Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 54:  Keep That Energy Movin' And Groovin' For Your Best Clutter-Free Life


Hi, there friend, so nice to be here with you again. Are you ready? This is one of those episodes where you might want to have your handy-dandy manifesting notebook nearby and write down a few things as we go along. Make sure you can settle into this with your whole attention because it's so good.


Why should I declutter internally anyway?

It may sound a little strange for some of us to think about doing an internal declutter, but it makes a lot of sense when you start contemplating it. If you believe as I do that we can take what we build in our imagination and use our intellectual and spiritual faculties to project it into our outer world so that we experience it in human terms, then you'll really want to focus on this episode. 


Just like we can build up too much stuff in our physical spaces like our junk drawers and that spare room that always seems to be a mess, we can allow too many unsound thoughts, emotions, and out-of-date ideas to kick around our brain and in our physical bodies. They will and do in time start playing around with the energy centers housed within us, and they'll walk around with us in the form of the energetic bodies that move with us always. 


I'm trying to say that we can be walking around in our physical existence so tuned into what's going on around us in the physical world that we have no idea that we're tuned out internally. In fact, there are times when we've even walled off the very best chance we have to create our lives. That's because our energy is so out of alignment with what we want and what's going on in our lives. Luckily, all we need to do is start paying attention to what's going on inside to start making small shifts and live an easier and more blessed life right here and right now. 

Things to know

There are benefits of taking the time and effort to clean up some of the litter that might be scattered around the inner you and the bigger part of you. Here's what I want to make you aware of before you start rolling up those sleeves to dig in. 

  • You'll be more magnetic to the circumstances and things you want in your life. If you've ever tried methods to clear out unwanted energy, and there are a lot of them (we'll talk a bit more about those later), you may have heard about things like the concept of life force. No, I'm not talking about Star Wars here, even though you could take a thing or two about energy from it. Whether it's mental, emotional, or any other type of energy, energy's constantly on the move. When it can't circulate, of course, it's blocked. This is especially important when it comes to negative energy. When you get a bunch of negative crap held up in a certain space, it will just build upon itself. Given some of what we’ve all seen go on recently, It’s pretty easy to let the bad stuff outweigh the good. After a while, though if you don’t make the effort to get rid of it, decidedly lousy things can happen. As an example, think about having a blockage in your pipes at home. When there’s so much gunk built up that it gets so that water can't move through those pipes, things don't work right anymore, and you'll start noticing if your water isn't draining or it starts backing up. You've got to take care of it before disaster strikes. However, most people will only take care of it right before something really annoying and bad happens. It’s the same with our energy. If you clear out the blockages asap, negative stuff doesn't get the chance to hang around you unless you're making a decision to continue to pull it in. When you have clear space in all your energy centers, you have ample chances to invite in fresh energy, new opportunities, inspiration, and all the things that will light you up from the inside. When you feel like that, the world is yours for the taking.
  • What that means is that you're gonna be working on some of the personal stuff you might be holding onto and may be very reluctant to let go of. Hey, we all do it because we're human and there’s nothin’ sayin’ we have to give up anything. Even things that might not be serving us anymore. There's no fault in feeling anything or having some blocked up energy. You just want to be aware that it's a good idea to address the things that are bothering you now in the name of moving forward with your life. Getting real with yourself and doing a deep clean isn't always easy, but it is worth it.
  • By getting busy and doing this, you'll be more in tune with who you are, which means your intuitive senses will become more refined. Look, you aren't going to be as connected as you could be with those higher parts of you if you're closed off by holding onto energetic junk. When you're clothed in it, then those sometimes more subtle clues that the universe sends you are harder to feel out. That feeling of something not being right isn't as easy to pick out of the crowd of negative stuff that's hangin' around. Or you might even doubt the awesome circumstance that pops up or that break that's meant for you because you don't have the clarity to view it with the correct perception. Being able to hear the whispers of your intuition along with having the larger view will ensure that you're where you're supposed to be, meaning you’re where you want to be more of the time. 
  • It gives you the opportunity to start creating better habits, and you'll feel more comfortable making those leaps, whether they’re big or small, that will lead to those realizations.  Sometimes there will be things you'll need to do to get to the next step. Something that I've learned in a very personal way is that the loftier your ideas and visions are, the more you may be asked to do. That can make you feel like you're out of your comfort zone at times. While it's not always a great idea to rush things, there might be moments where you have to make a snap decision. If you've been consciously manifesting and keeping your energy clear, that helps give you the certainty that these situations are moments of alignment. Look at it this way. Doing things when you’re uncomfortable can be a way to overcome blocks and move forward too. Even if it doesn't work out, you'll learn something, but if it goes right, then you'll end up either with something you've wanted or much closer to it. So if you're ever asked either by someone else or the universe to do something you're not sure you feel comfortable doing, keep that in mind.

