Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 74:  The Podcast Episode I Never Wanted To Publish: The Easy,  Not So Easy Way To Get What You Want

PLEASE NOTE: Some things mentioned in this episode may no longer be available, or the information about freebies, events, and other offerings may have changed.



Here I am today, again, letting you into my life to show you what manifesting sometimes looks like. I think that there's this idea out there, I hear it's out there anyway, that manifesting should be super easy to do. And I'm not going to argue that point because with the right circumstances and the right alignment, all you may have to do is to have the thought and what you want shows up, with no pain or very little effort required. It does happen to me regularly.

Just last week, I wondered if I could get a particular planner; if you know me at all, you know, I'm very picky about what I use for a planner. And I had waited too long to pick mine up my 18-month planner; the one I wanted was sold out online and in most stores. So I threw out a request to get my planner. And just for fun, I also threw out that I wanted it for free. It turns out one of my sisters was traveling to a different city on the weekend. And she found it there. She bought it for me, knowing that I love the planner. And when I offered her money for it, she told me she wouldn't take it. Because it's my Christmas gift. Even though it's September, go figure. Remember, most manifestations happen through other people to at least some degree because we're all connected, and we're on this physical plane together.

Another thing I've heard is that inspired action is supposed to feel good. Well, now, I know that it can feel great because I've experienced that a lot too. But there's nothing saying that inspired action isn't supposed to teach you things, either. Depending on where your current consciousness is sitting, it may or may not look like a walk in the park or the perfect cold drink on a hot, sweaty day. I want you to know that when an action is an inspired one, even if it's something that feels very difficult to do, there is still going to be a certain feeling that it's the right thing. And I'm not gonna lie; it is sometimes the hardest task for you to complete. So if you've been shown something, you've got to do, and you've got a huge resistance to doing it. I get it. In my experience. If your guidance is giving you some inspired movement or activity to get done, and you know in your gut you've got to do it, but you'd rather be doing anything else. Know that it's about your growth and that you're expanding into something new or different.

Anyway, this episode is all about how things unfold when you're paying attention, and you're working with your guidance. So if you want an update about what happened with my Pomeranian, I'm laying out what happened, and I want you to know before we start that my message today is that no matter how ugly circumstances get, purposeful co-creation can and does work!

It's time for The Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.

Major Spoiler!

Hey, spoiler alert. The very special freebie is a gratitude journal not just a PDF download. You're going to get that, too, of course, but I've also made it interactive for you. I've explained everything to you in some videos, and the Manifesting Portal is ready for members now. So please do not leave me there all by myself. I've put some work into setting this thing up. So please, please sign up. I would love to connect with you inside our private group. I'm not spamming anybody, either. I send reminders when it's needed, but there will be absolutely no spam, and hey, this is gonna be fun.

So hello, it's Marcie here. And I want to thank you very much for being here today. No, don't worry; I'm not super emotional for this one, though I am super thankful for you and for what's happened over the last couple of weeks.


So here's where we left off. Picture it: my 14-and-a-half-year-old dog had a mouth tumor that was big, really big on a tiny dog. She wasn't even able to close her mouth entirely anymore. It was so big. And this was her second surgery for this. The first one was at the beginning of this year. Other than the very obvious tumor, which was making it difficult for her to eat, she's completely fine. She acts like her usual self; she eats a lot, even if it isn't so easy. She plays, she walks, goes on car rides, and does all the normal things a dog does. But I want to have this thing removed to make it easier for her. But there are two problems. One I did tell you about. The other one I didn't mention.

  • Problem number one was money. I had saved some money, but it had been invested into my coaching business. It was no longer available. Also, the coaching money that I was getting had dried up; suddenly, I was getting one-quarter of the funds from the agreements that were signed and filed for the business.
  • Problem number two, and this is the one that I hadn't mentioned. Is that where I live, there's a huge veterinary shortage. Yes, I live in an area of Canada where there's a lot of livestock. And I know farmers have had an issue with this. And no, I don't live on a farm exactly. But it was hard to get the surgery booked. It took almost two weeks to get a date. In fact, my dog surgery was booked for a Tuesday and the Friday before it took place. There were messages posted on different vet clinic websites and doors that there would be no emergency vet services in the entire city over the weekend; there was just a number to call to get help in case of an emergency.

And that was just a start. Because there was one other thing standing in the way of that surgery for my dog, and that was me, my resistance to doing what needed to be done.

And I'll be honest, again, even the idea of putting up a donation page for my family and my friends was soooo difficult for me to swallow. I knew that some would want to help and some wouldn't. But I didn't want to do it because I was afraid of what some of them would think of me. More importantly, I was afraid of what I was going to think of myself. And I wondered if we would all see me as a failure. Because of that one action, the universe was sending me signals to get done.


So, after I gritted my teeth and put up the GoFundMe page, I realized it didn't matter what anybody thought about the idea or how they saw me. And yes, I did get some negative feedback. But it didn't matter. It didn't even matter if anybody donated or not. I was determined I was getting the surgery either way, and it wasn't about me. It was about what my dog needed.


And then when my guidance wanted me to document it all in a podcast episode, I was like, oh, hell, no, I'm not doing that. Again, I wondered what you'd think of me. And then I realized that if you don't like what I'm saying, that's okay, too. Maybe I'm not the coach for you. And then again, maybe I am; maybe you want to listen to somebody who isn't pretending to be perfect. Like they don't have problems. So I took a deep breath, and I jumped in, not even sure if I'd ever be brave enough to publish it. And just so you know, when it came time to do it, I almost didn't.

