Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 62: Keepin' Things Clear For The LOA To Respond To Your True Desires


Hey there, it's time for the Magnetic Me, You + Law of Attraction Podcast. Welcome, Come On into our super magnetic space because it's always a sunny day here. My intention for today's episode, which is episode number 62, is that we'll catch up and that you'll leave feeling lighter, brighter, and filled with the best kind of co-creative energy. Basically, you'll have your shine on! Let's get started!

Hello, my name's Marcie Robinson; I'm a coach that's been specializing in manifesting for well over 15 years now. Thanks for being here today. It's always nice when I get to hang out with you for a while. Today's episode is part of a new series called Law Of Attraction Essentials. This series is about laying a foundation for each of your manifestations to be a total success. This particular episode is about what clarity really means to actualize desires. Because you're here today, I'm going to encourage you to stay until the very end because it's no coincidence you are here. I invite you to check out Powered UP FREE; I'll drop the link in the show notes because it's a great way to show your support for this podcast.

What Does Clarity Mean To You?

What do you think of when you think of the word clarity? It's probably something to do with being heard or seen or understood. You know it when you see it; just think about a glass of water because of its transparency and how good it is to drink it. You'll know it when you hear it too. It's hard to forget the amazing purity of someone who has a fantastic voice and knows how to use it. You may remember misunderstandings and times when another person didn't get what you were saying, or you realized you hadn't understood someone else. I also think about diamonds, but that's another story. Mostly, when I hear the word clear, I tend to think of characteristics that precede the realization of desires. Maybe that says something about the ample amount of nerd in me.

Of course, there are different types of clarity to explore that go way beyond things like physical clutter, which I've talked about before. Since we're talking about the Law Of Attraction Basics, I'll mention a few of them; but you'll get what I mean when you hear them.

  • Clarity Of Mind
  • Clarity Of Intent
  • Clarity Of Desire
  • Clarity Of Plan
  • Clarity Of Action
  • Clarity Of Accountability
  • Clarity Of Belief
  • Clarity Of Evidence

When it comes to manifesting, one of the things the idea of clarity is closely related to is accuracy. To achieve a detailed and specific manifestation of what you have in mind, you'll want to demonstrate or cultivate some qualities that will help you keep your energy clear and uncluttered. Let's talk about that for a minute. While none of what I'm going to say should be a shocker, it's something you want to be aware of. 

I'm going to list three of the top characteristics you'll want to apply when you sit down to attract something important to you.


Three Characteristics To Keep Your Energy Clear


Of course, when you're setting out to realize an idea or dream, you want to know exactly what you're going for. That's why you hear so much about;

  1. Knowing what you want.
  2. Knowing why you want it. 
  3. Knowing how you're going to feel once you have it.

It seems pretty straightforward. Here's a familiar scenario I'll share with you; I speak with people about manifesting all the time, and often they'll know a bit about what they want. However, what becomes truly clear in our conversation is that they're confused. Because it's normal to be influenced by other people who mean something to us and the never-ending stream of ideas, sometimes people will say they want something, but that's not entirely true. They'll only want it because they think they should. But when I get them to explore their desire more profoundly and look at its why they'll sometimes realize that they're not as sure about that bit as they thought. It will often result in my potential client overhauling what they want entirely.

I'll also often have a client who doesn't know what they should manifest first. They're coming to me with a list, which I totally respect, but they want to know if they should get the money part down then move on to the lifestyle part. Or should they lose the weight first then find their soulmate? This is a thing. My answer is that I can't tell them what they should do, but I do have them explore what they really want. If lifestyle's the reason they're coming to me, there are ways to change the way you live without needing a ton of money to do it. Is having your soulmate by your side the real goal, or is it actually good health? 

That isn't to say you can't manifest more than one thing at a time, but often the mindset isn't there yet. So for some people, focusing on one goal at a time is as much as they'll want to handle. There's a certain amount of self-awareness that's needed to make a clear intention. And if you don't have one, then you'll gain awareness in the manifesting process, and that's a good thing.  

