Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Client Stories Self-Care

MMP Episode 48  Can the LOA actually help me become more attractive or change my looks?

The opening

You're listening to the Magnetic Me, You + Law of Attraction Podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching. Welcome to episode number 48. Today I'm fielding a question that came in through Instagram. It's about your appearance and the LOA.

Hi, I'm so glad you're with me today. I'm Marcie Robinson, and this question is full of lots of avenues I could explore, so let's get started.

With the human obsession with how we look, I get this question a lot. Each time I get it, just like with every other question, I try to give it the best answer possible, so I went back to some of my former clients. Because as you can imagine, I recall working with more than one client on changing how they look in some way. I wanted a complete answer. Having said that, I want to be very thoughtful about what I share here because I have to be responsible. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use the LOA for this; it just means that because we're all human here, there may be a few caveats.


A few thoughts to begin with.

When you set out with a goal to use the Law of Attraction to co-create something, it can be exhilarating. But if you've never had any success with the LOA before or you're completely new to it, there are few things to be aware of. 


  • One is that even though the LOA is undoubtedly "the bomb," it isn't magic. I know I've said that before, but it's important. It isn't all "as seen on tv," if you will. Now don't get me wrong, when you've got all your manifesting components lined up for you, it will seem like magic. But know that this seemingly supernatural power isn't just coming from an outside source. Remember you're what's kicking the LOA into motion for ya. It's always considering your current vibe and dispatching the things that are on the same frequency. 
  • So, no matter how you get what you've asked for, your level of belief about what you wanted is what will determine the "what" and how quickly those manifestations show up for you. You can't manifest something no matter how badly you want it if your belief level doesn't match it.
  • How you behave after you've made the ask is gonna show the LOA exactly what to send your way. 


You know there's gotta be a big desire there for someone who's ready to use the LOA to change something about how they look. As long as you value yourself for who you are, I don't think there's anything extremely wrong with changing your outward appearance. The most important thing is that it makes you feel good about yourself. 


A bit about my story on this subject.

I've been there before. My introduction to the metaphysical came early in life. In fact, I want to tell you this. Ya know what? I was de-cluttering some stuff I had packed in boxes just a little while ago. During the process, I stopped to look through some old journals I had in high school. What I found out that did and didn't surprise me is that I'd already learned about the LOA years before I started using it. It kinda made me mad at myself when I figured that out. But I guess I wasn't ready for the message yet. So now that I remember it, I recall using some hard-earned babysitting money as a teenager to buy the wackiest book I could find on fitness. It was by Suzy Prudden, and it was called MetaFitness (I get 0.00 commission if you buy it, I'm not affiliated with Suzy and I'm not an Amazon affiliate). It explained physcocalisthenics. I devoured that book many times; I'm pretty sure I still have it somewhere in my collection. But after I read it, I kinda forgot about it. 


But I was reintroduced to the LOA back in 2004, and I started experimenting with it; one thing I decided to do was lose some weight, which, much to my frustration, accumulated as I saw it, without my total agreement. Obviously, that happened to me because many times I've focused on what I don't want my appearance to be. What I can report about that is that I've had to put in some effort. Yes, I've been divinely inspired to find what works for me in that department, but sadly I can't say that my level of belief about how my body looks is so fantastic that I've been able to stuff my face with junk food all day long and be thin. Or to have the extra fat melt away without a plan and the aligned action put behind it. Part of that is because I want to enjoy being healthy, and I know junk food isn't what my body needs for optimal health. I also realize that for me to feel my best, I need to have movement built into my life. I love going for a walk or ice skating; those are two of my favorite activities. But because I have followed the inspiration when it's come, I also know what to do for myself, and it isn't difficult. If I follow what I know to get results for me, they'll come very quickly when I feel I need to take charge. Although, I try to keep with what works as my normal routine instead of just falling back on it when I start packing on some pounds. However, it's taken a lot of awareness about myself to get here. And it's something I continue to work on every day. 


Some things to consider.

If there's something about yourself regarding the way you look that you want to change, I would suggest first that you search your soul a little for why it bothers you so much. As someone who's had a lot of coaching and who's coached a lot, I can say that asking yourself the tough questions can be very helpful, especially if you answer them fully and honestly. Sometimes the reasons we think we have for changing something in our lives are incorrect. So try getting insight into why that particular feature is causing you to feel like it needs changing. Also, ask yourself why this change is going to be so important for you. 


I won't say that something, no matter how absurd the idea seems, is impossible with the LOA. I've been witness to some pretty mind-blowing stuff. But please realize that what the LOA does is rearrange circumstances in the fastest, easiest, least resistant ways possible. So if you want to be taller with the help of the LOA, for instance, realize that a new pair of shoes with a higher heel is a definite possibility.

