MMP Episode 49  Fearlessly Unlocking The Authority Of Your Divine Right To Speak Your Truth 


Hey there! I'm Marcie Robinson, I'm a manifesting coach, and I love using universal principles to create my life. The reason I'm here is to help you do the same. So come on in to our magnetic space and get comfy because our subject today is one that takes some coordination to practice in your life. As your coach, I want to present this to you, so you can think about it and so it's something you're always aware of. 


Recently, I've been doing a FB Live series on ways to cultivate inner strength. Yesterday my topic was on living your truth. I had someone dm me about that. They were wondering about speaking your truth. This person says that they struggle with how they present themselves to the world in how they talk. They do get why the link between thoughts and how you feel is so important. But they also hesitate to actually say what they think or how they feel about things, especially when it's important that they do so.


So let me start by saying that there are lots of reasons we humans struggle with this. In our world, everybody's got an opinion, and that is how it's supposed to be. We all came to this world born into different situations and different places. The people who raised us and were part of our lives molded us. So did our immediate environment and the culture we live in. So it's no wonder that there's an abundance of different ways to think brought about by how we experience our lives. If you've ever made friends with somebody who grew up in a completely different culture than you did, and you've listened to how they do things and get to know their points of view, you'll see how wonderful and imaginative and impacting it can be when two seemingly different worlds collide with one another. Our mindset and where we are in our personal, physical, and spiritual evolutions all meld into this delicacy of beliefs and perspectives that help form our outer persons.


Some people have no problem voicing what's going on in terms of their point of view. I'm sure that you know a few, and if you are one, good for you. There's nothing wrong with being able to say what ya mean. As long as the idea is yours and you're not just repeating something you heard without knowing if you truly believe it or not. It's one of the many ways the world works, and it can work for us. If you're comfortable giving your opinion most of the time, it's possible you're not as sensitive to criticism or the attitudes of others. Of course, the disclaimer here is that the degree of sensitivity is different for everyone, and the results vary depending on the user.


And then there are those, quite frankly, I'd include myself in this camp, who are much more conscious of how others perceive us. That's held me back from exploring or doing a lot of things in my life. Particularly when I was younger, that's not unusual. But as I've grown and matured more in my consciousness and spiritual sense, I'm getting much, much better at correcting my own impressions and conclusions regarding what others think of me. 


I'm talking from experience when I say that I know it can be hard to tell people what you believe. Telling other people what we actually think isn't going to be easy when we know it will be held up to their standard, and we'll be critiqued on it. So much of how others see us is based on whether or not they agree with us. If you don't believe me, just scroll through your FB feed or some other social media platform you use. You only need to see some of the arguments that break out to know that people will fight with their words, practically to the death, about anything if they think they're right about something. Opening ourselves up to the judgment of others is freakin' scary. 


That's where living your truth comes in. I don't think that we can really know our truth if we're not connected to ourselves through our spirit, divine self, and source. When we're not familiar with the larger parts of who we are, we're just living in our minds. And what we put into our minds is what we're gonna get out of life through universal principles. 


The good news is that we have a choice to get to know those higher parts of who we are and to interact with that divine perfection that created us. It's also part of us. Therefore we get a chance to change what our minds are producing and how we program our subconscious minds. That means it's never too late to grow into a place where living and speaking our truth with conviction is possible. 




The words we choose to use matter; there's no doubt about it. As if there weren't enough things to think about, what we say and how we say it will convey an impression. But what's important about that is not what other people are gonna think about us. What's crucial here is the impression that we're making on ourselves.


If you're wondering what in the hades I'm talkin' about, think back to that verse in the Bible. Yup, there's a lot of good wisdom in there, no matter what religion you happen to practice. Let's look at this delicious tidbit about your word. You can find it in the book of Isaiah; it's chapter 55: verse 11 if you wanna check it out for yourself. This verse is likening what you say to rain and snow falling from Heaven to water the seeds you sow and make them bear food. The New International Version of the Bible puts it like this:


"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."


Powerful? Yeah, just reading that out loud, I have some goosebumps. You know why? Because our words are vibrations, just like everything else in the universe. That's why what you say matters. But the reason why it matters so much is right there. The vibration of the words you decide to use to express yourself, backed up by your intent, helps to create your reality.



The reaction universal forces have to what you say is directly related to what you think and feel about yourself. So whatever you desire, you want to create the intent that lines up with its achievement. Then when you talk about what you're manifesting, use the words that will tie it all together. Your words back up and feed your intent. 



So if you've been working on manifesting something and you can't talk to yourself about it and believe you already have it when you say it, you've got work to do. And if you're going around saying things that oppose what you want, you've still got work to do. For instance, if you want to attract ten thousand dollars into your bank account, but you can't thank the universe for the money and have it feel real and sound natural to you when you tell yourself you have it right now, you're not ready for it yet. If you keep telling people you're broke, you are not ready to receive your ten thousand dollars. So if you can't talk about it and be in alignment with the money, especially when you're talking to other people about it, don't talk about it at all. You can know it's there and believe it without talking about it. Keep talking to yourself about it until it does sound and feel natural.




