Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 72:  Be Your Authentic Self, And You'll Manifest With The Law Of Attraction


Who are you really? Not just the person on the surface, but who is your soul? You probably think it's pretty hard to define that larger part of you, which may be true. But when you do some deep self-reflection and look below the surface, you share with the world; what's there? Who is the being that doesn't care a bit what other people think of them?
What's important to you on that level? 

When it comes to manifesting the life we desire, it's super important to have a handle on what's authentic to you because if you're not being honest with yourself about who you are, it's hard to know what you want. When we know who we are, we can recognize what's for us. And that kind of clarity guides us in making the best decisions. That's true for everything from the career we choose to the mate we spend our days and nights with amongst a whole host of other things. Today we'll explore how authenticity gets us the right manifestations every time.

It's time for the Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.

Welcome, welcome, welcome; I'm glad you're here, and I want to thank you for spending this time with me today! I'm Marcie Robinson, manifesting coach and mentor.

Just before we get into this episode, I'll let you know I'm going to be doing a quick update on this podcast channel sometime this week with exciting news about the Key and Essential MembershipsBe Your Authentic You And You'll Manifest With The Law Of Attraction. So if you want more info about what it is and what you get with it, and how it fits into our manifesting coaching membership, I'm going to be doing a Q&A with some questions I've received from some listeners. If you have a question about it and want that answered on the podcast update, then reach out to me with your question on Instagram. You can find me at lawofattractioncoach.marcie before Wednesday, July 26, okay? 

Let's jump right into this episode so you can be reminded of how awesome you are. 

With all the decisions we have to make for ourselves, serious issues to resolve, and options to choose from, it's sometimes difficult to know the right answer to our question. And as wonderful as friends and family are, humans find themselves under a lot of pressure to solve problems and make choices based on what others think, either from fear of judgment or fear of failure. So when your head is bursting with information, and you might feel like putting something off or, worse, crying from frustration, rest assured that there's a way that you can always know what the right solution is or what the answers are. And that is by tapping into your genuine self.

But first, you need to know who that is because learning how to be true to who we are sounds easy enough. But again, being human sometimes has its challenges, and we can often find ourselves out of alignment with our true natures. That means that before the next big thing pops up to knock you off course, it would be great to lock down who your inner identity is. For you, that could mean a little bit of quiet time and catch up with that inner you, and for some, it may mean a whole introduction to them. Either way, mindfulness will be part of the process. Let's start by building or strengthening that relationship you want to have with your inner guide.

Get In Touch With What's Inside

First, what you'll want to do is to sit down with yourself. Make it a nice experience by carving out some time for yourself and spending it in a way you like. For instance, maybe you'll go to the park and find a secluded bench, have a notebook, and have a coffee from your favorite cafe to sip on while you ruminate. That might be more of what I'd do, but you know what I mean.

  •  First, choose one situation you have going on in your life right now.
  • Ask yourself a few questions about that situation and how you're viewing it. (Eg. Why has this circumstance visited my life? What is its meaning for me? ) It doesn't matter what your answers are. Don't get involved in what you think is right or wrong; just be honest with yourself.
  • Then reflect on why your perspective is what it is. What I mean by that is, is your opinion based on a lifetime of hearing what your opinion should be? Or do you have that opinion because your life experience has brought you to the conclusion that this is how you see it? 
  • If you're taking on the opinions of others quite easily, know it's quite common. You can often you can find a similar or the same opinion run through an entire family. That's natural because humans tend to raise their children in somewhat similar ways to how they were raised. There's no right or wrong in that. But know that it's always okay to question yourself and how you really feel about things.
  • So ask yourself how you feel about that opinion. Is it accurate, and if not, then how can you align it with how you really feel?
  • How do your values and beliefs fit in with your opinion?

Always ensure that you make your decisions from that place based on how options or solutions fit in with those values and beliefs you have. That's the best way you can be sure that you're making good ones. The way this fits in with manifesting your life is that when you've made good decisions, your circumstances will be better, you'll have more confidence in yourself, and you'll be a happier camper. That allows you to attract more of the right things.