I had one client several years ago, she was working on that goal, and that's exactly what happened in short order. She had a friend "gift" her a pair of brand-new heels. The friend that gave them to her did so because she got them on sale and couldn't return them. But she also couldn't walk in them because the heels were too high for her. So they found their way to my client. She laughed and laughed about that.

As human beings, because we live on this physical plane, the first option that will normally be exhausted will be by physical means. So if you're expecting something truly miraculous to happen, you've got to get yourself believing at that level. Now we know that our bodies are amazing. They have the capacity to heal and adapt and to change for either the worse or better, depending partly on how we treat them. But let's be honest, unless you're going through puberty, imagining that every cell in your body is shifting and rearranging itself to increase your height kinda falls into the Ripley's Believe It Or Not category. Unless there's surgery involved that can do that, of course. So as a fully grown adult, you first have to believe that it's even possible, then you have to believe it's possible for you.


And that's the challenge, isn't it? Unless you can pay for the physical means to make it happen (manifest the money), or you've known somebody who's had an "out-of-this-world" experience with something like that, it's easy to chalk it up to a pipe-dream. Fortunately for you, imagination is the way to create that belief that I was talkin' about. Remember that everything starts with a thought. When you think a thought over and over again, eventually it will become a belief. So at the point that you believe that the thing you want is possible and it's possible for you, then your focus is mixed with your desire and feeling good about it; that's what's gonna bring those results in some way.


Here's what you can do to help the process along.

When you've decided that you'd like to change your appearance, you can do some things to help the process along. 

  • The first thing I'd suggest is to get used to talking to yourself about this change. The trick, though, is to be able to tell yourself what you look like after the change has taken place. I've found this works the best when you can repeat it out loud to yourself. But, if you can't start there because it sounds too bizarre to declare it to yourself out loud, then you'll want to start repeating your declaration to yourself in your mind only. Then you can work up to saying it out loud in the car or the shower or any time when you're alone. Also, gratitude works wonders for anything, so I'd put a "thank you" in front of anything I said.  

  • As an example here, if you want to have a straighter nose, start telling yourself something like, "Thank you, I love how straight and perfectly sized my nose is for my face," or however you'd say it. And work your way into feeling real gratitude for the change each time you say it. 

  • If you're good with visualizing, then that's a great element to add to this as well. But if you're not particularly good at building up a picture in your imagination, then find a photo that matches what you're looking for and generate some good feelings about it. So, for instance, if it's a straighter nose, then find a picture of how you want your nose to look and then start talking to yourself about how great it looks and any other benefits it might have for you. 
  • One thing I know people sometimes do is to create a fake "pill" or placebo that they can build belief in when they don't believe in themselves. So they convince themselves that this "pill" or whatever they choose will have the desired effect they're looking for. The first thing you do is choose your placebo. Maybe you choose meditation because you like to meditate. The idea is to convince yourself that the meditation you do each day is creating the effect you want in your appearance. In our example, it serves to straighten your nose. Every day that you meditate, your nose gets a bit straighter.

  • Another way to work a placebo into your life is to use a real "pill." If you take an allergy pill each day, you could decide to think of it as your "nose straightening pill" and use that as a way of creating a placebo effect. Some of us might choose a prayer or a certain food we include in our diet each day, so be creative and do what works for you. I do suggest, though, that when you enact your "placebo," that you feel gratitude and say thanks, "activate" the effect. 

  • I have one client who says she used a particular candy she can't resist to get the curly hair she'd always wanted. She's got very thick hair that's hard to style, and she just wished it had some curl, so she didn't have to try using rollers and curling irons so much. She hated the time and effort it took with not great results. She figured she was gonna eat the candy, anyway, so she made it her hair pill. She ate one of her "curly hair pills," if you can imagine eating just one candy every day. After six months, she found that her hair started looking wavy in spots. After a year, her hair was wavy all over, and now she amplifies the wave with some styling products and her blow dryer. Now, I know you might be thinking that she may have had a baby. Some women do notice changes to their hair because of hormones shifting during pregnancy. But she didn't have a baby and still hasn't. Whether it was the work of shifting hormones or not, she doesn't really care 'cause she says her hair has never looked better. 

  • Ditch negativity as much as you can. Nothing you do will bring you the results you're looking for if you keep canceling out the good vibes you're creating with negative ones. So make sure that you're paying attention to what you say to other people about your appearance. Notice what you're thinking about yourself. Stop telling yourself things that contradict the change you're bringing about. And also, stop doing the things that suggest you don't have the change you want. Now that comes with a caveat because say you have some pills you need to take for a medical reason, and somehow the medical reason is related to the change you want; I'm not telling you to defy your doctor's orders. What I'm saying is to do what you can do if it makes the most sense. So I'm talking about habits that don't serve you or actions that don't help anything along. Like maybe eating a tub of ice cream each week if you want to lose ten pounds.

