Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 63: Know How To Set The Most Awesome Intentions For The Best Results


Hello, my name's Marcie Robinson, your friendly neighborhood manifesting coach. I want to say first off that I so appreciate you being here. I love getting the chance to connect with you, and I hope you'll stay until the very end of this episode so you catch all the important details. This week, we're continuing with the Law Of Attraction Essentials series, where we're laying a foundation for streamlined manifesting. As you can tell by the title of today's episode, we're talking about creating intentions that get you what you want every time. 

Let's start by defining what an intention is, and I know you hear that word all the time, but I also think it's pretty easy to get an intention mixed up with an objective. Don't get me wrong; both words sound much the same; they're very closely related. But when we examine these words, it may become more apparent to you how things can go awry when attracting something you'd like to have. 


Your desire is really the objective. It's what you want to end up with at the end of the manifesting process, meaning that it's based on future thinking. Even though I say all the time that your desire is manifest in the now, and it is, you still don't have it quite yet, so for you at the beginning; you probably feel it's still off in the future, at least a bit. It's also going to be focused on something external, so it's not about your mindset or something coming from inside of you. An example would be something like a title or a position at work, a physical object, or where you place in a marathon. Your objective is going to be specific, and it's the entire reason for your manifesting. It's also meant to be a guiding element for managing your energy during the process. So when you're coming up against challenges and moments where you'd like to give up, you're going to be revisiting that objective and reflecting on how important it is to you. 

Having objectives in your life means you've got goals, and a happy, fulfilled life will include those. But as a growing manifestor often learns, it's not just the realization of the dream that will bring a sense of happiness or even accomplishment. It's also the path you take to get there because, on the way, there's growth and an increased sense of confidence coming from your experience.


On the other hand, an intention is about action and attitude. That means it's based on your ideas, beliefs, and behavior of the moment. It's the reason that you're going to maintain a certain mindset and prepare for having your desire. It's different from your objective because this is about how you interact with yourself and others. The intention is the mental action of making a decision. Being intentional with anything is where your power lies because it's a choice you make. This is where you get to decide how you'll handle the challenges that pop up on your path; it's about forming new opinions and perspectives. You get to select what you want, and you get to re-frame your ideas and choose something else too. It's also about how your attitude affects your behavior. For instance, when you come up against obstacles, what do you do? Do you seek solutions then put them into action? I hope you do!


You're going to know if you've watched pretty much any movie that there are different types of intentions. Your classic superhero-type film (I'm choosing that because it's a favorite genre in my house)encompasses good and evil intent very well. So if your mind conjures up pictures of a famous villain when you hear the word evil, you know what I'm talkin' about. 

Because they come from your internal workings, your motivations will say a lot about your attitude and the people they'll impact. I tend to think of intentions as to how good or bad they might be. Let's look at a few types to see where they fall.

The Dark Intentions

  • Evil-if somebody wants to flat out hurt somebody else, it falls into this category. It doesn't matter if you want to cause emotional, physical, or psychological harm; it all falls into that category.

  • Negative-I tend to think of this type of intent as consciously doing something that you know will impact someone else in an unacceptable way. There is a myriad of ways for this to present itself. For instance, if you purposely held someone back from an opportunity, that would be great for them. Maybe ignoring someone when you know you could help them. It could be anything negative that will keep someone else from having or attaining something they deserve.

  • Selfish-of course, we're all able to be selfish at times, but if your decision is solely based on your ego, this is what I'm talking about. Remember that episode about oneness I did a few episodes back? When you find yourself not caring about how your actions or lack of them would affect others, it will qualify here. An example would be taking credit for something someone else did to make yourself feel better. You know it's not going to make them feel good, but you just don't care. 

The Non-Intentions

  • Careless- this type of intention is really none at all; what I mean by that is not thinking about actions, for instance, and how they may impact someone else, even you! It could be staying stuck in a mindset where you aren't caring about anything at all. There doesn't have to be a specific negative or positive motive behind it. It's just not putting much or very little thought into how you're living. You don't feel any motivation to change it either.

