Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

The Truth About Why You Should Be Enthusiastic For The Law Of Attraction

What's Your Law of Attraction Personality? See if you can find it in this Magnetic Me episode.

Ever been stuck like this?

When I think back to the first time I heard about LOA, I was ready to hear about it. That’s because I was stuck in a place that I desperately wanted to get out of. I was divorced, living in a tiny house with my two small dogs. I worked a job that while it paid the bills, barely, wasn’t ever going to give me the type of income I wanted. On top of that, it was extremely stressful, and I hated how it was sucking the life out of me every day. Yet I stayed with it because I had conditioned myself into believing that I had to. It paid those bills, yes, that was important. But I was so tired of feeling negativity crowding in around me every moment of the day. I was continually taking on all the energy of people who were angry, depressed, felt worthless, overwhelmed, and hopeless. Over time it was making me sick. Even more than that, what outweighed the job was the fact that I was missing out on so much else of what life has to offer.

Don’t get me wrong, I had plenty to be thankful for, and I was grateful for it. I still am. I had a great family, beautiful friends, my adorable pups, a job, a roof over my head, but I wanted more. I craved inspiration from my job. I wanted to do something I felt was necessary. Something that used my skills and talents and improved the lives of other people. I wanted to feel motivated to get up in the morning and get working. I just knew deep down that I could grow into bigger and better things. I wanted a family of my own. I didn’t have any children with my ex-husband, and I’d always wanted to be a mom. Lord knows I had plenty of affection to share. I was looking for the kind of love that I could count on. A relationship where I could feel comfortable being myself. I wanted a challenge; I wanted to create something that based on a deeper level of connection with others. I wanted to exchange ideas and understanding with people who would get me and what I could share. I wanted to feel enjoyable, uplifting and empowering energy all the time. I desired the vitality and wellness of body, mind, and spirit.

Connecting to a higher self.

In essence, that inner me, the spiritual one, was growing well beyond the place where I found myself. There was no doubt in my mind that I was holding myself back, but I was also coming from a place of low self-esteem. I was finding it difficult to break free. Add in my perfectionism, and I found myself going in circles. I was spending time expanding my boundaries only to snap myself back into the same starting position every time. I knew that I was missing something, and I began to search for it. My "nerdiness" influenced me into reading books, doing internet searches, and signing up for emails from people who knew a whole lot more than I did about how to live their best lives.

Amazingly enough, it was through an email that I learned about the Law of Attraction. That was back in late 2004. I remember the email was very long and was linked to an article that had been written by the person running the email list. I clicked on that link, and my mind was blown. That email list is no longer in existence; the author discontinued it a few years back. I’m just grateful that I signed up for it when I did. Included in the article were straightforward and direct instructions on using LOA. Now I’d heard about universal principles before through different books that didn’t necessarily describe them in that term. At the time, the movie The Secret was still about a year away. Works by Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles, Charles Haanel, James Allen, Thomas Troward, Neville Goddard, and the like weren’t new to me. I found them fascinating, but having been brought up in a religious family, I’d rejected most of the things they had to say. I couldn’t make any connections in my brain until I read this article. Then everything clicked. I could see the links to all of my prior learning and my religious upbringing, as well as my own experiences. The explanation of quantum physics and what science was starting to discover was what brought everything together for me.

I took those instructions, and I’ve never looked back. Since that exact moment on December 7, 2004, it’s been a road of learning through my own mistakes and feeling humbled by the greatness of life. Believe me when I say that my learning curve with the Law of Attraction was steep and frustrating at times. When I started getting good at it, I found people wanted my help. I didn’t offer it, I didn’t put myself out there, and I started coaching on Law of Attraction without any certification programs. I didn’t even think about myself as being a coach at the time. Someone else pointed it out to me several years later, and I was shocked to realize I’d started a whole new career without even knowing it. Of course, I’ve gained certifications since then in many things. However, I just started where I was, and little by little, I’ve moved forward. I’ve gained amazing mentors during this last decade and a half. I’m so amazed when I look back and see all the people who’ve been part of my life. And the people who’ve invited me into theirs. The insights I’ve gained from watching other people in their LOA journeys are so rewarding that I can’t even express my feelings without turning myself into a goopy, mascara-streaked mess.

Why should you be interested in the Law of Attraction?

Here are a few ways that becoming a serious student of the Law of Attraction has helped me. These reasons happen to be why I think you should be enthusiastic about this force described in many ways. See as you read these if you can drum up some excitement for your future with LOA.

  • You can believe in the Law of Attraction and still be religious. I think about the Law of Attraction as being one of the many ways that God operates in our lives. It’s given me a new and expanded view of the world and God. It’s shown me how great He is and how much He loves us. At the same time, if you don’t believe in God, it still works for you in precisely the same way. There’s no judgment in LOA.
  • It has provided me and so many others with a real and true sense of empowerment. It has helped me overcome so many self-esteem issues. It’s also helped me grow beyond any expectations of myself. It’s done the same for hundreds of other people that I know and have personally helped with it.
  • Life has taken on a new meaning for me since discovering the Law of Attraction. I know exactly why I’m here now and why everything that has ever happened to me has happened. I know now why I’ve made every choice I’ve ever made. I know exactly who I am and how God fits into my life. It's one of the most significant revelations of using the Law of Attraction. It doesn't always happen immediately. For most, it takes time and learning about who they are, not to mention many experiences. I believe that for those who are interested in genuinely connecting with their higher power or something greater than themselves, that LOA can help them find it. Of course, this means they are open to it, and they don’t give up. I’m not saying this is the only way to do this, but I think it does help.
  • I know that I have more control than I ever thought I had. When I say that, I’m talking about myself and my own life. Don’t get into the Law of Attraction if you want to control other people. It doesn’t work that way because the Law of Attraction works with the power of one. That’s you, and it’s the same way for everyone else in this world. However, my mind feels free from thousands of things that used to worry me.
  • Law of Attraction isn’t just about getting “stuff.” It’s not about being material, but you can certainly use it to attract what you need. That includes anything that’s going to enhance your life but not hurt anyone else. Because of the universal laws that govern our existence, I see checks and balances all the time. One of the things I love about universal laws is their consistency. The universe and God are so much bigger than we are, and we may not see it at the moment, but each one has that same opportunity to create with it.

So if you're wondering if you can be successful by using the Law of Attraction, I know that you can! I believe in you, and I’m here to support you if and when you need it.