Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

Showing Love And The Law Of Attraction Are Both In The Details

Catch our newest Magnetic Me Podcast Episode to know more about the language of love and the law of attraction!

While some of us patiently wait to hear those miraculous words (I love you), other people would instead be shown by actions. Letting someone know that you love them doesn’t have to be complicated. You may not know that by witnessing some of the over-the-top marriage proposals floating around on social media today. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with any of them; you do you. However, it may make some of the rest of us feel a bit inadequate comparing our amazingly easy, tender, but just as lovely moment to one that was built to resemble a game show win. One that happens to include an all-paid vacation to a tropical location, free dining set by a prolific furniture design company, a set of high-end appliances, and that most coveted prize of a brand new car.

Onward. The thing about love that I, well, love is that it’s so incredibly versatile. If you don’t believe me, visit the Miriam-Webster dictionary and read the definitions and synonyms used for it. It's one, mighty, and complicated four-letter word of the best kind. It's applied to all sorts of different situations and people in our lives. For instance, you can love your partner, your kids, your pets, your friends, your God, and your material possessions all at the very same time. The word can also be used to describe circumstances, feelings, and characteristics, among other things. In our weekly podcasts this month and on this blog, we’ve explored what love is, how it applies to the Law of Attraction, what not to do when you want it to be long-lasting, etc. As you can see, there’s no end to the type of subjects, materials, and testimonials that love can generate. I’d say our history and fascination with it is for an excellent reason.

My relationship with my husband keeps this ancient topic at the front of my mind. It’s not because he loves me that it’s always there. It is because of the million and one different ways he shows me every single day that he does. It doesn’t have to be much at all, think comfortable and relaxed here. Like holding my hand while we watch tv. How he touches my shoulder as he passes by in the kitchen. One of those incredibly low-key moments might be when he stops and gets me my favorite cup of coffee on his way home from work. Seriously, he does that just so I can "roll up the rim to win," (thank you Tim Hortons), and it always says the words for him. If you don’t know what I mean by that, then you may not be from Canada or know any Canadians. I try to inspire these things as much as possible myself, and I know that LOA does most of the work for me. ;)


In celebration of this most fantastic kind of love, I’ve been looking for inspiration. The aim is to show other people how you feel about them and catch the attention of the Law of Attraction at the same time. Here are four that I think you might be interested in knowing.

1. Give your attention

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I think that nobody in my entire house listens to what I say. Except for the dogs occasionally, maybe. And Siri, of course. Parents, you know what I mean. The chores haven’t been done that day, you’ve been reminding the kids about their homework, and you’re concerned all the screen time is going to burn their eyes out literally. Your significant other comes home, and they’ve forgotten to pick up that one thing you needed to make dinner. You’re so ready to lose your temper at this point. No, maybe you feel like crying instead. Perhaps you’ll do both for good measure.

When people aren’t listening to you, that’s a clue from Law of Attraction that you might need to listen to something that you aren’t hearing.

What??? Can you say that again?

Life is busy and often chaotic, no matter what your personal situation is. Everything competes for our attention all-the-time, and it’s exhausting. If it’s like this for you, what's it like for the people around you? Taking the time to listen, shows others that you’re interested in them. It also makes them feel like you're connected to them. So ask questions and then listen intently for the answers. Let people talk, so they feel like they’re heard. Don’t gloss over what people are saying. I hate to say this because your opinion matters, but sometimes it’s best to keep it to yourself (so I’ve learned the hard way) and hear another person out. You can always have your opinion and think about what you want without airing it at inappropriate times. Listening increases your understanding of people, and sometimes that’s all that matters. In terms of LOA, paying attention to people this way shows you’re open to receiving ideas, solutions, and opportunities as well.

2. Give a helping hand

Nothing is sexier than when my husband steps up when I need him the most. He’s so good at doing that, by the way! Here’s a confession. When I work, say writing a blog post like I’m doing now, or speaking with a client, I’m hyper-focused. Nothing exists for me outside of my concentration on what I’m doing. I like to get things done, and I’m a reforming perfectionist. I can still get stressed about things that may seem trivial or silly to other people. For instance, the things they might not notice at all that I surely will. Ugh, attention to detail. Every perfectionist, reforming or otherwise, knows the struggle.

