Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Self-Care

MMP Episode 50  Will Your Law Of Attraction Lifestyle Benefit From A Manifesting Routine?


Well, hello, friend, my name's Marcie Robinson; I've been waiting for you. I've got the coffee ready. So come on in and join me for today's magnetic me. 


If you were part of my FBLive on Friday, you'll know that we continued with our ways to build awesome inner strength to get you through the day series. Friday was the day we looked at building a routine with intention. Discussion surrounded how it can empower you to stay on top of tasks and priorities and how it helps you achieve a sense of accomplishment and freedom. We even looked at adding a manifesting routine to your day, and that's what I'd like to dig a bit deeper into right now.


I gave you the best and only real reason you need to have a manifesting routine. That is that universal laws work for all of us in the same way. They work all the time, so no matter how your day is going, you're always attracting through the LOA. What makes the difference in your life is whether or not you're attracting the things that you're deserving of or whether you're settling for something else. Because you know the Universe arranges to send you more of the things that are on the same frequency, you are right now. Meaning what you're thinking about and feeling about. And you know that you are calling the LOA into action for you.



I know that not everyone needs to create a manifesting routine to pay attention to what's going on. Some of us are great at using the components of manifesting to get what we want without thinking too much about it; if you can call things into your life like that, kudos to you! It saves you time and effort, which is always a plus. And you're probably a practiced manifestor. But not everyone is like that, and it takes more time and energy for some to consciously co-create. Why is that? Because of the resistance, our life in this physical world teaches us to put up surrounding ideas about what we want and how we'd like to live. It's pretty easy for us to create an energetic wall surrounding what we're manifesting with our resistance. And as hard as we try to get around it, over the top of it or through it with our knowledge, it's taking more time than we'd like it to. Sometimes it can feel like we're sitting, staring at this wall just waiting for a door to appear and open up so what we want can come through. If that's where you are right now, take heart, it doesn't have to be that way. The Law of Attraction is a lifestyle, a choice you make every day, in every minute, really because you have that ability to choose what you want to believe and what your behavior is going to be surrounding your circumstances.


Most beliefs are deeply ingrained into our subconscious minds. We feel them so strongly that they'll create a visceral reaction in our heart or gut if we come up against any opposing viewpoints. When that happens, it can dig up old emotional wounds in an instant, and those emotions are either empowering us, or they're controlling us. So when we decide we want to attract something particular into our lives, there's going to be a sort of set point for how successful we'll be right at the get-go. 


The first step to getting what we want is to know exactly what we want. I know on the surface it seems like it's easy, and sometimes it is, but more often than not, I have to work with my clients on this part. No, they don't really understand it at first, but they know exactly why I had them do that inner work by the time they're done. They're way more successful for having done it too.


Next, you'll want to look at your beliefs surrounding what you want. I have a system for doing that, too, and it's truly enlightening for people who use it. Suddenly so many things in your life make so much sense if you examine your beliefs and get to the heart of them. You understand why certain things didn't work out in your life and why those previous attempts at manifesting failed for you. And in current endeavors, you can find where the resistance is and release it. Once you get rid of resistance, you can start building up a new belief system based on what you know now. 


Now depending on what you're co-creating, that may be all you need to do. But if you're having any difficulties getting rid of those beliefs (and it's not the kind of thing you need therapy for), you know they're really set into your subconscious mind, and it takes some more work to shift them. That's where a handy dandy manifesting routine comes into play. Because if you start impressing a new thought into your subconscious mind repeatedly, it has no choice but to create a new belief for you. Your subconscious has no reasoning power, so it will accept any new belief you give it. That's true power because it can literally change your life. I've seen it so many times in my clients I couldn't begin to count anymore. But you have to understand it's up to you to change your paradigms. Nobody else can do this for you. 


In case you weren't on the FB Live, let me give you a few of the best practices for making a manifesting routine. 