What is energetic/spiritual clutter?

It might be easier to understand if we start by answering the question of where we find those areas of disarray so we can start tidying them up and giving the junk the old heave-ho. The following are places to focus on. This is where to dive in to do a deep clean in the innermost recesses of our mind and energetic spaces. 


  • Start by asking yourself what persistent, negative thoughts or old beliefs you have that you've been carrying around. You might already know what's holding you back, or maybe it will be a bit like a learning experience for you. You'll be picking out those ones that are a bit like a recurring dream. You find yourself thinking about them over and over. They’ll be popping up often or randomly.
  • A common thing most of us do at one time or another is that we'll continuously put off doing something we want to do. Humans have dreams, and even if we think about taking action on ours a lot, we might believe that we don't have what it takes or that we won't be successful. Something I’ve run into a lot with clients is that at the end of the day, we might not want to ruin our dream. It’s a nice safe space to escape to and sometimes we’re afraid that if we achieve that dream our escape disappears so we never take it too seriously. I can give assurance here when that happens for you another dream will pop up to take its place because we are never finished creating new desires. If you’re finding that procrastination is one of your tactics to cope, know that it can actually indicate a blockage. If you find yourself doing that a lot, examine it in a bit more detail to get to the heart of what's going on there. Why is it more comfortable to push your dreams away for another day or to leave something for tomorrow than it is to just get it done?
  • Try looking for and understanding those habitual emotions that you lean on day-to-day. These are the well-worn patterns that other people who know you could pick out instantly when they think of you. For instance, if you're angry a lot, choose to explore why it's your go-to emotion. You'll be looking for the feelings that dictate how you deal with everyday annoyances that come along.
  • Look at any instances wherein the distant or not so distant past you know you've made a big mistake, or you know you've hurt someone else, and you haven't taken full responsibility for it. Follow the guilt or embarrassment you feel because of those situations; you'll find them. Then forgive yourself and if needed make things right with that person as much as might be possible. Holding onto Shame and guilt keeps you vibrating at a very low rate.
  • Ask yourself if there are any areas or people in your life that you're purposely ignoring. You know you’ll find a rich store-house of information in those places. If it’s an area in your life like your love life or your health, ask yourself why you’re ignoring it. What makes it less of a priority for you than something else that might not be as important? If it’s a person it could mean an awkward conversation or two. If there’s something you can’t agree on or they’ve hurt you it might be worth it to let that go for the sake of a relationship with them. Even if it’s your relationship with yourself that would improve.
  • Think about any physical areas of your body that often don't feel so good. Like where your shoulders/back hurt from carrying that super-heavy load of responsibility. Or where your stomach feels kind of queasy each time you have to complete a certain task that you feel like you're not in agreement with. Think about how when you have to swallow your words or can't be honest with someone, and how your throat might feel blocked, or you'll have a lump in it. Any physical thing that could indicate you've got blocked energy because you can often feel that in your physical body.
  • Review any habits from the outside world that keep you so engrossed in them that you don't have the time or energy you'd like to have to spotlight your innermost well-being. Like going to FB or Instagram, forgetting why you're there in the first place. I've done that and find myself endlessly scrolling my newsfeed; then I think, "Why am I here?". So they could be habits that you're not even aware of. Or maybe it's binge-watching that new, interesting Netflix show because you just have to find out what happens in the next episode. But you've already allotted that time you're spending doing that to do some inner work. I've been there too, promise.