Knowing that how you use your voice in the world matters is the first step. Being able to speak your truth is quite another. We who are sensitive to saying what we mean are that way for a reason. Our experience tells us not to:


  • Say things that could offend other people. We don't want to lose our friends and our family; especially when we know, we might need them later. There are some people that you can just count on, hands down. We also want to have chances to connect with others who can help us in other ways, like with business or causes that are important to us. Putting them off by being negative or sounding a certain way wouldn't be to our benefit.
  • The good old internet troll is a huge fear for lots of people too. Of course, trolls aren't limited to the internet either. People get anxious about being attacked for what they say ; maybe you do too. It could be downright dangerous to get into arguments with people these days. There are many ways to get hurt, from wounded feelings to mental and physical harm, so saying something that could inflame someone else just doesn't seem worth it. 
  • Not just that, it also isn't going to do any good to tick somebody else off. The chance of us giving our opinion and having it impact someone enough to change their mind is quite ridiculous. Nobody's going to believe what they don't want to, and we don't want to have encounters that make our viewpoints seem less credible either. That's human and normal.
  • And forget about saying something that may make us seem like a crazy person, particularly if you know that there's going to be a negative reaction from somebody you know and maybe even love. The chance to speak your truth sometimes doesn't stack up against the consequences.


That's why serious inner fortitude is important in this world, my friend. Knowing how and when to speak what's in your spirit in a way that gets your point across without hurting yourself or someone else takes some practice and some forethought.



  • When you were born, you came with specific talents hidden within you. Everyone did, and part of our job here on this earth is to fulfill our passions because they're connected to our purpose in being here. Our creator gave you something to do that nobody else in this world can do like you can. There's a reason that divine design plays into our lives and what we need to learn and share from that place of inspiration and passion too. Living your truth means living from that place even if your passion isn't your day job. When we make it part of our lives, it helps us stay connected, and speaking from that place is empowering, and it feels good.
  • If you're not in that place yet, what you'll want to do is to create the vision of yourself doing that. When you have an image in your mind of spending every day living the life you're meant to be living, co-creating it with the highest intentions and love, you want to stay true to that. So saying things that show you don't believe your manifestation's arrived yet will shut down its manifesting. At least it will until which time you can be lined with it again. 
  • By the way, I have a course called The Be-You Print (not blueprint). It's where we work together on you, fulfilling your passions surrounding that divine design of yours. I'll be opening that up for enrollment again in 2021, and if you're interested, you'll wanna watch out for that.  
  • When dealing with others, we want to do so in effective ways that include empathy and willingness to understand them even if we can't. Yes, that includes any situations the other person may have that are difficult for them, but it also includes the expectations we think they have for us too.
  •  Let the lovely, well-meaning people in your life know that if you don't share the same ideals and goals, that it isn't personal. And anything you say that disagrees with their ideas isn't because you're trying to distance yourself. It's because you want to forge a stronger relationship with them. Tell them that you'd like both of you to have the freedom and honesty to express yourself and your values without judgment.
  • Instead of getting defensive and arguing when somebody doesn't agree with you, perhaps let them know that your take on the same situation is different. It would be wise to let them know that you respect their point of view and the fact that they shared it with you. And that you'd like to share yours with them if they're willing to hear it. Let them know why you feel the way you do as well.
  • If you happen to make a mistake and offend somebody, keep in mind nobody's perfect and that it does happen every day. Own up to it and apologize for the hurt feelings. But also let the other person know that you'd like to agree to disagree if there's no other way to resolve things.
  • Also, take any lessons that you can from the situation, learn from those, and be prepared for the next time. 
  • In terms of prep time, do a little inner work. Think back to the times you just went along and agreed with somebody else on the outside, but you sure didn't on the inside. Review what may have happened because of it and how it could have worked out differently if you had spoken up and given your real opinion. Think of the ways you could have made that point that would have been better for both of you. 
  • Understand too that we've got to be courageous sometimes and risk a loss. The chances are if somebody respects you or loves you, their view of you will grow to encompass your truth too. Maybe there are just some topics you can agree to steer away from for the sake of your relationship. If the divide is that bad, perhaps you've outgrown that person (job/insert whatever it is here) a little. It's time to spend a bit more time with like-minded people. That doesn't mean you have to cut anyone out of your life if you can't bear that thought. Just be real about where they are right now. Use your co-creation skills to help find more ways you can be compatible with them.




Remember that when you feel like you're in opposition to something that's been said or done, sometimes, the Law of Forgiveness is the only way to go. You know that the resistance you feel is there to help you learn and grow from it. It provides you with a clear indication that "that" isn't right for you or that you would prefer something different. 


And because displaying gratitude opens those invisible doors in the universe, always give thanks that resistance was there and helped you see more clearly. But completely let go of all the emotion behind it. Surrendering to "what is" helps you find solutions and clear the path for your ultimate good.

Wrap Up

I trust that something in this episode resonated with you and that you're leaving here today better off than when you got here.


I'd like to give a quick update before I go. If you're already on Udemy, you can access our masterclass's anytime version, called the Awesome Energy Amplifying Coaching; it's right on Udemy. It's free, and it's the same one you can get here. The masterclass/coaching is where you use the power of your emotion to clear out the nasty, low-energy vibes lots of us have been struggling with lately. By the end, you'll be opening yourself up to new channels of manifesting. It's all done with some supercharged guided meditations.


And a quick reminder too that Friday is our FB Live Day, so don't be shy; please join in. Go to my FB profile and set a reminder to be notified when I go live at 11 AM Central Time. 


In the meantime, keep your aim to speak your truth with authority, ease, and for the benefit of everyone involved, and of course, remember to Get Your Shine ON. The world is always a better place when you do! Until next time, take care, and I'll be lookin' for ya on Friday's FB Live.