thinking of them as lessons. Accept that you will be given lessons along the way and be prepared for them when they come.

  • Next, take some time to write down what happened. And what I mean is don’t just replay what happened over and over in your mind. Think about what happened leading up to the lesson that you were given. That means going back and looking at what you may have been thinking or feeling or ways that you reacted to certain situations. Keep a record of them, so you reinforce the lessons, and it won’t take so darned long to learn from them. 

  • Then I would make an intention to let all of that go. Just close your eyes and see what happened that you’ve been thinking of as a failure. Put what happened and all the thoughts and feelings in a bubble and send that energy away from you. Just wave goodbye to it.  

  • Also, when you have your eyes closed, as it’s floating away in the bubble, be sure to send out some gratitude for that particular lesson and what it taught you. Being able to turn a negative situation into a more positive one is a sure way to start putting out a better vibe. It’s also a kind of hallmark of someone who’s great at manifesting. 

  • And after all of that, make a new intention to start again with your desire. Use what you’ve learned from what’s happened in the past and get going on it. Don’t give up! It works.  

  • Finally, when something good comes into your life, write it down. Having that positive proof will make it easier to let go of the negative energy and expect more of the positive to come!

Something that I’ve learned as a Law of Attraction coach is that when people get connected to their intuition, which is part of your internal guidance system, that these “lessons” as I’ve called them decrease. That’s because you start listening to what’s going on inside. Don't always rely on what’s happening on the outside. Now, I hope that helps.


This week, our featured freebie is what I like to call a “glimmer.” It’s a recorded exercise that I’ve done that will help you release some stress and connect you to your intuition. It can help give you a small glimmer of how your future could be when you’re living your ultimate Law of Attraction lifestyle. Scroll down and get access to that below!


Until next time, remember that when you generate good energy in the world, you’re not just helping yourself, you’re helping everyone, so go and Get Your Shine On!