Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP Episode 57  What The Donna Reed Show Taught Me About The Principle Of Harmony

Welcome to The Ignition Blog and to this week’s episode!

Have you ever wondered why universal laws work for everyone all the time? Every time I think about the power and coordination that it would take for that to happen, the answer becomes apparent. Let's face it; humans have challenges. One of mine is sometimes struggling to stick to my organized scheduling to fit everything into my day. You'll notice that these episodes are sometimes sporadic, and I don't like that at all. Just like in your life, there a million things to take care of. I promise I'm not giving up the challenge to be here for you. 

You may have the same type of challenge from time to time, and life presents so many of them to us human beings that you could just pick any one of them to talk about. The answer to how the universe could keep everything working so effectively without ever needing a break is, of course, that no human being ever had a hand in creating the principles that govern all of us all the time. And isn't it nice to know that there's something almighty and intelligent, looking out for us that it's never distracted by wondering what shirt will go with those shoes? I know I often find that fact very comforting.

We all like things to be easy for us.

However, this tremendous force also gave us the ability to question ourselves and the awareness to understand that that's the case. In other words, we have free will, and that's where too many choices can become a bad thing. Case in point; my lazy teenagers with an appropriate amount of drama will throw open the fridge door exclaiming there's nothing to eat despite the fact ample amounts of leftovers are peeking out at them from the shelves. Not to mention we have veggies and fruit accessible on the counter and bread and cereal in the pantry at all times. I'll say have some trail mix, make a sandwich. But they'll grumble because they want me to make it as easy as possible for them, and they still don't like my suggestions. The implication when that happens is they want me to choose the meal they will enjoy the most, make it, and present it to them all while being as Donna Stone as possible. No slight on the Donna Reed show here. I love watching those old episodes. Yes, despite an illustration of what now seems to be a more innocent time, I like how she was a bit more assertive than most depictions of homemakers during that era. I find it fascinating to watch or hear about the dearly held ideals of past generations. 

My point to all that is that just like my angsty teens still wanting me to make decisions and do the work for them, when it comes to life, we all want to let the universe do things for us sometimes, don't we? And like the loving and sensible Donna Stone who can do anything and maintain a sense of humor, the universe will do its best to comply and to keep things working smoothly. So how can things get so bungled up sometimes? Because humans are human, there's no end to the possibilities for blunders to happen. Our doubts, indecision, and fear, even if it's unfounded, create frequencies that are completely out of sync with what we want. Then we walk around with those frequencies hanging off us all day. Is it any wonder then that life gets out of our control? The way the universe keeps things tidy and neat as a pin is to give us what we're asking for. It isn't wasting time and energy arguing with us, and rarely did Donna Stone argue with her kids. It isn't the responsibility of the universe to clean up after us when we make a mess. That's our job, and whether things work out the way we want them to or not, there's always agreement between what we ask for and what we manifest.

The answer to consistency is harmony.

The answer to the question about how the universe is so consistent is, of course, Harmony. Yes, Harmony as a universal principle is responsible for keeping everything in our universe organized and humming along as Donna would do for her family or as you'd do with a great song. You'll learn a lot about Harmony by listening to a great tune. But the really interesting thing about it is that things don't have to sound good or even be perfect to be harmonious. So how do you recognize it when you've got it?

It might be easier said than done these days. Having been through a full year with a pandemic raging, I have lots of clients finding themselves out of balance in ways that are completely new to them. Like so many other parents with a demanding career, I have a new client who is finding herself struggling with her housework now that her pre-pandemic cleaning help decided to retire when restrictions started. With homeschooling their kids and working from home, she and her husband are exhausted because they're working during hours they weren't used to working before. She told me she's lucky to dress up and put on makeup during days she has Zoom meetings and has to be more professional. She looks forward in a new way to the days when she goes into the office on a rotational schedule.

It doesn't stop there; of course, many people are feeling out of sorts with current circumstances and are trying to compensate in different areas and ways to find a balance. That's pretty normal at any time, but more so these days, it seems. 

This is a time of growth and learning.

You know what's going on out there, friend. This thing has affected all of us, and few of us would have anticipated how long it could last and how bad it could get. Even though we're all tired of dealing with it, we will get through this. And though my heart aches for those lost to this virus and their loved ones and for others who have found themselves stretched to their limit in other ways that are also painful, this is a time of growth for many. I think it's important not just to get through but to pivot to adopt new ideas for going forward and ways of life in general. Even if some aren't ready to embrace something different yet, we must understand that we can trust the universe to coordinate something better for us. And that's all because of the consistency of universal law. Harmony is why we can have both good and bad and indeed is why things can co-exist. Things like having something positive coming out of something negative. In fact, if Harmony didn't exist, we wouldn't be able to manifest. It's the Harmony we create with our inner being on whatever we bring to us that allows for it to happen. 

Oh Donna, oh Donna!

