Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 68: How To Get Crazy Good Self-Esteem By Demonstrating The LOA

Special Note: A new, shorter podcast ad debuted from 6:25 to 7:55. If you don't want to hear the ad, just skip forward a bit! It's also featured at the end of the episode as well.


So, you know how you compare yourself to others some days and wonder if you measure up? Yup, me too. I've been there more than once!


If you don't have great self-esteem, know you're not alone. In fact, most people struggle with feeling good about themselves sometimes. But there are things you can do to change that. If you want to improve your self-esteem, it's my firm belief the Law of Attraction is a great place to start. By demonstrating the Law of Attraction in your life, you can show yourself that you are worthy of good things. When you focus on positive thoughts and feelings, you will attract positive experiences into your life. This will help you to feel better about yourself and increase your self-esteem. So, today on the podcast, I'm going to give you four great ways to get crazy good self-esteem all by demonstrating the Law Of Attraction.


It's time for the Magnetic Me, You + Law Of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching.


Hello, welcome to our special space where we become more magnetic to what we want. I'm Marcie Robinson, coach, mentor, teacher, and manifesting enthusiast...



The first thing I want to say is that there's no one answer for getting crazy good self-esteem. Different things work for different people, and I know that because just this morning, I had the same talk with both of my teenagers. All of a sudden, my son, who's never been particularly bothered by his appearance, is now very conscious of it. He's asking me how his hair looks and if he should tie it back. I'll explain that he decided a couple of years ago that he was growing it long, and that's what he did. And as much as I like him with shorter hair because of how it accentuates his strong jawline and nice facial features, I cannot fault how gorgeous his long hair is. I hear his female friends are a little jealous and often want to brush it, which I definitely appreciate if nobody else does. So when he asked me, I told him it looked amazing, but I said he should tie it back because he has a busy day ahead, and having it in his face isn't going to help him. He was happy with that and went on his way. My daughter, though, when she asked me how her hair looked, no matter how fabulous I told her I thought it was, she couldn't see it. She was sooo mad at it because it wasn't doing what she wanted, and she was complaining about how ugly her hair is. Which it's not at all, it's so pretty. But she wasn't even happy when she got it tied back, so aside from making an appointment for a trim for her I shared a few of these tips with her this morning too. And, of course, I want to share them or at least remind you of these things so you can have a better day if this is something that's on your mind. 


Let's take a look at a few of these key self-esteem-boosting things and see how the LOA fits in with them. Remember, the LOA says: you attract what you believe. So, if you believe in yourself and your ability to attract good things, you will start to see results. Heck, even if you're not sure you believe in the LOA, these will work. So to see changes, try even just one of these tips to start with.  



Be mindful of your self-talk

The things you say to yourself have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. My suggestion is to be mindful of the negative self-talk and instead replace it with positive affirmations. That way, you've got a much better chance of staying in alignment with your desires and attracting something good. 


In order to change it, though, you have to be aware that you're doing it, so every once in a while, try noticing what you've been saying to yourself. When you notice something negative popping up, ask yourself if it's really true. Try being objective about it and see what you have that supports that idea. If you can't find anything that supports it, release it. Then try focusing on a positive quality or something you do like about yourself. Focusing on that one thing can help a lot. Think about what makes you special and unique, whether it's a characteristic or a strength. Then create an affirmation for it that suits you and makes you feel better.


Even if you come up with something that you think proves to you that you're right to be negative about yourself, think about how you'd deal with a friend who's saying that about themselves. Would you be compassionate? Probably, so show yourself the same compassion and understanding you would extend to them. 


Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself.

I'm sure you've heard before that you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If that is the case, it stands to reason that if you surround yourself with positive people, you will become a more uplifting person.


The people you surround yourself with can affect your self-esteem, be it positively or negatively. If you're constantly around people who are always putting you down or who make you feel bad about yourself, your self-esteem will suffer. There are many benefits to surrounding yourself with affirmative, forward-looking people. Positive ones tend to be more optimistic, which can rub off on you. They also tend to be more successful, which can provide you with motivation and inspiration. Finally, positive people tend to be more fun to be around, which can make your life more enjoyable. Avoid toxic people who bring you down. Instead, surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself.


