Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 66: Creating The Perfect Alignment To Manifest All Your Important Desires


Of course, the idea of agreeing with all that is sounds like an excellent thing to do. And maybe you've read some books or watched some videos to learn how to do that, but you feel like you've kinda missed the point. We hear a lot about alignment these days and how to get in touch with your vibration. Of course, this is super important because being in alignment is the only way to create with the LOA successfully. I had a conversation the other day with a new student who mentioned they'd been listening to a lot of material about how to do this, but they feel like they weren't "getting" the full deal. They didn't know if they just weren't understanding or if the person explaining it forgot to tell them exactly how how to do that or when they'd know they were on the right track. Hey, I get it; for any manifesting student, especially if you're new to the idea, the question is always gonna be, "How do I know that I'm in agreement with the universe and with what I want?" Well, hold on because that's today's topic on the Magnetic Me: You Law Of Attraction Podcast, so let's jump right in. 

Hey there, and welcome to this magnetic space of ours. My name's Marcie Robinson; I'm a certified life and manifesting coach and mentor to all students of co-creation who need one. Thanks for being here for episode number 66. It's so nice to see you here.

Reasons To Agree With The LOA

Just in case you are new to manifesting, there are some very good reasons to align with the Universe. Let me list some of them off for you;

1. It gives assurance that you're okay with your inner you and what you want. Our relationship with ourselves is crucial to making powerful decisions and letting them happen. 

2. It gives you confidence that you can do this! Like I always say, there's a difference between knowing that you can have what you want and knowing you can manifest it into your life. You want to feel like anything you have to do to get there is totally within your capabilities.

3. It means you're in touch with your inner and with higher guidance. If you can understand the messages that you'll be getting from the Universe and act on things that are part of the unfoldment of your desires coming into being, you're going to get there sooner. Take it from me because I know this from personal experience; it sucks to realize that you could have been in a much better place now if you'd just read the message the Universe left for you in your spiritual inbox. 

Now that you know that agreement with the LOA will fast-track what you've decided to go for, you need to know how to find and use that guidance I was talking about—knowing that you can make agreements between the inner and the outer you to make your ideas a reality could be the light bulb idea you need to move forward. So let me help you a bit with my almost two decades of knowledge and experience with this by giving you a small framework that could help you realize something important to you today.

Your Five-Step Framework To Alignment

Have a heart-to-heart with the Law of Attraction

Let me be clear because a lot of people have the wrong idea about manifesting in general. You're not making the type of deal most humans are familiar with. It's not like you're trading money for snacks. And you're also not manipulating it into giving you what you want just this one time even though you know you're not worthy of it. You're not promising to never do that one thing you think was your downfall again, and you're not going to try harder the next time. This is not what the LOA is. Remember, it's a tool to show you what you're doing with your energy. It's completely honest with you even if you try to fool it by being super cheerful when you're really not. It sees through your BS and reads your energy as it really is. It's okay to use it because that's what it's there for. Even if you're not trying to manifest something and you just used it as a tool to adjust your energy for emotional intelligence purposes, you'd find yourself more magnetic than ever, and lots of things you've been wanting would show up. I've been on the receiving end of that, and let me tell ya; it's fantastic.

A fairly recent example of that was a certain appliance that I loved as a kid. I'd been looking for one of them as an adult. I know it sounds weird that a kid would like appliances, but it's just part of who I am, so there. I just wanted to have one for some comforting feels when I'd be doing some daily chores, but I'd never come across one. I'd all but given up on the idea. But when I was taking some time to work on my emotional intelligence earlier this year, not one but 3 of them showed up for me out of the blue. Within 60 days of each other. I was like, "Woah, where did you come from, my precious?" 

That being said, remember there is always a trade-off happening, but it's with your energy. If you're not sure about this, understand that if you're not working with the LOA for a benefit, then you're possibly not using any intention at all. Or maybe even a negative one. You might not even know you're being lazy with your intentions. And it doesn't mean you want bad things to happen, but they will if your state of focus is always negative. 

It's okay to use the LOA; you're not manipulating it to do anything it doesn't want to. Once you understand that you're not doing anything sketchy with universal principles, it's time to re-evaluate your intentions.

Reflecting on what your inner guidance is saying

Some of the most powerful beliefs include those that we have about ourselves. Believing that we are incompetent leads to behaviors that prove we are incompetent because of our good friend, the LOA. 

The words we use and the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we can do to create a free and empowering life that's worth living will all go by the wayside if we don't believe that voice within us. You know the one I mean, it's that little nudge that works with us to help us recognize our desires. In other words, there's a reason that certain things resonate with us, and that's okay as long as what is resonating is for our good and/or the good of others too. 

So the next time you get a powerful pull when you see something that's beautiful to you and may be more expensive than you can afford, don't feel bad or guilty because you love it. Understand that the Universe is showing it as a possibility and so you can feel something positive for it. Your inner guidance is telling you that having it might be a good thing for you. I am not saying there that you can't have or manifest it, by the way. Even if you didn't, though, and that's all that ever comes of it, you've done something good by raising your vibration to that of love even if it's for a short time.

By re-writing a better draft of our lives that fits in with who we are and what we can do and have, we can change our lives.

