Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Self-Care

MMP Episode 47  4 Ways Cutting Yourself A Break Increases Your Attractive Vibe

You know, most of us have other people that we take care of. If you don't right now, the chances are that you have in the past, or you might have a pet or a very demanding career or job that you have to tend to. These things always take a lot of time and attention. And most of us concentrate on our duties in a way that indicates how important they are to us. Usually, these things are very important, and we show them the respect and consideration they deserve. So I know you understand what it is to be responsible for others. But how aware are you of your personal needs for empathy and compassion? Maybe you or someone you know is quite disconnected from their own deservedness for kindness and compassion. So let me ask,


Do you always find yourself putting yourself last?

Do you even remember what the last nice thing you did for yourself was?


It's unfortunate, but a lot of people, when I first meet them through my coaching, feel like they aren't deserving of what they want. It's a huge problem out there. I could never have guessed how many of us feel that way about ourselves. We feel like there's nothing special about us. Or it could be that we've messed up somehow and feel like that takes away our right to have good things. We even feel like other people are better than we are somehow. It makes me want to cry that so many of us have self-esteem issues and get beaten down so badly by life that we take on a belief like that. By the way, all of those things are completely incorrect because, as far as the universe is concerned, we are all equal. Nobody gets special service from the Law of Attraction; universal principles work the same for everyone every time. The only thing that separates good results from bad ones is our perception of what is good and bad and how well we do at creating and maintaining our vibration to line up with the good we want.

Now you also know that self-care goes beyond just taking care of your physical body. It includes all parts of our human experience. If you're like me, you might beat yourself up too much when you make a mistake. Mmhmm, we all do that from time to time, don't we? What about letting our emotions get out of control? It's not too hard to do in the right situations. Have you ever found yourself ignoring that little voice that's trying to tell you something in particular or ghosting your friends because you're just too exhausted to talk or spend time with them? Not that any of us are spending a lot of time with our friends in person right now, but it will happen again in the not too distant (I hope) future.



The Do's And Don't's Of Self-Compassion

There are lots of do’s and several don'ts to take into account when we decide to practice compassion toward ourselves. Today we’re looking at what not to do because it's high time that we explore what those are just a bit and why each one qualifies as a don't.


  1. Don’t avoid your own negative feelings or suffering. Yup, I'm talking about all the soul-sucking situations that get you down. Look, having times of challenge is normal. There are all kinds of juicy lessons that we get from the difficult times that we go through. Our feelings about them are just as important as anyone else's, even if the circumstances aren't the same. So if your first inclination is to think that what you're going through right now isn't as substantial or impactful as what someone else is, recognize your situation. It’s okay to say to yourself or admit that, “this is hard.” You can't change what you're not aware of even with the Law of Attraction. That being said, we don't want to spend a lot of time in that kind of headspace. But recognizing that you are worth the same empathy you'd give someone else if they were going through the same thing is essential. It allows you to move forward to access better things.
  2. Don’t get bogged down in the emotion. Speaking of being aware of your situation, the next thing to understand is that you don't want to let your emotions rule the situation. Remember that emotions drive manifestations, and getting too deep down into them can cause you to miss opportunities that will create solutions. So try and keep your perspective in harmony with the results you'd like. It's okay to be mindful of what is, but the focus should always be on a more agreeable outcome.
  3. Don’t get too judgy with yourself. Keep the judgments at bay. Having a charitable attitude for yourself means that you might have the ditch the doom and self-blame for things when they go wrong. Humanity extends to making mistakes and letting things be okay even when they aren't your idea of perfect. I can tell you from experience, the more you fight with yourself in this area, the harder things can get. So don't heap more trouble upon yourself if you've had a big, fat fail. It doesn't say much about our relatability to others if we can't forgive ourselves, so if you want to be kind and understanding to others, it helps to be kind to yourself first. It's good to know what that feels like so we can wholeheartedly give it to other people. 



4 Fabulous Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself 

Now, that leads me to the 4 ways of cutting yourself a break to increase your attractiveness factor for the LOA. 


  • The first one ties back to what I was just talking about, specifically the piece about getting too emo. Taking care of your emotions will allow the LOA to take care of you in the way you want. Take some time to learn about managing stress and to find new ways to cope with situations that bother you. And yes, things like journaling, meditation, reiki, coaching, and even therapy can be solutions to helping you understand and release emotions. But emotional self-care isn't just limited to that, and there's something I'm going to be sharing with you soon that's related to that topic because finding a balance in your life can go a long way to creating magnetism.
  • Embracing your larger nature is the next one. If you're someone who believes in something bigger than yourself and you want to feel like a part of it, get connected to it. Create a special space for your spiritual study or practice. It can be as simple as a particular chair, choosing a certain time of day for it, or lighting a candle, even holding a special crystal during that time. Get outside, listen to the silence, or feel the energy of nature in different places. Even taking some alone time when you need it helps. Praying and meditation are great ways to connect too. So, calming your mind and building faith expands your heart, and when your heart is open, you're more attractive to what you want, and you can receive more. 
  • We've already talked about focusing on your person, but what about your passions? Having a creative outlet or taking part in a hobby that gives you satisfaction is a sure way to create a great frequency. For people who are more logical in nature, think about a goal that excites you and find small ways (or large if you're ready for that) to move forward on it. Even speaking your truth can create an enthusiasm within you that will generate clear and high vibrations all around you.
  • Now let's talk about other people for a minute. When you've got yourself in a place where you're good for you, then you can start giving to others if you feel that's something you want to do. I know that you're probably thinking about things like volunteering or helping out your friends. That's great because when you can be of service to others, you'll feel good about yourself too. Talk about a win-win! But I want to point out that your self-care is an ongoing thing. So while you're keeping up with your best peeps and finding ways to support other people, make sure you create some boundaries to keep yourself sweet. Take a break from things that aren't serving you well so you can maintain your life and your positivity too. That will ensure what you bring into your life will be for good. 

That's it for this episode, but I want to remind you that for the last time this year, I'll be doing the final 3Facebook Live Streams on how to cultivate your inner strength so you can soar through anything. But you've gotta be fast and watch 'em all this week because they all go away after the weekend. The details for getting reminders and joining in on the fun are in the notes. And this week on IGTV, I'm helping you create a new image of yourself as a manifestor, so be sure to check that out. 



Now I'd like to encourage you to be bold with your kindness, and if you feel it's right, why not try giving someone a random act of kindness today. It can be big or small, but it's sure to spread some sunshine, and it's a great way to make the world just a little better while you Get Your Shine ON. Until the next time, I'll be thinkin' about you. Take care.


Thanks to Kevin MacLeod and for the use of the music, "On My Way," in our podcast episodes. You can find more musical selections at