So next time you're gathered with those who are closest to you, ask yourself if they're open-minded and accept you for who you are. If not, then maybe you can respectfully start spending a bit less time with them and see if that helps your vibration. It may help smooth out some of the jagged edges, like feeling defensive or anxious. I don't necessarily think you need to cut everyone out of your life, as the circumstances to warrant that would be pretty extreme, but for the sake of your mental health, sometimes a break will do wonders for your attraction to better things.


Now before we go on, I'm debuting another ad, it's a shorter one this time, and it's about how you can help the podcast and get more from your free basic membership to Powered Up. I'll be right back!


 That's it, I hope it's not too much, but I've been working so hard on this membership; please, please join for free, and then you can see if there's anything more there for you. No pressure here, but I'd love to connect with you through Powered UP.


Moving on to the third tip for better self-esteem;


Do things that make you feel amazing, meaning find some activities that make you feel good about yourself and make them a priority in your life.

 For instance, I had a client once who was really struggling in the self-esteem area. She spent a lot of her time stressed out, thinking about what she had to do and the mistakes she'd made, and doubted her decision-making ability in her day-to-day life quite a bit. Coaching wasn't giving her the edge she needed to improve her life because she kept getting stuck in those thoughts. In other words, she wasn't making any progress after the first couple of sessions, so I gave her the assignment to boost her self-esteem. 


At first, she couldn't see how that had anything to do with the LOA. And she sure didn't like me suggesting she take some time out of her busy schedule to find some feel-good activity even though she admitted she hadn't felt that way in a long time. She was so deep in the hole of busyness she'd made for herself that she didn't even know what she'd do with some free time. I, of course, encouraged her to dream big.


She went away from that third session less than impressed with me, so what she came back with in the next session surprised me. She'd only gone and signed up for piano lessons. It turned out that she'd always wanted to play the piano but couldn't as a kid because her parents couldn't afford the lessons. But now that she could, she felt like the challenge of doing it would help her move forward if she could actually learn how to play. Of course, she did! he found that after a busy day, that respite of learning something new was very helpful to her. She cared enough to prioritize it and make sure she did it. That accomplishment led to a lot more success for her, and last I heard from her, she still enjoyed sitting down and playing a favorite musical piece at the end of her day. 


For you, it may not be playing the piano, but it could be some sort of physical exercise or journaling or a glass of nice wine. It doesn't have to be an everyday thing either; it could be something you do every week or each month. Whatever you choose, make sure you feel like doing it before you commit your time to it because that will make it successful. Feeling stressed while you do it won't help, but if you're relaxed and feeling like it's the only thing you want to do right now...that will put you on a frequency that attracts more of those good feelings.



Be accepting of yourself because if you don't love yourself, you might hold yourself back from receiving what you want.

It's also difficult to see the love or the belief that others may have for you. When you first learn about the Law Of Attraction, it's not always that it's hard to believe in it, but most people doubt their ability to manifest at first. And given that it seems so magical, you may have to create some new beliefs to align with this principle, like the fact that it's there for you. If you have a hard time believing that this amazing law exists for you and it can help you create a better life, then know that I think you're worthy of having everything you want. Borrow that because my job is to make the space for you to attract what you want. 


Understand it's okay to be who you are and to make mistakes. If ya make 'em and they can't be fixed, then you're at least able to learn from them. Just know that accepting responsibility for things you do is self-acceptance too. Also, it's okay not to know what you want yet and to search some more for what you do. There's no time limit to the LOA and you don't want to be attracting what you don't want. It's okay to accept what you may see as imperfections about yourself because you are good now, you're enough now, and you deserve everything you want now. 


If you can keep these things in mind and use them when you don't feel the best about yourself, you'll be well on your way to having that crazy good self-esteem I'm talking about.


It's been great to be here with you today; thanks so much for being here! I'll be back next week. Today I'll leave you with that ad just in case you wanted to hear it again.


Just so you know, the A Minute To Manifest series starts today, and you're getting a new episode weekday from now on; you can find the series inside of Powered UP Key which is the basic, free powered-up membership, plus the additional things you get when you pay the 1.50 each month.


Because tech gremlins are part of life, if you have some trouble with signing up, please email [email protected], and I'll get things fixed for you asap!


Thanks again for listening; Get Your Shine ON! and make the world a better place; I can't wait until next time!

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