Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 45 My Top 5 Brain Hacks To Attract The Right Manifesting Energy

Welcome to today's episode; I'm Marcie Robinson, coach, and manifesting teacher. I hope you're doing well today. I'm excited to get right to it! This particular episode is inspired by a misconception a lot of people have; in fact, I heard it again just yesterday. Often, someone who's newer to the idea of manifesting thinks they might have to believe in a certain way to manifest anything. If you have some experience or are well-read on this topic, then you'll know that isn't the case. There isn't a certain philosophy or religion you have to follow to co-create anything. The universe is completely non-judgemental, and the ability to co-create is given to everyone. You could think of it as your birthright. If you disagree, I can assure you that this awesome inheritance is already instilled within you. You do it every day; you just might not be thinking of what you're doing as manifesting. I've worked with many people on this over the last 13 years, and not one of them didn't have any co-creative skills at all. Our degree of success depends on how well we practice and use our skills for what we want instead of wasting it on bringing about circumstances we'd rather not have. 


I want to warn you, though, that the Law of Attraction isn't just positive thinking. Yes, being positive will help, but it's also how you bring it into your everyday life that matters. So you want to be aware of all levels of energy that will impact your efforts, one of these being your brain. Well, maybe not your brain specifically, but your mind, and most of us would imagine a brain when we hear the word mind. I do have more on that subject, but I won't go into it today. What I want to focus on today is preparing your mind for attraction. There's so much power in doing that because our mental bodies are so creative! And yet, there are times when we completely block the capacity for it to function on our behalf in the awesome ways it could. The biggest way we do that is by replaying negative thoughts or scenes in our heads over and over until they drive us crazy. Be honest. Are there any mistakes you made yesterday that are still rolling through your brain right now? Most of us do have many times like that. 


Keep in mind that thoughts are vibrations. These vibrations interact with our universe and everything you imagine; it doesn't matter if it's actually taken place or not; just imagining things will cause them to be felt in our universe. Don't forget that your vibrations collaborate with other universal laws as well. Some of those are working toward the manifestation too. But it isn't just the deep of space and time where your thoughts will create an effect; they also affect your own mind. So when you have a thought generated by your perceptions and your beliefs, and you think it over, and over again, it will eventually be engraved into your subconscious mind. You need to know your subconscious mind is the most trusting thing ever because it just accepts anything you store there by thinking it over and over again, as the truth. Remember, it doesn't matter if this thought is true or not; when it's etched into your subconscious, it sticks there, and it's part of your ideology. The frequencies generated by this idea bring about the attraction to what you experience in your life. That is why preparing your mind to create attraction to what you want is so important. It's like preparing the soil for the seeds you're gonna be planting later.


There are different sorts of manifesting principles that I could drone on about at length today, but that's not what I want to do here. I want to tell you about the best ways to train your brain to attract the energy you need, so you always get the best realizations possible. So let me give you five things you can start applying to your life today. That way, you can be drawing that most helpful energy for your manifesting quests right to you.



Building a belief in yourself. If you're my client, when we talk about cultivating belief, the first place we start is with you. You need to get it into your head and your heart that you aren't just worthy of what you want, but that you have a divine right to have it in your life. So you're gonna want to create a self-image of a genius co-creator. Then you'll be slipping on the mantle of this superpower every single day. I have a lot of fun working on this bit of transformation with people. They're basically becoming the superhero of their own story. It sounds a bit silly, perhaps, but it helps people create a character they step into when the everyday stuff starts getting to them. It's a way to empower yourself and loosen up; it really takes some of the fear out of doing something wrong when you put yourself in a position where everything's going to work out just fine every time. Faith that you can do this will keep you going when things aren't going how you planned. And if you don’t think you can do that right now, borrow my belief in you if you must. By the way, building the mantle of your manifesting superhero is something we do inside the Law of Attraction Elements Manifesting Workshop (coming soon!). Just in case you're wondering about that. 🦹‍♀️️🦹‍♂️️



The next step is to check in on your belief system. We established that you don't have to believe in any specific deity or practice any religion in particular. When I say this, I'm talking about your belief in how you relate to things that are going on around you. We all have ideas about what's right and wrong, what's good and bad. Sometimes it seems like the end of the world for what you didn't want to happen to show up, but if you step back and look at things for what they are, it might not be as bad as you think. We tend to put too much effort into believing things that aren't true. When something happens to you, especially things you consider negative, freaking out is rarely a good solution. Instead, try challenging your belief about what's going on and see if you can create a new perception. Yes, take care of any physical world aspects you need to tend to. Then move into co-creation mode. Ask what the worst thing about this situation is. Ask what could change to make it better then start imagining what it would look like to have a better outcome. You don't have to accept the current results as the final outcome for most things. Opening up to new possibilities creates better solutions and strangely enough even looking for a silver lining could result in you finding one. 