The Unfolding

But here's what happened on the money front after that, almost immediately after I published the podcast. So that day, I had about half the money for the surgery from some of the people in my life who wanted to help. And then, on the very same day, I got two surprise payments from clients. One wasn't even from a current client. It was from a client that I had a while ago, like 10 months ago, they'd had an issue. And the situation was that they were at the end of our coaching agreement. And since they were honest with me about not being able to pay, I just told them that they could pay me when they had it. And I kind of forgot all about it. But they came through at precisely the right time. And not only that, they want to do a bit more coaching with me. So there's a new contract in the system.

Also, my husband found that he had a deposit from a bonus to his account that he wasn't even expecting. So the money did come; not all of it in the way that I would have had it come, but it was there on Friday, and the surgery was the Tuesday right after.

As for the surgery, it's now been a full week since it's been done.

Honestly, I was a little bit nervous, partly because this elderly tiny dog is a little fighter. It's hard to do anything like clip her nails, wipe her face, or anything else. It's sometimes tough because it takes a lot of effort, kind of like an unruly toddler. They even have to sedate her to take her blood. So there was that.

And then, as much as I was looking forward to having it done, there's always the risk of putting an elderly dog under anesthetic, too. Feeling nervous, that is okay. But when I did talk to God about it, I knew that everything was going to be fine because I felt at peace about it all. So, on the day of the surgery, I went about the day affirming that everything was working out perfectly.

And the surgery did go really well; she is so much more comfortable. I do have before and after pictures on my personal Facebook page if you want to see them. Not only that, but the best news is that cancer hadn't spread anywhere else as far as they can tell. So the vet was quite amazed at how healthy she was otherwise, and she's not just healthy. She's really happy too. I tell her every day how divinely healthy she is. And I give gratitude for that daily as well.

Why Isn't Manifesting Easy All The Time?

But here's why I think I had to experience the circumstances in the way that I did. It's because that issue was very emotional for me, being the kind of person I am. I just feel things so deeply. Being my dog and being responsible for her and feeling the weight of that responsibility. The situation was challenging for me to detach from properly so that the manifestation could take place.

Here's something that I want you to remember when you're facing a situation where negative emotions like fear, or anxiety or anger, or running high...

Manifesting isn't about feeling happy all the time; it's not about being the most positive person in the room. In between your ideas of what's bad and good. There's neutral. And that's where things are created. That's the particular space where your energy about what you want gathers; let me put that a little bit differently. The neutral space is the space where the energy that aligns with your consciousness of your situation gathers and forms what you're broadcasting; then, once your co-creation forms in that space, its energy is then transmitted back into the universe. So the law of attraction gathers the people, the resources, the things that you want, or at least what you're telling it you want. And it gets all of that to you. The universe does not label things as good or bad. It just gives you what lines up with what you have in your current consciousness. And that's why you want to know what's in your awareness and work on that.

Those circumstances came about because of my fear; I had to control it, and I had to raise myself to the consciousness that I wanted. The first step to becoming aware of what I wanted was to feel humble and to feel grateful. And that's a massive step above fear. The way I got there wasn't easy for me. But it did teach me a lesson or two, or at least reminded me of how human I am.

So once I was there in the neutral space, where I felt a respite from the emotion, it wasn't difficult to connect myself to my desire for the money and for the outcome of the surgery itself, then I was able to feel at peace about it and to think from the end of the manifestation. So I went into the day of the surgery a little bit nervous, yes, but still feeling relief that it was all happening and knowing that the outcome would be exactly what we all needed.

That was my way at this time to get the consciousness I needed for a real and accurate manifestation to occur.

So, sometimes manifesting is very simple and easy. And sometimes, the road to it is rough, and it leaves you in tears and angry and even resentful. There might be many times when you feel like a failure, just as I have. There are going to be times when you'll feel like you've got it all under control. So you can be all over the place when you're manifesting something that's really, really important to you.

Emotional guidance is the key to getting from an emotionally charged situation to a neutral place where you can disengage from what's going on and allow for the solutions to present themselves. My intention is that you're going to get the support that you need for things like that in the Manifest With Marcie Manifesting Portal, along with other types of support as well. This isn't just for regular listeners of the podcast; you can hear this podcast for the first time today and sign up. I'm going to be super happy that you're there. And if you don't want to join, hey, that's fine. But you can still have the gratitude journal if you want. I would be happy, though, to get your feedback on it so I can make it even better for you.

Now that's it for today. I hope that there was something in here that you needed to know or to hear today. In the meantime, take the time to find what you're grateful for today and Get Your Shine ON. Know that I'm doing the same. Take care. I will see you next time.


Reminders & Wrap-Up With Gratitude 💜

Thank you for joining me on this journey today to explore a few of the myths and ways you can test and adopt manifesting. I hope this episode has shed some light on how people can be misled by inexperienced opinions or can have different perspectives about this intriguing concept.

So, keep practicing with confidence and knowledge to create your reality with intention and purpose. I know that you have the power in you to manifest your dreams and desires because I believe in your unlimited potential.

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  • Leave a review and rating on iTunes or other podcast platforms to help me reach more people and spread the message of how you can co-create the things that are important to you.
  • Join my brand new Manifest With Marcie Portal for podcast extensions, additional manifestation tips, updates, and discussions.

Thanks for being here, and remember to Get Your Shine ON because the world is always so much better for it when you do!