Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 67: How Your Personality Connects You To The Law Of Attraction

Special Note: Our new long version of our ad letting you know how to support us is featured in this podcast from 6:49 to 11:15 and at the end of our podcast at 17:50.


If you've hung around for a while listening to this podcast, or you've been part of the manifesting community for any length of time, you already know that the law of attraction is a powerful tool that you can use to create the life you want. And that means you are well aware that what you focus on expands. So if you want to be successful, you need to be focused on what you want, not on what you don't want. But did you know that your personality is a significant factor in how you use the LOA?

People have personalities for a reason; all of your specific characteristics make you who you are. And as it turns out, each personality type has a unique connection to the law of attraction. So what's your personality type? Today we will explore how it connects you to our good friend, the LOA. We'll also discuss how you can use this information to understand better how the law of attraction works with you in the context of CO creating your fabulous life. Now I talk about how you work with universal principles. And I do so that you can use them to your most significant advantage possible because that's what they're here for.

Hey there, and welcome to this magnetic space of hours. My name is Marcie Robinson. I'm a Certified Life and manifesting coach and mentor to all students of co-creation if you're willing to invite me along on your manifesting adventure. Thanks so much for being here for episode number 67. It's awesome to be here with you.

By the way, we are continuing this week with the Law of Attraction Essentials series I started before this last break. I'm going to be finishing it because I just like to finish what I started. So let's get to it. So you already know that if you focus on your positive qualities, you will attract more positive things into your life. Most people think that that means they have to walk around being what I call creepy cheerful all the time. And the reason I mash those two words together, even though they don't seem to have a lot to do with one another, is that it's unrealistic to think that we're going to be happy every minute of the day. Because you know, as well as I do, not everybody in this world is an optimist. There are many types of personalities. And our emotions change all the time. So this subject is so very important. I want you to know that it's completely okay to feel your emotions and to be who you are; you can still manifest all the things that you want.

Thankfully, not just one personality type can manifest with the LOA. Your question for me here is probably about how your personality type connects you to attracting what you want. So let me give you a few observations that are based on my experience with many different kinds of people. So today, we're going to be talking about three personality types. In particular, we'll be covering extroverts, sensitive people, and those who are analytical. Not that what I'm about to say will not vary from person to person. Remember, these are general observations only.


So we're going to start with the extroverts because they're often thought of as the party's life. They're always up for having fun and likely to be the first to step forward if they can help. They're outgoing and energetic; they enjoy being around people. You know exactly who I mean because the extrovert in your life knows everybody. You sometimes wonder if they've ever even met a stranger because their effervescent energy and confidence can attract most people. They seem to have something in common with almost everybody. And because they're so incredible, they might have difficulty understanding why other people don't want to talk all the time or why they need alone time. And that's okay. But what does it mean for extroverts manifesting potential?

Because they're sociable souls, they are very good at networking. So not unlike the Law of Attraction itself, they're well connected. And you know what that means, because of their friendliness, they tend to be great at building relationships. And that can be a great asset during co-creation because they're very likely to attract new opportunities and experiences. When an extrovert is on the case, one thing leads to another to another, and so on. And their natural characteristics. Just put them in front of the right people in the right places at just the right times because they connect so beautifully with other people. It's pretty easy for an extrovert to be more connected to the outside than to turn inward and to reflect.

Now, that doesn't mean that all extroverts Are unlinked from their inner world at all. But when one of them is, they're usually not listening for clues or finding the signs that the Law Of Attraction's sending the; those things tend to bounce off an extrovert as if they're impenetrable. And that means that the LOA will keep sending alerts and signals, and they will often get louder and louder over time, to rise above the gregarious nature of our extroverts until they cannot be ignored any longer. One of the biggest challenges that co-creative extroverts have with manifesting is that they're often overwhelmed with possibilities which can cause confusion or doubt about where to focus their energies. I've had some of these nice give you the shirt off their backs extroverted clients on the edge of burnout sometimes because they hate to say no to people or opportunities that are popping up. They're just so busy all the time. Unfortunately, that means extroverts sometimes experience depression or anxiety because of the overwhelm. So for my extroverted listeners, please remember to get in touch with your inner guidance. And ask lots and lots of questions about what's going to serve your needs. And maybe everybody else is the best so that you can get the best results.