Being a decision-maker is empowering because manifesting means you're deciding that you already have what you want. Freeing yourself from confusion means no fuzzy intentions. And you can put the right type of attention on your desire instead of waffling back and forth on whether you're putting your focus on the right thing.


Where you're putting your attention is literally the center of your attractive powers. That's why it's the second characteristic I'd like to point out. Think about it; manifesting means you're trying to get your frequency to meet up with your desire, whatever and wherever that happens to be. It's a commitment because until you concentrate on your idea to the point where you believe it's yours, it's risky. When I say risky, I mean it in the sense that you could stop the progression of your desire with one crappy day. That's sometimes how things get dragged out, causing you to wait much longer than you wanted. You could get into a funk thinking about the how and the when. Sometimes the biggest obstacle you come up against is wondering whether you should forget about the whole darned idea. 

Deciding that something's already happened in the energetic sense is much different than believing in yourself and your ability to manifest it. People doubt themselves way too much in this process, and for a good reason. We've all heard that acquiring things isn't that easy, and it's gonna take work to earn what we want. We've grown up believing that to get things you want; you have to give something first. Because physical effort is what we're familiar with, and money is what we're familiar with, we take it for granted that manifesting is going to require physical exertion/or money. That is true sometimes, but let me remind you of this. The way you get things through conscious co-creation is through energy; that's the currency of the cosmos. Physical energy is just one form, and money is just one form of energy; mental and emotional energy count too. Even when you're not aiming to create things, say a circumstance you could do without, mental and emotional energy matters there too. When something you don't want happens, you probably aren't doubting your ability to manifest it. 

When you can't see the process that's going on in the spiritual world, it's easy to give up hope and focus on the wrong thing. Minimizing distraction by repeating an uplifting affirmation or releasing emotion are quick and fairly easy ways to curb destructive thoughts. Also, be prepared for days that suck. They're gonna happen to everybody, and knowing that tomorrow is another day and another opportunity for things to manifest can help. But one thing that can completely change what you're shining your spotlight on that day is getting a sign of alignment. Some days you just gotta ask for one to keep your focus and your energy lined up. When you do that, be aware of little things because it's not always going to be posted on a billboard. Remember, a sign could be more like a whisper. 

Having ways that make sense to you to maintain your positive focus and organize disordered energy can help you manifest more quickly and with more clarity and accuracy. 


When you see or hear that word, if you're thinking bookish, know that nobody will be scoring any tests for you. That's because you are in charge of your own education on this one. I'm not saying that to sound mean but know that there will be many things that you'll learn about yourself. That will lend to your clarity about how good you are at co-creating what you actually want and what you need to do to get better at it. 

Your teacher is the universe. You know that our lives are reflections of our energy and how we've managed it up to this point. Now that you know more about the Law of Attraction and how co-creation works, you'll want to start realistically grading yourself from time to time. You'll also want to be able to take lessons from mistakes or outcomes, good or bad, and incorporate them into your co-creative mix. 

At first glance, this is something that seems like it might hurt a bit, but don't do it to beat yourself up. Getting educated about your life and your goals is a deliberate step, and it's meant to be constructive. It's a sign of growth and personal development. What it means for you is that you're becoming an expert manifester one step at a time. 

So please don't shy away from making mistakes, it's really okay to make them, and it's also fine for you to acknowledge them in the spirit of learning from them. I always ask my clients and students to get a notebook or keep notes on their digital devices. When things happen that they know is a sign from the universe or if something shows up, and they're wondering why then make a note of it and what happened before it that they could attribute it to. Be honest with yourself because that's going to make you one heck of a manifesting force to be reckoned with. 

For a more in-depth study into different types of clarity and how you can leverage the power of it for manifesting, go to That study is included in the Powered UP Premium Monthly Subscription has the Manifest Your Life Mini-Course Bundle in it. But if you're not ready for a premium subscription, I invite you to check out Powered UP FREE; I'll drop the link in the show notes.

I hope you feel uplifted and ready to have your shine on because the world is always a better place when you do. I'll be thinking of you and can't wait for next time. Bye for now. 

Note: Episode 62 is part of a series, Law Of Attraction Essentials.


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I wish you a glorious day, and I'm sending you the most fabulous of vibes right now! 💝


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