Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Special Episodes

MMP Episode 52: Have A Mind-Blowing New Year With A Fresh Start


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you so much for being here today! I hope, however, you celebrated the holidays that your time was a happy and blessed one. I took a bit of time off from my business, and I had a very quiet holiday with my husband and the two kids that still live at home. So, if you’re like me and you're normally a very busy bee during the holidays, this was the year to kick back and take some pressure off when it comes to entertaining and feeling the need to get things perfect. Most of us agree that we were glad to see the end of 2020. It was quite a year for a lot of people. I myself feel extreme gratitude that I was part of 2020 and that I was healthy and happy through it. I don't know about you, but I'm always excited about the New Year. I love nothing better than turning to a brand new page yet to be written. Moving from one year into another, even though they're only separated by a mere moment, feels like a huge opportunity to close one door and open another. There's immense power in that. 

New Year, New Possibilities

So the big thing, of course, when we walk through that door to new possibilities in a new year, is to be excited about how we want to make some changes. And it doesn't matter what you might be resolving to do in any new year; the simple truth is to get something different, you've gotta do something different. I don't think anybody's going to dispute that. But you know it's not always as easy as just saying you're gonna do something and "poof," it happens. There's usually a lot of thought behind how you're going to get there and normally some action too. Because as human beings, we're taught that everything takes a lot of effort, we naturally think it's gonna be a lot. We resolve that we're gonna have to bite the bullet and do it. And let's be honest, some of those more practical steps may seem like a real drag to complete every day. Procrastination often starts to set in fairly quickly. Or the whole idea is so much bigger than where you are right now that it's scary as heck to even think about accomplishing it. You might end up backing off, telling yourself that there's a better time to do this. And if you're just unsure or unprepared for change, it can even be kind of confusing to know what to do and when to do it. As a result, the door to opportunity sometimes ends up closing quite quickly, even hitting you in the backside on the way out by seemingly mocking you with circumstances created by a lack of motivation to keep going.


But there is a solution to all of this, namely and appropriately called the Law of Attraction. Let me say that this is the perfect time to decide to put the Law of Attraction into action for you because this is the biggest opportunity to create the changes that will have you on track to better living. But even with the LOA, there is one big obstacle to overcome.


If you've ever tried goal achievement through the Law of Attraction, you'll know things don't always show up like magic. I'm pretty sure even Samantha Stephens (my favorite tv manifesting maven on the show Bewitched) had to learn how to twitch and zap before she could clean up everyone else's metaphysical messes.


I've had lots of experience helping other people figure this out for themselves. As a coach, my job isn't to tell you what to do with your life. I gotta let you make your own decisions there. But as a manifesting teacher, I'm very well-versed in seeing what might be holding up your actualizing stuff, even if you're hiding it well. My job there is to help you clear the roadblocks you might be putting up. Yup, I'm talking about everyone's arch-nemesis, called resistance. Ahh, but resistance is a tricky devil because he masquerades as so many different things. 


You see, he shows up when you least expect him to, and lots of times, you may not even recognize him. He could pop up as:

  • a limiting belief
  • anxiety
  • fear, that's such a big one
  • distractions and you know how easy it is to get distracted these days.
  • doubt
  • self-sabotage

And the list goes on. You can think of this shape-shifting resistance as a super-villain if you want to.

Your Fabulous and FREE Solution

But I'm not here to drone on about resistance; I'm here to help you kick him in the butt after you uninvite him to all your parties in the new year. That's why I created something for you that I want you to take advantage of. It's called The Fresh Start Inception Challenge for Law of Attraction Goal Achievement, and it's free. Yes, it's specifically designed to help you reach your goals by using the Law of Attraction. Now, this a month-long thing that will be a big focus in January. It's not brand new; I've been working with people on this challenge for a couple of years now. Yes, you could do it any time of the year, but I like to start each new year with it because it gets you focused, moving, and ready to make the most of that big opportunity right at the beginning of the year. With this little challenge, my students can achieve their goals sooner in the year and create better habits that last. So let me tell you a bit about it.

What it is.

The first step helps you get any mental clutter out of the way. How much will be jammed into that magnificent brain of yours will be different for every person. So in the FSIC, I'm giving you my number one tip to start making what's important in your mind as accessible as possible. But you might be surprised when you start taking action on this tip as to how much mental baggage there is. It's time to clear the confusion out of your head and lighten your mental load so you can gain focus for realizing those dreams of yours. This is going to be where we start.