Look for ways to practice a new vibration every day. It kind of goes with the last point I made, I know, but I'm not just saying to challenge things that are going wrong. I mean to create new vibes by building better feelings on top of anything you might be feeling right now. So, for instance, if you're having a good day, you might try pushing it a bit more, so you feel even better. This doesn't mean you're supposed to be happy all the time; life doesn't make it easy to do that in each moment. But when things are going well, it doesn't hurt to give it a try. It trains your mind to look for the good in things. When you can find a dose of something you like, your recognition will help you start seeing more of that. You might be asking what you do when you're not having a good day, and what I like to do is start giving gratitude for something or somebody. You know, being grateful for anything, no matter how large or small opens up doors you can't see. Another thing I like to do is give a compliment. Now, these aren't half-hearted compliments, and they're never disingenuous. I'm looking for something I can truly like about somebody, and I try to find things that aren't as obvious. Yes, you can tell someone how much you like their outfit, but I find it more helpful to compliment the person rather than an item. It will often bring a smile to your face to say the words out loud, and it will probably help the person getting the compliment smile too. Another thing I do is I often send love to people, especially somebody that causes me grief. I promise those people are in your life for a reason, and this just might be it! Or it can be someone you love and miss or a stranger you see on the street; it doesn't matter. If you can muster up affectionate vibes, it works to bring on more. So in that instance, I'm creating the intention to feel love for someone. I give it a time limit of one minute, and during that minute, I focus on the general beauty of that person and generate feelings of love for them.


Now that you're radiating the good stuff, you'll want to make it a habit. But habits, while they can be excellent things, aren't always exciting, are they? So you'll want to make this as easy as pie. I know how you can get tired of doing the same thing over and over again at work. Or at home? My kids hate doing chores so much. I'm sure I'm not the only parent who hears about this. Well, there's a reason for it. It takes effort, and if the effort isn't fun, it could be boring! What I love about our minds is that when we have them trained to look for something, our subconscious takes the wheel and can point those things out to us. We don't even need to remember to look for them. My husband loves a very specific classic car. He loves them so much he's trained his mind to look for them. He doesn't consciously put any effort into it. I can't tell you how many times we see that particular classic car model when we're out somewhere. It happens so often, it's rarer for us not to see one that it is to see one. Even if it’s the very same car! So if we create a habit of feeling good, our brain will start picking out the things to show us that it will make us feel good. Nifty, right? Remember that your subconscious mind, that part of you that is responsible for things like walking and talking and breathing, of course; it falls hook, line, and sinker for ideas that you generate in your mind over and over again. It just believes them, no questions asked. That is part of the amazing power you have to attract things you can't even imagine having right now. 

Taking care of yourself. Practicing self-care is part of convincing yourself that you are worth the effort of having what you want. If you take the time to prioritize things that are clear indications that you value yourself, your mind will start accepting the idea that you deserve the things you want to. There's going to be more about this in the next couple of episodes as well, so please make sure you come back to check those out.


I'd just like to mention that if you’re on Facebook that I’ll be doing a series on cultivating inner strength on Facebook over the next few weeks. The installments will be live-streamed and the live streams will be recorded, but I won't be keeping those videos up long. I have a brand new Facebook profile just for this type of thing. And on Instagram, I'm doing some IGTV's about the practical side of manifesting and how you can easily fit it into your life. You can find the links for those things as they’re available in the notes.



That's going to be it for now, but take some time to take a walk today, meditate, journal, or treat yourself in some way. You are always worth creating some happiness for yourself. I'll be thinking of you as you Get Your Shine ON and make the world brighter today. Take care.


Thanks to Kevin MacLeod and for the use of the music, "On My Way," in our podcast episodes. You can find more musical selections at