Remember a few episodes ago, the one on intentions? Think of your intention as the feeling you want to live today. Or you'll have once you're living how you want to or how it's going to feel to achieve your goal. Pick a good one. It could go something like this;

- I am creative and capable

- I am courageous and resilient

- I am supported and loved

Getting into alignment with the LOA

Having an agreement with the Law of Attraction in terms of what it actually is will be pretty important. If you think it's a magical power that needs you to have a fancy incantation to set it into motion, or it doesn't like you or will deny you because of what you believe, or you've done, you have the wrong idea of it. I know it seems like magic that you can place an order with the Universe and have it show up, and yes, it is part of the ultimate power in our cosmos. But it doesn't need you to be a princess or to believe something in particular or say certain words. To co-create what you want, it just needs you to understand a little bit about how it works and why it sends you the stuff it does.

The LOA is part of the foundation of life made up of all the principles in the Universe. It is built with a structure of self-sustaining, self-sufficient, and self-fulfilling energy that is ever-flowing and always expanding. When it comes to having assurance and stability, this means that the LOA is always in a state of being, which is why we can relax and let it take over for us. The same can be said for knowing there's enough, that we can feel secure and know we won't be shorted by the Universe. It's a darned good thing too, because that means LOA is never influenced by outside sources. Not you, not me, not anybody or anything. It's existent as its own entity, part of the much bigger, badass all that is. And finally, it accomplishes everything it sets out to do, every time, exactly as we ask for it. Even before we ask, the LOA has its energetic sights on it. 

Understand, though, that the day and time your wants happen to pop into your existence as a reality to you is somewhat dependent upon you. You have the ability to lengthen or shorten time frames in relation to how precise you are with your ideas, thoughts, and control of your energy.

Honoring the agreement between yourself and the LOA

Now that you've got your intention, you know you're not doing anything wrong, and you're working with the greatest power that ever has or ever will exist; what's next? 

Just take care of that agreement you have with the LOA and your inner and higher guidance. 

  • Be mindful of your energy. We've got a lot of things going on in our noggins every day. Take a few seconds to notice what's on your mind. If you don't like it, then try changing it. Even if it's a work-related problem, try reframing things to look at it from a more solution-oriented point of view or try and find one good thing about what's going on today. Look out a window, take a deep breath, stand up and stretch. All it sometimes takes is a subtle shift in your energy to start something good.
  • Feel your way into alignment. When you feel crappy, purposefully take some time, even a few minutes, to do something for yourself that makes you feel better. It doesn't have to be a drastic leap in emotion, just leveling out anxiety or fear can help a lot; however, if you can take the time to do something fun, that's even better. 
  • Listen for guidance in your day. If you feel overwhelmed, it can bring clarity, but you have to recognize that guidance when it comes. Know that it could come in the form of anything or anyone. It could come in an email or in an inspired form. It could be any kind of nudge you get that gets you to stop and think for a minute. It's not always loud; it can be a quiet feeling that washes over you. Or it might be a word you pick out of a conversation you've overheard and sticks in your head. Guidance comes in so many ways, but I'm going to suggest when you find it, write it down for yourself for future inspiration.  
  • If you have trouble finding it, then ask for it. There's no shame in doing that; believe me, we all have days when it could blow right by us. Just say out loud or in your head, "please send me a sign I'll understand that you've got this, and it's gonna be fine." You could also try, "please send me a sign I'll know when I find it that will show me what to do next."
  • Follow the guidance when it comes. There's no use asking for it if you aren't going to take it seriously. So when you think you have guidance, it makes sense to treat the LOA like a friend and say "thanks," then take the suggestion from there. 

Knowing you're in alignment

Having a sign that you're lined up with the Universe can be super exciting and sometimes even a cause for a small celebration. But how do you really know for sure?

The obvious one would be that your manifestation shows up. In fact, any manifestation apart from the main one you've been trying for would be a good tip-off, but if you're not good at knowing what constitutes a realization, it could just seem like a good coincidence to you. 

I like to tell people to look for things that just seem like a nod or a hello from the Universe. It could be anything such as;

  • You realized that instead of blowing your top because someone was annoying you, you handled it more maturely, or you recognized that guiding your emotions doesn't seem as hard as you thought it was.
  • When you have a negative thought, it seems strange that your mind would go there.
  • You feel like you're more in-flow, and dealing with your day has more ease.
  • In general, you're feeling good more of the time, and you're having more fun.
  • You appreciate the little things more, or you find yourself caring more about someone you didn't even like before. 
  • When you ask for a sign of alignment, it shows up. You'll know that's what it is. 

Wrap UP

If you'd like to know even more about alignment, you can find it by joining my Powered UP Premium Monthly Subscription. It includes the Manifest Your Life Mini-Course Bundle with a complete mini-course on alignment right in the membership!

If you got something out of this episode, please join Powered UP FREE, my free manifesting community. I'd be so excited if you'd join in; I'll drop the links in the show notes so you can find those. Let me know how this episode was helpful for you.

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You're also invited to go to the podcast page on my website. You'll find a form there to sign up for the updates to the podcast. And feel free to message me with your suggestions for topics, your manifesting question, or manifesting stories to have them featured here. 

I hope you feel as good as I do because you joined me today, so please Get Your Shine On because the world is always a better place when you do. I'll be thinking of you and sending you good vibes. I can't wait for next time. Bye for now. 

Note: Episode 66 is part of a series, LOA Essentials.


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I wish you a glorious day, and I'm sending you the most fabulous of vibes right now! 💝


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