Okay, I admit that sometimes I say some pretty weird things, and Part 2 of the FSIC is no exception. I promise that this is all part of the plan to get you way more aligned with your goal. This part of the challenge is focused on an action step that might take you a bit longer than the first, but it’s totally worth the extra time or effort you might put into it. And this is the part where you'll find a somewhat surprising fact about me sprinkled in there too. 


There's no surprise at all in Part 3 of the FSIC. If you're a planning nerd like me, you get excited over things like a to-list and a really great agenda. My husband hates going anywhere near a stationery store with me because he knows I could be in there for hours! I love looking at things like pens and notebooks, anything you find in there, really. I’m all about making a great plan and executing it, and if my tools are pretty and organized, it’s even better. It’s a good thing that some places have electronics in them; otherwise, he’d be super bored, and I’d be in real trouble. This fact about me might have a not-so-subtle hint about part 3 in it. 


If the idea of this challenge that I'm talkin' about appeals to you, you're probably an action-taker. And that has its benefits. Of course, it does! But when it comes to the LOA, just taking action, all willy-nilly, is a bad idea. You sometimes want to take a step back to move forward and ensure that what you're doing isn't going to throw up a roadblock to your success because that can happen so easily you might not even notice it’s happening. And that's what Part 4 of the FSIC is about.


You might think that once you get past the first four parts, you're done. Well, yes and no. You've technically completed the challenge, of course, but what's most important is that you make your fresh start last the entire year; you want to make good habits a part of your life, and you wanna get to those actualizations asap, too, right? That means that there will be a moment where you'll want to do just a bit more inner work because that’s the key to manifesting. This is where you'll satisfy the need to reflect on what you've learned and ask yourself about any changing views you have about manifesting with the help of the good old LOA. So Part 5 is maybe more important than the other four parts. It's where you'll take that blank page in your proverbial book for the new year and figure out how you can keep your fresh start shiny and new.


The purpose of this challenge is to clear your mind and get you into the headspace that's required to use the Law of Attraction to achieve your goal.


Because if last year had you


  • Feeling down and out.
  • Frustrated
  • Worn out
  • Confused
  • Not knowing what to do or who to listen to

You're in the right place. Step aside from that goal for a short moment, my friend. I'm here to help you gain an advantage by putting in a lot less effort to achieve it. 

How this works. ***Changes have been made to this challenge, this is updated info as of June 2022**

Let me explain how this challenge works. The first thing you'll do is go here and join my Powered UP Basic manifesting coaching membership. So, if you wanna take the FSIC, you'll have to join. I'll leave the link to do so in the notes on the podcast platform where you're listening.


Once you're a newly minted member, you'll find posts in the Powered UP members area.

  1. Starting with Part 1, go through each part individually. When you click on the links in the FSIC in the unit, they'll take you to a special hidden blog on our coaching website. You'll notice you can either listen to some parts of the challenge podcast style or read the notes below to get all the info. I’ve done it both ways, so if you’d like to read, you can do that.
  2. The instructions for the challenge are contained in the posts. Please do what they say to get the most out of it.
  3. There will be links to additional materials that will enhance the Fresh Start, like podcast episodes and pdf downloads that are related. It's highly recommended that you complete all suggestions for the best results. And look for me popping into the community with some possible FB lives and lots of help for you to get the most out of those materials as well. 
  4. Please post any questions or comments you have below the appropriate unit or within the FSIC unit for sure. They'll be reviewed by me and answered ASAP. 🙏
  5. Keep an open mind and heart! The universe loves speed, but humans can sometimes take some time to accelerate and be on the same wavelength as their desires, so be patient, okay?


Wrap UP

I want you to know that you can achieve any goal with the Law of Attraction. I know that you're perfectly capable and have everything you need and want within you to do it. Your desires already exist in the ether around you, you just need to pull 'em into your life, and it doesn't take as much effort as you think it does.


The Powered UP Manifesting Coaching Memberships help you connect with me and other manifesting enthusiasts for guidance and support. My goal is for you to find what you need to manifest in our community. I'm serious about this, my friend, are you?


Please join! I want to see you in the group. Come on into that magnetic place and introduce yourself!



And if you just want to mosey on over to FB and let me know how you’re doing, I’d love to hear about your goals for the new year on my FB profile as well. It's on Facebook. 

That's it for now, but again, thanks for showing up today; it was so nice to reconnect with you; I'll be back with a new episode on Monday. And Get Your Shine ON in the new year to make it your best one yet! See ya next time.


Thanks to Kevin MacLeod and for the use of the music, "On My Way," in our podcast episodes. You can find more musical selections at