True story here. It's 5 o’clock, the kids are asking what’s for dinner, and I forgot to move from my desk that day. It's too late to follow my carefully outlined and healthy meal plan. When this happens, my husband is my savior every time. Lucky for me, it doesn’t happen every day, or he might not do it anymore. Thank you, Siri, for listening when I tell you to set my alarm for me.

Here’s the thing. You might not want to pitch in when it counts, and there are thousands of reasons why you may not want to. Just do it with the best attitude that you can. LOA will be paying attention to how and why you’re helping out through your vibration. Doing something to help someone else with a great attitude, even if it’s a bit hard for you, will be appreciated in ways you probably won’t know. Your wife, mom, or neighbor may think you’re a hero, at that moment anyway. It’s possible helping out may not make you the VIP every time. However, the Law of Attraction will see that you’re okay with taking action when necessary. It shows LOA you’re ready for it to send you the inspiration for the steps needed so your wants can manifest.

3. Give permission

I’m not going to lie to you. My favorite way to spend any day is with my husband. I’m pretty sure he’d say the same thing if asked. Right honey? Of course, life isn’t always permitting of that idea. We both work hard. I think he tends to work a little too hard sometimes. Aside from his day job, he has a second job that he excels at as well as he does in the first. He’s a bit of a big-shot there. He enjoys this part-time gig, and he does it because we have goals together that we want to achieve. He wants to do his part in getting them to happen.

Ready for another big-time confession from me? I sometimes get a bit angry when this second job takes him away from the family. He knows this because we talk. I always support his mad skills and dedication to excellence, but at times I hate that he’s been ripped away from the loving arms of the family unit to carry out his duty to this job. The issue, of course, is that with super-strong emotions like that, I could end up fighting with LOA too. Because of my resistance, LOA ends up closing off the channel of good stuff I’ve been workin’ on. It's one of my remaining significant areas of dissent.

I know when I get that call from my husband, and he says something like, “Look, I’m not trying to piss you off but….”, there’s a good chance that it’s about being needed elsewhere and it may involve canceling some of my plans. Being human, this is how I’ve learned to deal with it. I have to permit him to be himself and to make the decision he wants to make. I don’t want to stress him out; I want to be supportive. My being angry will only bring up resistance within him.

Sometimes, our grand ideas of love are reduced to that one phone call where you have a choice to make. Are you going to permit the other person to be themselves and support them, or are you going to try controlling a situation you might not have any business trying to control? It’s one thing to advocate for someone and another to promote your own authority in a matter. Sometimes it can fail, and instead of backing someone up, you can end up holding them back. Besides, fighting against something can create too much effort for LOA to do its thing. Being able to let go of our own need to control a situation shows the Law of Attraction we can detach from circumstances, and that’s important.

Let your loved ones be who they are, even if it drives you crazy sometimes. Love is sometimes disguised as support and permission. 


4. Give joy

Even though we’re human and that being human allows us to display a range of important emotions, perhaps none of them is more important than feeling joy. Joy has an extremely high vibration. There’s no shortage of ways to show your happiness to someone else. One of the best ones is to be gloriously silly! Even for the most serious of us, it feels good to let go and let our hair down. If you have kids in your life, then you probably already know that they can go from cranky to absurdly giggly in no time. If you allow yourself to indulge in something nonsensical and childish, you build an understanding with them that says; I feel comfortable with you. Then they’re free to be open to doing the same thing. The effect is the same as adults, by the way. Being silly with each other helps you feel connected, which as you know, builds trust.

When you want to agree with your inner self and the Law of Attraction concerning what you want, feeling joy is an excellent way to go. Not only does the vibration of pleasure match the thing that you desire for your highest good, but it also helps build that understanding you want of and from LOA. You will know that you don’t have to stress, and it enables you to detach from a feeling of need. When you’re experiencing a moment of pure happiness, you can’t feel concerned as well. Those two vibrations have nothing to do with each other, and it would be tough to contain them in one place for any length of time.

To find fun things to do with the people you love that let you act a little bit giddy or irresponsible for a while. It will do well all around.


These are just some of the ways you can let others know you care about them without saying it. Be creative and express your love to those who matter to you today.