Here's the disclaimer. Be careful that when you set out to use decluttering physical and spiritual energy that you don't use it as an excuse to stay bogged down in the muck. Remember, the idea here is to find blocks and get rid of them asap. You don't want to continue to look at limiting ideas and mistakes and recount all those things in your mind and heart again and again for no reason. It’s gonna keep that energy blocked up. There's a definite purpose to all of this so the most important thing to remember is that:


The practice of decluttering your physical and spiritual energy is a way to cut the cords of attachment to the unwanted in your life and let things go.

The biggest reason we should take this seriously is this. All the ways we clutter ourselves are a huge waste of our time and energy and take away from the life we want.

Ways to accomplish this type of decluttering process

As I mentioned before, there are many ways to complete this task. They range from a whole host of practices, some you may have even tried before like:

  • Feng Shui
  • Acupuncture
  • Reiki
  • Yoga

They all have a job to do and can be very effective. But what if you don't want to or can't afford to delve into one of these? Let's keep this simple.


First of all, I want to let you know that once you've used that notebook, done a heart-to-heart with yourself and figured out where your blocks are, you can access a free technique, now part of Powered UP FREE!  Powered UP FREE is our freebie file that's jam-packed with tons of amazing manifesting resources. You sign up with your first name and your email one time. As for the exercise, it only takes 10 minutes to learn and is super-effective at helping you release blocked-up energy. I think you should know this one little exercise is in the top 10 of all the techniques I teach my clients and that’s for a good reason. Once you've done it a few times it’s so quick and easy to use. It's made a tremendous difference for so many of my clients and I’d say about 70% of them tell me that after a year or so it’s still their habit to use it every day to keep frustrations and negative energy at bay. I love it and use it all the time.


Other ways that you can accomplish this are even more simple. Remember the # 1 thing to do for energy blocks is to keep them from happening in the first place, so keep energy moving. I dare ya to choose one of these everyday things you already do and use them to your advantage. 


  1. Breathe. Really, deep and focused breathing can work wonders. When you breathe in, use a count of 3. While you’re doing it imagine all the negative stuff caught up in that breath. Hold for a count of three, then release it all. Do this as many times as you like; you can't really over-do breathing. When you're done, you'll know it. You'll feel better and lighter, and you won't feel like there's as much bad stuff in your space.
  2. Meditate. You knew it was gonna be in here. If this idea scares you, take one good thought, something that has some good emotion behind it for you. Set a timer for 10 minutes or put on some relaxing music or both. Then sit comfortably in a chair and close your eyes. Focus on that thought and replay that in your mind over and over keep it simple though. Let the positive feeling it creates for you grow. If you enjoy it, then make it a habit you take a few minutes to do every day.
  3. Move. Getting up and taking a brief walk can help if you start feeling tired or down. You don't even have to go outside if you don't want to. Moving gets energy circulating, so go to the window, look outside, see if there's anything out there that's interesting or makes you smile. Put on some music you love and dance, use your arms, and really get a good flow of energy circulating in that space.
  4. Hum. Everybody can hum, and it instantly creates a vibration to work with. So hum a tune or challenge yourself to see how high your hum can go. 
  5. Smile. You've heard it before, and it's true. Smiling can make you feel better, even if there's nothing to smile at. Challenge yourself to see how long you can keep it up.

Wrap UP

Just a reminder because I haven't mentioned it in a while. You can access a free coaching session where I walk you through 3 amazing meditations with some meditative breathing that can help you release negativity and build up some good energy. It's called the Awesome Energy Amplifying Coaching and you can get it by joining Powered UP FREE. But if you already have a Udemy account, you can find it there too. I'll leave the links in the notes.

Oh, you're a Udemy student? Get the AEACS on Udemy here.

That's it for today. I'll be back next week with a new episode. So thanks again for being a great part of my day. And use the things that make you feel good to Get Your Shine ON. The world is always a better place when you do! Until next time, take care. Of course, you'll be in my thoughts, and I'm always sending you good vibes. 

Thanks to Kevin MacLeod and for the use of the music "On My Way" in our podcast episodes. You can find more musical selections at