  • The first thing is to have that desire of yours chosen and know what the motivation is to bring it into your life. We're all going to want to co-create different things at different times, so make a goal for what you want to manifest and know how much time you can afford to put into co-creating it each day.
  • If you intend to add some Law of Attraction technique or exercise into your day, then decide when would be the best time for it. Is it first thing in the morning or right before you go to bed in the evening, even during your lunch break? Now I have to say that working with many, many people over the years; I've yet to see a completely one-size-fits-all technique. Yes, we're all human, but we all have different strengths and mindsets. So even though all the components of manifesting will work for each of us to a degree, the types of tools you use can vary depending on how deeply ingrained your beliefs are about what you want and how you feel about your abilities to get it. And what you need to use at different times may be different too. Build-in some time to do a practice that will help you release resistance and re-program some old limits. It doesn't have to take long. I'd say anywhere from 10-30 minutes per day. Keep in mind you may be different, but in my experience, most people can achieve a better feeling within 30 minutes, even with stubborn negative programming.
  • I suggest having a specific space to complete your manifesting work and using it each time. Now, it could be that your chosen practice for a week is that you're repeating affirmations in your car on the way to work. Fantastic, it doesn't take a whole lot of time to memorize a great affirmation, and you can use this technique anywhere you feel comfortable doing it or have the time for it. You don't even have to say it out loud if you don't want to. That means if you use a train or bus for transportation, you can easily tap into your affirmations and repeat them to yourself in your head to make the best use of that commute time by making a good impression on your subconscious. Just be aware of how you feel while you do it, so you're not implanting a great idea into your mind mixed with a negative feeling. 



  • It's a large enough space for you to have a place to sit and write or have a glass of water and a candle. That's because as you release resistance and build up good feeling energy in that space, your room will have a good ambiance and will become very suitable for you and the time you spend there. You'll be more focused on your manifesting and open to ideas, insights, and inspirations as they come. 
  • Has a comfortable chair or a way to lay down easily is important. Aside from it being nice to sit in your comfy chair, there's a good reason for this too. Sitting comfortably but straight with arms and legs uncrossed and if your sitting, feet on the floor promotes optimal circulation of energies in your body. You want all those main energy centers in your body aligned and open. 
  • Ideally, the room will have a door. At the very least, you want to be alone and attentive to your aim in the space during the time you're there. Distractions will keep you from completing any techniques, visualization, or meditation you want to practice. It can be difficult knowing others are hearing or thinking they may be judging you, and that won't give you the freedom you need for complete honesty with yourself. Or allow you to listen to the universe. So whatever your family situation, schedule the time there accordingly.



Before you go and block off time every day for this, I'd like you to keep a couple of things in mind about this whole thing.


  1. Life happens; manifesting is part of that, so be flexible with this, and don't beat yourself up if you can't get it done every single day. It's okay, so don't stress about it because that's the last thing you need to do. 
  2. Too much effort slows things down because it can indicate attachment. So if you're too obsessive about getting this completed just for the sake of checking it off your to-do list, your intent might be for naught. Instead of going all control freak about this, go with the flow. And while you're spending time in your routine, be open to ideas you get while doing your techniques or that inspiration when it strikes. I know from experience here that as great as your plan is, the universe always has the best plan for you, so go with it.



You certainly can use the LOA as your secret weapon to effectively organizing your life by creating a great routine to use with it. As you progress through building a new belief system, it's possible you might not need to use your dedicated space as much. You probably won't have to put too much time into it either when you've got a good handle on it. Manifesting what you want in any moment can become so easy that you forget you're doing it when you're really good at it. You put it on autopilot. You might see something and think," Oh, I'd like that." And you're surprised when it shows up because that's all you had to do to get it. I'll often have that experience, especially with household things or clothing or other personal items. So make sure you and the LOA are creating order in your life, not chaos. But it's always nice to have that space available, so when you want to use it to set intentions or complete a practice, you're already set up, and it can be done with ease.



There are a lot of different techniques for manifesting that you can try. Again it will depend on the purpose you're achieving and, more importantly, on you. Remember that the important part of adding time to do this is to help you release all those old beliefs and resistance, so you're not fighting yourself while you're consciously using manifesting. You don't want to be sending the wrong signals for the LOA to pick up on. If you'd like to find techniques and get assistance or just discuss different manifesting topics, then I'd like to suggest joining the Powered UP Manifesting Community. I'll be explaining a bit more about that next week. But know that I'm checking in daily to ensure that you have lots of help and support for all your co-creations. 


Wrap Up

If you have questions or you'd like to let me know what your manifesting routine is, let me know on my FB page, below.




For today, think about how you can have a bit of time to practice gratitude, affirmations, or work purposeful manifesting into your life. And, of course, remember to Get Your Shine ON. The world is always a better place when you do! I'll see you Friday on our FB Live. This week it's about The Strength Boosting Potential Of Your Helpful Circle Of Support; if you can't be there, check out the video, but it isn't going to be there for long, so you have to be quickUntil next time, take care. I'm thinking about you, and I hope I'll see you Friday.


Thanks to Kevin MacLeod and for the use of the music, "On My Way," in our podcast episodes. You can find more musical selections at