Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 58 : 3 Seriously Useful Tips To Help You Connect To The Principle Of Oneness


Hey there, it's time for the Magnetic Me, You + Law of Attraction Podcast. Welcome, Come On into our super magnetic space because it's always a sunny day here. My intention for today's episode, which is episode number 58, is that we'll catch up and that you'll leave feeling lighter, brighter, and filled with the best kind of co-creative energy. Basically, you'll have your shine on! Let's get started!

So I don't know what you did over the weekend, but my husband and I binge-watched a show on Netflix. Oh, please, don't judge me here. That's not all we did. We also managed to take a very nice 2-hour drive to pick up a cool midcentury cabinet we got from Marketplace. Know that I've been a fan of really good, I mean the best of midcentury design long before MadMen caught on. It's one of my things. The drive was lovely btw, as we traversed hills and valleys and all the flat land in between our destination and back home. We got to enjoy the changing seasons with yellow and gold leaves popping out all over the place, even though the temperatures here were very much summer-like. And we cooked a couple of great meals if I do say so myself. And even grocery shopping and some laundry got done. I made sure I did housework on Friday, too, so I didn't feel too guilty. If you're wondering what we watched, it was called Midnight Mass which is a dark and, I thought, disturbing show. Please don't take my mentioning this as an endorsement to watch it. I'm not going to critique it for you. And it isn't that we decided to just sit and watch the whole thing either. After the first episode, for whatever reason, we were already in the rabbit hole, completely fascinated, and we just couldn't stop watching. I know you'll understand because I'm pretty sure most of us have been there from time to time. But it wasn't until the last episode of the show that I realized why I was watching. 

Spoiler alert. I will mention a particular scene here, but I won't mention names, so I don't completely ruin it for you. In the scene I'm focusing on, one of the characters was dying. Earlier in the show, she'd been discussing what she thinks happens when you die with her love interest, who by that point was already dead. As she's lying on the ground, it switches back to that conversation they'd had, and she starts telling the vision of her romantic interest what her experience of dying is like while it's happening. It was so beautifully said and very uplifting, especially if you happen to share this belief. 

It struck me as I was watching that I was being inspired for this podcast episode. I've meant to do an episode on this idea of oneness for quite a while. So, when I heard this character describing that she's remembering the oneness she has with the cosmos it was like somebody was yelling at me to get off my butt and just do it. That being said, our character, who shall remain nameless, starts with the idea that self or being separate is wrong and about remembering that she is energy. 

What can I say about oneness? Well, I've already said a few things in a module on oneness that I've put in one of my programs. For today, let's start at the beginning. 

As New-age and hokey as this idea might sound to some people, I happen to take it very seriously, and I've always been able to feel that connection to the cosmos that our dearly departed tv show character was talking about. If you don't know what I mean when I say oneness, think about a characteristic you've inherited from a parent or grandparent. Maybe you're told you look exactly like your dad. It could be something that you have very much in common with a family member or friend. Knowing that you have that connection to them can make you feel closer to them. It's an agreement or something that makes people feel unified in a cause or like allies for a particular idea. It's a bond of connectedness you have with someone or something. So know that while many people strive for or feel a oneness with God, you don't need to belong to a church or be religious to feel oneness. If the idea of being so close and so personal with so much doesn't thrill you or just creeps you out, let me try making a case for the principle of oneness.

Suppose you ponder our world; everything seems to be pretty separate when you look at it with our human eyes. Nature and humans co-exist, but humans do it in ways that are very dissimilar to many of our animal friends. We all have individual bodies; there are lots of different and beautiful shapes and sizes. We form different personalities; we have different ideas and interpretations of our world. Now, this super cool and sometimes controversial principle steps in saying that everything that we see and even what we can't see is one. It's all joined together into this one massive, hard to imagine being or entity. Whaaaat? How could that possibly be? You're telling me that I'm joined at the hip with that person over there that I can't understand for the life of me, and I really don't want to? What about all the other people I don't like?

The answer is yes, there is a connectedness to everything, and if we look closer, we can begin to see how everything in nature is interdependent. Food chains, habitats, the impact humans have had on our environment. Everything affects something else, and in turn, something else has an impact of its own. 

If you don't know this already, purposely manifesting your life with the Law of Attraction can teach you all about oneness. Thinking about it, every LOA result that I've ever heard or have had myself or have been witness to has taught me about just how connected we all are. Not just to each other, but everything!

If you don't lean so much into the spiritual side of this idea, there have been studies on this concept. People of all types of backgrounds were surveyed, representing different religions. The results showed that people who believed in a divine principle of oneness have more life satisfaction overall. So I urge you to think about the benefits it could have for a believer in this principle to use their positivity and manifesting power for the greater good! There's something to be said for the idea of knowing that through this principle of oneness, you can affect things on a bigger scale as well.  

As a human being who comes with a certain amount of logic, you'll realize that we can't be thinking about communing with everyone and everything every minute, can we? We have to take care of lots of outside stuff, so we have a certain level of satisfaction. And having a good sense of yourself is great for you to understand more about who you are as a physical person and how you want to present yourself to the world at large. We all have those different ideals and imaginings of how we want to live and what we want to experience. So, if it's difficult for you to grasp the idea of being a person and also belonging this vast network of channels to all that is, is it even possible to get in touch with this principle that links us to everything?

The Three Seriously Useful Tips

Of course, you can. Just as beliefs can be changed and altered to include and exclude different things, you can create and notice this principle working in your life. Here are the 3 seriously useful tips to connect to the principle of oneness.

  • Start by noticing what's going on inside more often and seeing how that relates to your outside world. Finding a correlation between your thoughts and feelings and why you have them will help you understand more of what's going on. If you're thinking it's going to be painful, you may be correct, but you'll gain knowledge and perspective by reflecting. Figure out the connection between your inner world and your results.
  • Find what you have in common with another person, even if you think there's nothing you have in common at all. Searching for similarities will bring on more awareness, and you might be surprised at what you'll learn about yourself and others. Creating connections with other people is part of life itself and necessary for accepting a belief in oneness. It will also foster respect and empathy. It's a huge step toward the inner growth that many of us are looking for. 
  • Don't pass off what seems like a coincidence. Look for synchronicity in the things that happen for you and around you. Just like the algorithms in the apps on your smartphone know what you were searching for on Google yesterday, there are things in life that are lining up to amaze you. Part of the more significant connection to the universe is the alignment of things that surprise you at just the right time. So the next time you're wowed by something that you're ready to think of as random or happening by accident, look for order in it. 

I found inspiration to complete this episode for you today from a character in a tv show to whom I felt a connection. I hope you feel the link to the gratitude I have for you joining in and listening. Find more episodes on my website by going to, and please sign up for notifications for new podcast episodes. You can also send an idea, ask me a question you'd like answered on our podcast or share your law of attraction story with me if you'd like it featured here. 

That's it for now, but I want you to know that this episode is sponsored by my mini-course called The 5 Often Ignored But Seriously Useful Principles Of Manifesting. You can find it on my website or get it free with your Powered UP Premium Monthly Subscription!

I hope you feel uplifted and ready to Get Your Shine ON! because the world is always a better place when you do. I'll be thinking of you and can't wait for next time. Bye for now. 

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