  • Make some space in your energy for the change. That might mean getting rid of physical objects like old clothing you don't wear that would be way too big for your new size. Keep what you need now; just get rid of what you don't. Maybe you want improved eyesight, so you don't need glasses. But on the other hand, you've got 15 pairs of old glasses sitting around that aren't the right prescription for you now. Find the best way to get rid of them and do it. Keep the ones you wear now because you still need them. Then focus on your improved eyesight when you talk to yourself and really build up that belief. Or maybe you need to release old, limiting beliefs about your appearance so new, better ones can replace them. You might want to hop on an energy/limit releasing class; yes, I have one. It's called Raise Your Limits on the Law of Attraction. I usually do it live, but I'm also working to create a version that you can access any time as well, so look for that. It's coming soon.

  • Build up confidence in the way you look now and later. This one comes in several steps. First, start focusing on what you like about your appearance now. Maybe you've got long legs to die for. Dress those up, so you feel great about them. That's step one. Then you're going to work on confidence for the future. So basically, you're going to be doing the "acting as if" exercise. You pretend your nose is already straight, then do something you'd do if it were like taking some selfies at a new angle. If you wanna be 10 pounds thinner then, do something that shows your belief in that. Maybe buy one thing in your new size that's inexpensive, but you like. No, don't buy the whole store. But maybe seeing the new thing in your closet will give you some incentive to keep going (be it through metaphysical or physical means) because you look forward to wearing it. Maybe you don't need to buy anything. You might already have clothing in the next size down from where you are now, so hang your favorite item up. It should be upfront and center, so you see it. Again, you're building confidence now for the way you look once the transformation has taken place. Also, I suggest working on developing more confidence in something that isn't related to the way you look at all. Remembering that you're not just the way you look will go a long way toward boosting your self-esteem on days that you don't feel so good about your outward appearance.

  • Think about this. Love what you want but don't have yet in somebody else. When you see someone else with what you want, resist the urge to feel something negative. Remember, noticing the lack means you lack it. Big co-creation "no-no" there. If you can put your ego aside and lean into the belief you're building that you've already got what you want, it'll help you get lined up with the changes that are coming.
  • Be open-minded to what shows up. It's like I said before. The universe will present more practical solutions first. So, know that if your aim is to get rid of wrinkles, you might be coming across more ads for cosmetic fillers than you normally would. If more practical solutions are coming and that's not what you had in mind, then go back to your intention and submit another request for what you want that's more specific. Remember that plastic surgery would be a solution to straighten your nose. You might come across a new type of eating plan or exercise routine that would help you shift some extra weight. So if you're not into the solution that's being presented, tell the universe that it isn't what you're looking for, why that is, and explain exactly what you want again. 

  • However, remember that the universe has a much larger view of what's going on. It knows what we need better than we do, so before you write off a solution entirely, try changing your perspective on it and see if you can understand why it came. Ask why it showed up, and you'll get your answer.

  • If you want to change how you look just because you want to be more attractive to other people, think about this. Being attractive is as much an inside job as it is an outside one. Somebody with a loving heart and a fabulous attitude never needs to worry about outward appearances. They're always going to be appealing because of who they are. They'll radiate how good they feel to everyone around them, and that kind of vibe always looks good on everybody. It's the ultimate one-size-fits-all accessory! So if you find that the way you look gets you down, try shifting your perspective if you can to look at all the already good things about you. Make some goals, pick up some better habits, learn something new, or conquer something you fear. That will bring changes to your outward appearance as much as anything else will.


Anticipating the change.

So how do you know when changes will start showing up? When you truly believe that they've already appeared. If you can talk to yourself out loud about the changes you're projecting to your outside self, and it sounds true and natural to you, then you know you're on your way. If you can say it while looking in the mirror without laughing at the ridiculousness of it, or cringing you're good. I wouldn't suggest running to check the mirror every five minutes; that shows a lack of faith. Just let solutions come to you as the LOA finds them. It might be that you're one of the people who can build an unshakeable foundation of belief for your body to rearrange itself into the state that you want. When you get some results, no matter what they are, let me know! I can't wait to hear them.


However, you want to change your appearance, know that there could be multiple ways to do it and that the universe wants to help you out. So ask for the best solution possible, and I know it will come to you. Having said that, please, also know that what you look like isn't as important as you think it is to other people. There are many reasons for you to feel good about yourself right now. Others can see them even if you can't. Even though changing what you look like on the outside might help you feel better, know that you're worth everything just as you are now!


The wrap-up

I want to leave you with a quick reminder to join me for my weekly FB live every Friday at 11 AM central. I'm putting the link in the notes so you can go and set yourself a reminder right now to join me!

In the meantime, find a way to Get Your Shine ON today. The world is always a better place when you do! Until next time, take care, stay safe, and I'm thinking about ya.

Thanks to Kevin MacLeod and for the use of the music, "On My Way," in our podcast episodes. You can find more musical selections at