Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 75: Your Co-Creative Potential; Keeping Your Eye On The Best Prize

The Magnetic Me Manifesting Podcast | Episode 75 | Your Co-Creative Potential Series

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One thing that's been clear to me from the beginning of my own manifesting journey is that there are more opinions than people when it comes to co-creating a better, more productive, enjoyable life for yourself. People, and when I say "people," I mean all different types of human beings with different backgrounds and ideas just love to spill all kinds of advice and/or arguments about all things related to manifesting. However, in my experience, when I ask someone who questions the validity of co-creation by means of universal forces, they may come up with what they think are really great points based on logic and what they know. But when I ask them what their experience of manifesting using the Law Of Attraction is, very few of them have even tried it. Or at least they aren't admitting to it, and those skeptics that do most often admit to it may have tried it a little bit. Not much. Just enough to be convinced it doesn't work. More often than not, though, even skeptics have a hint of wishing in their voice when I've spoken to them about deliberately using universal principles for co-creative purposes.

The thing is that whether you're an enthusiast or a skeptic, everyone has the potential to manifest a better life. Sure, some people may have an easier time doing it because they're more open to new things, better at accepting things, and basically, they've got the right attitude. But that doesn't mean that someone who's wary of getting into co-creation can't or shouldn't try it. Everyone can have success manifesting with a bit of inner work. My job isn't to argue that manifesting is a real thing. My mission with this podcast is to awaken you to your co-creative potential and how you can use manifesting, which you do anyway, to your benefit. That's why today I want to answer the question I get asked the most by skeptics, which is, "Why would I want to try manifesting?...

My intention in answering this question here isn't to convince you to try manifesting if it isn't for you but to inspire you to reach your full potential with it. What I want to convey to you today isn't that you should use it to get a bunch of stuff, which you certainly can. But I want you to understand the promising future you have with the positive effects of co-creation.

It's time for The Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.

Why This Question Is Important

If you've been struggling with co-creating like I was for a bit this summer, it's really easy to get tempted to give up. You might start thinking things like, "Why am I doing this?", "Does the LOA exist, and if it does, how do I get it to work right?" Right meaning, how do you get it to work for you?

In my humble but vast experience with a lot of big, fat fails leading up to successful manifesting, there will be more than one time in your co-creative career when you need a pick me up. The best way I know how to do that and remind you of the unlimited potential you have is to get you to think about what you can get from your experience besides something cool. So let me point out some of the real, life-impacting benefits you get when you don't give up the first or the hundredth time something in your co-creation doesn't work out; because if you just stick with it eventually, you might start wondering how to get things to slow down.

So when I meet skeptics as I often do, and they try tripping me up on why I'd do something so bizarre or waste my time on manifesting, here are some of the things I like to emphasize. Because it's not just about getting physical "stuff." People that stick with it end up with a whole host of other rewards of different kinds. If you get friendly with the universe and choose it as your life partner of sorts, it affords you the type of experiences that help you grow both as a person and a co-creator. I find that growth is the most rewarding part, and it's not just me, I hear it from students and clients alike. So I want to touch on several specific...let's call them perks... you're likely to encounter if you take the co-creative process seriously.

The Perks...


When you're doing a good job at co-creation because it's all about you, your level of self-awareness will flourish. You'll probably start thinking more deeply about why you're here on this earth and discover or become more connected to your source and your purpose. Doing so will help you have clarity about the things you want or need to help you fulfill that purpose. It can also help you understand things about your past and current behaviors, so you can adjust them if they aren't working for you. One thing I hear from clients quite a bit when they boost their level of self-awareness is that they feel like they're getting better at being them.

You might be thinking, but I don't want to be too self-absorbed because that's just obnoxious! Let me put your mind to rest on that because it's been noted that expanding your self-awareness can help you relate better to other people. You may notice things about people you've known for a long time that you haven't before, which can help you strengthen relationships. Sometimes you'll discover something that will help you feel an instant connection with a stranger, so understanding who you are in social settings can help you build successful new relationships too.

Confidence And Self-Esteem

Because now that you're deepening your self-awareness, you might start noticing things about yourself or changes that make you feel better about who you are. Being able to accept yourself and share your truth really boosts your self-esteem. If you're someone who sometimes worries about what other people are thinking about you, this can be a huge benefit and can free up a lot of head space.