So, even though I wasn't around when the show aired, I can watch the Donna Reed Show's old episodes now that you can find any show and stream anything anywhere. The main character Donna Stone sets a fine example of Harmony in her middle-class world while taking care of her typical family and almost single-handedly solving so many issues while still managing to contribute to her community. While I realize that the world exemplified in the show rarely existed that way for most, even at the time, Donna had a solution-seeking mindset and refusal to accept that she couldn't do what she set out to do. As such, it created the kind of harmony people are willing to pay high prices for when they find out a favorite musician is coming to town for a once-in-a-lifetime gig. The way Donna decided on what to do, set about doing it, and handled her family's needs at the same time is genuinely admirable. And it was her belief and her agreement with herself that ensured all would work out for the best every week within a 30- minute time slot.

Oh, how much easier life could be if we could do the same. Well, we can. Suppose we're willing to understand that we can borrow a bit of Donna Stone's belief and come to an agreement with ourselves. We'd be less likely to give up on doing what we can to make the best of things and never give up on the good in our world. It may not happen as quickly as an episode of the Donna Reed Show, but it can take less than 30 minutes to decide to let go of something that's bothering you that day. Or use some emotional guidance to move into a better feeling and maybe even take care of something you've been putting off.

Harmony boosting suggestions.

Even though your situation may not be anything at all like Donna's, you've probably had times in your life where you had an imbalance in one area in particular. Maybe even now. So you could very well be wondering how to bring more Harmony in and relieve some of the stress. 

  1. Accept that having a lack of balance in your life from time to time is human. There's nothing wrong with you, and nobody can judge you for it because it happens to everybody. Just do your best not to neglect any area of life, and remember it's natural to have times when you're busier with some things than others. Take care of your responsibilities first, and give whatever you can comfortably give to other areas without overtaxing yourself. You may need some help, and you'll need to know which parts to prioritize. Then when you can be more in balance, enjoy it.
  2. Look for the best solutions possible right now. Even though your ideal fix might still be on the horizon, taking opportunities or doing what's possible now can open up invisible doors to better resolutions. And keep replaying your vision for the best outcome as well! Do it every day to ensure it happens faster.
  3. Take care of yourself. Are you getting enough rest? How about ditching some of the caffeine or sugar, getting out into the fresh air a few times a week? Especially if you're working from home these days! You can do it safely, and it will improve your mindset to feel like you're still part of the world. So do a quick check-in with your body and mind regularly and ask yourself what you need to do to take care of yourself today.
  4. Learn better ways to do or deal with things. I know we're all creatures of habit, and for most of us, we'll stick with what we know or at least what we think works for us. But sometimes, we can make things even easier on ourselves if we can keep an open mind and find new perspectives. Don't be afraid to find new ways to deal with things; I'm talking about anything here. It doesn't mean you're wrong, so no beating yourself up, but it can lead to something better.
  5. Cultivate a new passion. There's nothing quite so enlivening than finding something that you may have never even thought about before, but you love it. Finding something new to be passionate about, and I'm generally talking here as in taking up a new hobby or revisiting a talent that you might have given up years ago, can give you those fresh perspectives I was talking about. It can also be very empowering and shine a light on a new sense of self which can be added to that wonderful mix that's already you.
  6. Value and contribute to your relationships. Showing other people you care, especially in the everyday, hey, it's no big deal sense, is excellent for building trust and closeness. In a time where we haven't been able to be physically close to a lot of people, letting those we care about know you're thinking about them and are there for them to help can grow good feelings. 
  7. Don't compare yourself to others. It's harmful to your mindset and self-worth. It also doesn't do any favors for those around you either. When you feel like you're not enough, you can't be the best you. And when you try competing or putting in more effort to bring yourself up to standard with others to fare better, it's possible you're not being real with yourself. That's not what self-development is about. Nobody's perfect here; you're allowed to be human, and it's okay to embrace you. When you feel good about yourself, you have more of yourself to give. It's okay to want to be more; strive to be more of who you are. The great thing is you get to decide who that is. But please don't worry about being somebody else. 
  8. Live the life you're meant to live. That means that you're expanding your footprint of awesomeness, and you're impacting the people you come into contact with, in the best ways possible, of course. Leaving the kind of imprint on the world you're proud of means you're investing in yourself. You're living who you are, and you're not as worried about what other people think you should be doing. So be your best, give your best and enjoy who you are. 

If you can keep these things in mind, you're going to be creating more and better Harmony in your life. Things will open up to you in ways you couldn't have even imagined. I'm excited about that, and you should be too. 


Now just a sneak peek. If you want to learn more about the universal principle of Harmony, watch for this mini-course that I'm adding to my website coming up really soon. It's something that only my coaching clients used to get, but they liked it so much, they told me that I should put it up on my website for anybody who wants it. It's an introductory course for the 5 often ignored but seriously useful principles of manifesting. I'll have it up for you very soon for you if you're interested so keep an eye out for that. 

That's it for today, friend, but I want to encourage you to Get Your Shine ON because you make the world so better with it. Have a great week, and I'm thinking of you and your amazing creations! And don't forget to follow me on social media. I'm on Facebook and Instagram the most these days. I'll be back soon. Bye for now.