Choose How You Express Yourself

Now let's move on to how you express yourself because being genuine means that what you say, what you do, and how you react to things match up with who you are at your core. This means you may feel a bit uncomfortable at times or need to have an honest talk with some of the people in your life, and that's okay. To be true to who you are, you've got to let other people see the "real" you. 

Find ways to use appropriate words to express what you mean. It doesn't mean you have to be unkind. But it does mean you need to know what you stand for and to be able to give your true opinion. Remember that your opinion is just that, and it's the same for everyone else. You don't have to take on ideas from others that you don't agree with, and you don't need to be afraid to share yours.

Now I can hear some of you saying, "But what do I do about that one person I know who's going to try ruining my inner bliss once I've found it?" And that, my friend, is where you may have to set some boundaries for your own sanity. Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree. Doing so doesn't mean you're weak; it just means you're open-minded enough to accept someone else's opinion isn't the same as yours and not let that fact get in the way of your relationship if you have one with them. Or a job if that's how you interact with them. And it also means you're strong enough to have your own ideas and assessments of things and stick to them. The way that helps your co-creative power is that your thoughts and emotions are lined up better, and it's less confusing for the Law Of Attraction to pick up on your true desires. 

That means that you can safely do some of the things you'd like to do and follow the paths that were meant for you. If you have interests that you're ignoring or passions that you've put on the back burner because you think you don't have time for them, think again. Your passions come from your spirit, and that's a clear indication that you should immerse yourself in them. There's something for you there. Your spirit is never wrong; it's the one thing you can always trust that will move you closer to what you want. Not only that, but doing things you love cuts stress and clears negative energy. Once you're on a roll, you can be inspired and follow the direction for actions that are coming from the universe.

Being able to listen and recognize when your spirit is speaking to you through your intuition is a very valuable skill indeed. It will always call you forward, never backward. Learning to trust your inner knowings and callings will put you where you need to be. It also lets you draw what you need to follow your passions and manifest them. But in order to do so, you do have to open yourself up. You have to be a bit vulnerable and allow for the possibilities the universe has for you to show themselves to you. So allow yourself to surrender to something bigger, something who knows more about you than you may want to admit to. Because it also knows how to get you what you want.

But I do have one word of caution, though. Be careful when you're doing your reflective work to steer clear of re-living past issues and drama. Remember that the incentive of being more authentic is to advance yourself, so don't put yourself in the past and get stuck there. 

Always Be True To You

So remember today to be true to yourself. 

  1. Remember to feel things out before you make conclusions.
  2. Make decisions and take action by listening to inner guidance and getting in line with yours. 
  3. Respect others' opinions and let them respect yours too. Don't change your ideals to match up with those of someone else's.
  4. Listen for clues from the universe that your inner you is trying to get you to heed, like embracing and pursuing your passions.

The older I get, the more important I understand it is to express the inner part of you and show the world who you are. That's not always easy, especially when the world is constantly trying to tell you who you should be. You can deal with that by accepting those things as a test because if we can embrace who we are, we can commit to our dreams and desires. That will always make it easier by unblocking the channels for the LOA to get them to us. 

You can't live your life for anyone else, and you'll never be happy if you're not being authentic. So make the mold for yourself, don't try to squeeze in to something that was made for somebody else. There's no need to because the universe made you your awesome self for a reason!


That's it for today, but I'll be back next week with the final installment of the Law Of Attraction Essentials series. You'll be able to get even more on being authentic from our mini-course on the same topic when I open up Powered UP Premium, so that's coming up in a few short weeks. Next week the final episode of this series will be about having a strategy to wipe out any doubts you might have popping up. 

Remember to get any questions you have about our Powered Up Manifesting Coaching membership to me by Wednesday for the update about it that I'm posting to this podcast channel later this week. Again I'm on Instagram at lawofattractioncoach.marcie, and that's spelled marcie.

Please be you because when you are, you have your shine on, and you make the world that much better for it. Have a great day and take care until next time!

I'm leaving you with an ad today, but you can skip that if you want. However, please be aware that if you like this podcast, sharing it, liking it on social media, and especially giving it a review on iTunes is super helpful for it to come back every week. 

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