Let's look at sensitive people now and how they connect to the LOA. And you know that sensitive people are often just the opposite of extroverts; they can be pretty introspective and reserved. Sometimes they feel a little bit misunderstood. So it's a definite plus for this personality type to have a sound support system of people who really know them. There usually aren't that many, though, because sensitive personalities can be highly intuitive, and they can often read people and situations very well. They usually tend to steer clear of people whose energy isn't a good fit for theirs. So their natural tendencies can hold them back from moving forward and sometimes keeps them a little bit more on the sheltered side. Therefore some of those great opportunities that their extrovert friend might be attracting will float right past them.

Sensitive people are typically creative and have a strong sense of intuition because they're likely to be in touch and tuned into feelings, and all that is they allow their inner guidance system to take the wheel and see what happens. I know so many people here who are very open to universal guidance and learning. So manifesting is usually a no-brainer for these sensatory souls, but they also tend to be perfectionists, and they can be very critical of themselves. The more sensitive often have low self-esteem and can be easily overwhelmed. And working on self-esteem is usually a daily theme. It requires that reflective quality that sensitives are known for.

On the other hand, sensitive people are also likely to be successful in relationships and have fulfilling careers. But due to the generous amounts of empathy that many sensitives have, it can be easy for them to be susceptible to their environment and other people's emotions. The challenges of being a sensitive person include dealing with a lot of stress and feeling overpowered by circumstances at times; they might also have some difficulty setting boundaries and dealing with conflict. Now, if you don't have your emotional guidance in check, somebody else's upset can become a focal point for you. So when their thoughts and their emotions are all over the place, the law of attraction is too. That means it never hurts for a sensitive person to have excellent organizational skills and systems. Because floods of emotion can really zap your energy and can make everything feel very confusing, even simple chores can seem like a little bit too much sometimes. And when things aren't going as planned during your co-creative endeavors it's sometimes easy for a sensitive person to give up too quickly, which is why frameworks and systems that let them know what to expect or guide them can be very constructive for them.


Lastly, we're going to look at analytical people. So I have a few questions for you.

*Do like making decisions.

* Do you like having all the answers?

* Do you like being in control?

Well, if you answered yes to any of those questions, then you're likely an analytical person. Because analytical people are the type who like to take command of their lives and their surroundings. They often do not want to let the LOA or anybody else get involved even when they know that it would benefit them. They like to be able to make decisions and have all the answers and prefer to be in control of their lives. And if that's you, what's great about you is that you're able to take all the available information and figure out the very best way to solve the problem. Solution-oriented people are fabulous at seeing where they went wrong and figuring out what to do next. And that means that when they make a mistake with their co-creations, there's nobody better at noticing where they went wrong and finding the perfect fix.

But their attitude is often let's just avoid all mistakes and just do everything right from the start. Yeah, all of that means that they're intelligent. They're usually very organized and very efficient. And I don't know about you, but I really admire anyone who can think critically and develop new ideas on the fly. But just like our sensitive friends, because they're so detailed and systematic and like to examine and diagnose everything around them, they can often be very critical of themselves and of others. They also may be very perfectionistic and they'll agonize over decisions that other people might find fairly simple or routine. And they tend to get frustrated or angry when things don't go their way. All of that can obviously lead to mountains of stress and anxiety.

Sometimes our very rational, seemingly unemotional, and thorough friends have to find a way to adopt an attitude that whatever happens during the manifesting process, it's okay because secretly when they get used to it, they often enjoy the benefits of prying what they can't control and of their cold hands, and letting it go to let the good stuff just show up.


Here is the challenge with all of this though, sometimes characteristics of different personality types tend to bleed into others. And most people can find a characteristic of other personality types in themselves, even when they don't necessarily fall into that category. Often, it's because people live and learn and through necessity, and will develop new characteristics and habits to make their lives easier. But our true natures do still tend to have the upper hand. So my message this week is that it's really important for all of us to know our strengths and weaknesses and be completely honest about them. That way we can go forward and step into the reality that we want to enjoy today. Don't judge yourself, just go with it.

So that's it for this week. But I hope that you feel as good as I do because you joined me today. So please go out there and get your shine on because the world is always a much better place when you do. I'm going to be thinking of you and sending you good vibes I cannot wait for next time.

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