That's not even to mention how good it feels to know that you can handle your problems in a better way through good co-creation. Once you have a few things materialize in your life in the way you know you asked for them, it creates more confidence that you'll do it again. Suddenly things that felt really big and difficult start to lose some of their power over you.

Better Tolerance, Less Stress

I know it's almost unbelievable that you have more control over your situation than you'd ever thought by being accountable for yourself and handing problems over to infinite intelligence. When you get that concept, you might feel like you can start relaxing a bit more and not sweat the small stuff as much. You may find some things don't get on your nerves as much as they used to.

Not only that, but you start noticing how each problem has at least one solution. When challenges pop up, which they will because you're still human, you can start being a solution-seeker instead of going straight to the worst-case scenario. Hello, I know plenty of people who end up there right away. But when you seek, you're sure to find because all problems have solutions before they even become problems. That's the nature of the universe. And I can't tell you how many times a problem I've had has been solved in a way that's got nothing to do with the way I'd have tried to resolve it. Somehow, the universe knows better than we do, and problems can get a better resolution or just dissolve without your interference. Just being able to hold onto that knowledge can also dissolve stress!

Also, feeling more ease and flow in your life also has this way of building empathy and gratitude for others. That means you can give other people more grace when they might need it too.

Co-Creation Is A Great Fear Buster

When you've solved some of the more significant issues in your life with a successful co-creation, you'll feel more like you can handle whatever's coming. However, if you're focusing on what you want, listening to your guidance, and following the direction it's giving you, you may find those big things that can trip you up are fewer and further between. They might not even be as big when they land in your life.

I know from experience that having a solid framework you know works for you, and what you've learned from your previous experiences with manifesting can help you stay calm and direct your focus. Ultimately that can free you from at least some of the fear you might otherwise feel.


Let me ask you a question. If you thought the only way to get what you want is a lot of outer hard work and sweat and denying yourself certain things and fighting everything that comes your way, how motivating is that? It's certainly one method to try to get things done.

But if I told you that you could have the same stuff by paying more attention to your inner world, listening for guidance, and following its direction when you get it, does that sound more enticing? I think it should because manifesting with a purpose can flatten those hard-to-climb hills quite a bit. Unless you're into struggle...

I'm not saying guidance won't ever put you in a place where you're pushed to learn something the hard way because that's certainly happened to me. But if you're asking for guidance and you're doing what it says, it's going to go a whole lot more smoothly than you may think. If you're asking for guidance, expect to get it and understand it knows more than you do, so ignoring it will make things harder for you. Maybe you remember being a teenager and not listening to your parents. Then, you realized as an adult that you might have been better off if you had. Once you start manifesting without the drama, it gives you all the motivation you need to stop making everything a huge life-or-death struggle, and you end up with more of what you actually want and need. Let the universe take care of the stuff you can't; yes, control freaks; it's okay to let go. Just work to stay in alignment and let what you need show up.

Discipline Through Mindfulness

It sounds like a lot of hard work to babysit your thoughts and feelings all day. But here's the good thing. Once you get used to gently noticing what's going on in your head and your heart, it gets easier. You don't have to focus on it every minute, but if you make it a priority to check in with yourself every hour or even three times a day, you'll start noticing stuff that might sabotage your success.

Once you've noticed certain habitual behaviors or a stubborn idea that keeps popping up, then you can do something about them. Deal with them effectively and get back to framing a new idea, belief, or behavior to replace whatever's holding you back.

I don't know about you, but all of those things seem like rewards to me just as much as manifesting a diamond or a new sports car. Sure they're fun to get and to use and show off. There's certainly nothing wrong with having them. But you may get tired of that diamond or need to replace that sports car at some point, so it'll no longer be of service to you. But the long-term impact of the rewards you're not so likely to think of from using co-creation as your mainstay of day to day living can serve you for your whole life.

So remember that the real measure of your co-creative potential lies in keeping your attention with a forward focus on what you want to get the best outcomes and ideas, not to mention rewards. And that's a sure way to Get Your Shine ON!


Reminders & Wrap-Up With Gratitude 💜

Thank you for joining me on this journey today to explore a few of the myths and ways you can test and adopt manifesting. I hope this episode has shed some light on how people can be misled by inexperienced opinions or can have different perspectives about this intriguing concept.

So keep practicing with confidence and knowledge to create your reality with intention and purpose. I know that you have the power in you to manifest your dreams and desires because I believe in your unlimited potential.

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Thanks for being here, and remember to Get Your Shine ON because the world is always so much better for it when you do!