The Light Intentions

  • Positive-when you always want to do your best and put your best into things. If you anticipate good coming from them, then you've got good intentions. They may benefit you or others, and that's okay with you as long as something good comes out of it. 

  • Self-less-these ones are where you purposely do something affirmative that puts someone else ahead of you. You're thinking about them and realizing that you want what's best for them. Even if it hurts you a bit and even it's something you wanted too you'd give it up so they can have it. And that's because you know they deserve it. You can think about parents giving up something they wanted so their kids could have what they need as an example

  • Altruistic-this is where superhero movies shine. The idea of having an intention that creates the best possible outcome for everyone isn't just admirable. It takes the concept of oneness and solidifies it into a picture that makes us understand that what's beneficial for someone else is good for us too! There's no reason not to want the best for everyone and take action to ensure it. Remember the Law of Sufficiency And Abundance??? And if you're struggling to understand why you'd care about that, think about saving the planet. It benefits all of us.

When manifesting, of course, the type of intention you choose has to agree with your desire, so if you want something that will be a source of joy for you, you're gonna want to put some joy into that intention.


While I can't tell you what your exact intentions should be, I can give you a couple of tips to set ones that will increase your manifesting mojo to achieve your desires. 


Clear ideas win out over fuzzy ones every time here. To make a clear intention, you've got to hone in on precisely what you want. It will require some self-reflection. Take some time just to relax and let answers come to you. Ask yourself;

  • what matters to you the most?
  • how do you want to feel?
  • what you're thankful for?
  • how do you want to be remembered?
  • what brings you the most joy?
  • if you could do or be anything, what is that?


For manifesting purposes, my intentions are pretty simple. Remember that intent always shows up in whatever you manifest, so make it count by keeping it uplifting.

When you know what your intent is, then narrow it down to a simple word or phrase that you'll carry around in your mind and heart all day. If it isn't overly complicated, it will stick at the front of your mind. Then when you need a brain break, you can focus on it, even for a few seconds.


It's more than just a "how're ya doin'?" What you want to do is to ensure that you're in alignment with your intent. Remember, the intention is rooted in the present, so it's crucial to do so.

  • Remind yourself each morning and evening what your intent is. Starting and ending the day with it is a powerful reinforcement of your desire.
  •  Think about your mindset during the day and what you could do to improve it. Can you re-frame something in your mind that will help you think better of a current circumstance?
  •  Ask yourself if your behavior today feels like it is helping to attract your desire. What have you done that might be creating a block? Acknowledging that those actions aren't so helpful and resolving to do something differently next time could be very constructive. Even if you can't fix what's already been done.
  • Are you noticing any emotions right now that would be best to let go of? What about just getting quiet for a few minutes and getting your calm on? Can you let go of some anger and feel something different? I'm not saying you should switch over to feeling super happy because if you're feeling rage, that's just unrealistic. But can you feel something different? Finding something to do that can change your emotions, even slightly, would be beneficial.

Keeping track of what you're doing with your energy is very important to ensuring your intentions don't go to waste. 

Do you feel like if you have a bad day that you have to start over? I hear that a lot, and if you do, I have good news for you. That's not true, so stop that! Having that mindset and feeling that way prolongs things. Just acknowledging that you made a mistake and handing control over to the forces that be so, you can manage yourself is the best thing you can do to keep your intent pure. 


I'm hoping that this helps you in some way, even getting a reminder can be helpful. To learn more and get some great ideas for setting awesome intentions, why don't you join my Powered UP Premium Monthly Subscription? It includes the Manifest Your Life Mini-Course Bundle and I have a whole mini-course devoted to awesome intentions in there! 

If you're not quite ready to spend 15 bucks a month, join Powered UP FREE.

It's my free manifesting community. I may be biased, but I think it's the best one out there! I'll drop the links in the show notes so you can find them. 

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I hope you feel uplifted, so please Get Your Shine On because the world is always a better place when you do. I'll be thinking of you and sending you good vibes. I can't wait for next time. Bye for now. 

Note: Episode 63 is part of a series, LOA Essentials.


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I wish you a glorious day, and I'm sending you the most fabulous of vibes right now! 💝


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