Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 44  Surprise! There's A Dark Side of the LOA

Hey, welcome back to Magnetic Me. I'm Marcie Robinson, and I'm a friendly, neighborhood manifesting coach and teacher. Being that I'm immersed in this stuff all day long, you can probably imagine that my kids have some very pointed questions for me at times. While I don't try to force my beliefs onto them, they know about my philosophies on life and spirituality, so they'll sometimes be angry about circumstances they don't like, and they wanna blame somebody. That's when they pull out the stuff about the Law of Attraction and try to trip me up. So when my 12-year-old daughter surprised me the other day with the question I'm going to share with you in a few seconds, know that I felt I had to give the best answer possible. 


What Went Down

My kid and I were in the kitchen, and we were just chatting about her day while I cooked dinner. She recently started grade 7, and she's developed a wicked sense of sarcasm. It's so sharp it could peel the skin off the apple she was eating right then. She got quiet for a few seconds, and believe me, this hyper-creative and animated creature can't be put on mute for long, so I knew she was pondering something. When I asked what was up, she replied with a "Hey Mom, what's the dark side of the Law of Attraction?"


Look, I should've known it was coming. This kid is clever, witty, sneaky, sassy, insightful, and like all kids, she's trying to figure things out for herself. So we started discussing and challenging each other to see what the dark sides of manifesting could include. I put together this little summary of the type of things we thought about that day. 


What We Picture Manifesting To Be

First, think about what happens when you've decided to keep an open mind and try working with the LOA. Once you've gotten some results that excite you, it can seem very magical. That can cause you to start opening yourself up to new possibilities, sometimes for things you never dared to dream of before. 


Let's be honest. After the first success with the LOA or first few realizations, you might suddenly start having what I like to call "Samantha Stephens moments." If you have no bleeping idea what I just said, I'm talking about the 1960's t.v. show, Bewitched, where a beautiful young witch marries a mortal man and gives up using witchcraft for him. But the thing is, it's not that easy; she still has her powers, so the results are often hilarious. If you grew up watching and loving that show, we have a lot in common! And if you've ever thought about how great it would be to twitch your nose, just like Sam did, and for your snack of choice to appear, I can say you're not alone. And it's not just me! I've had more than one conversation about Samantha Stephens with clients or people who happen to mention her when they realize what I do, and they want to make a joke.


It's fun to let your imagination get carried away by how it would be oh, so awesome to zap yourself into that great designer outfit you saw online but think you could never afford. And of course, you have to continue to fit into your ever so slightly improved wardrobe, so chances are you'd be doing something about that too. And what about using your new-found powers to make yourself rich or give yourself a new, more glamourous career? Maybe perfect health is your thing, whatever it is, using your imagination to put yourself in those Samatha Stephens moments is a great way to give yourself a small boost when things get tough.


I mean, what you do if you could zap up anything or zonk yourself anywhere? Yes, those are technical terms, by the way. When my daughter and I want to be silly and have some fun, we'll sometimes make up some pretty outrageous Samantha Stephens moments.


When you look at manifesting in those terms, it seems like a good thing, but there can be this more ominous side lurking in what appears to be something that's very beneficial. So, let's put away the allure of the Law of Attraction. I mean, it's a reasonable thing to do, right? After all, we live in a physical world where the here and now seems like the most realistic possibility. It's difficult sometimes to wrap our brains around how manifesting could have anything to do with, well, anything. That makes total sense because of the Law of Polarity. Some people call it the Law of Opposites; think about it in terms of like, and unlike, hot and cold, positive and negative. And what it means for you is that there are dual sides to everything. So, for everything you think is good, there's going to be an opposite to that. And truthfully, if there was nothing to the contrary to worry about, we sure wouldn't appreciate what we think is the good stuff when it comes along. So in light of that, here are some less obvious things my kid and I came up with that we might forget about when we're using the Law of Attraction.


What We Don't Expect 

Consider that these are things that can check ourselves on if our efforts don't seem to be working. If we find that we can change our perception or make adjustments, it may help us move forward



There's no doubt about it, getting yourself stuff like material wealth and toys is a lot of fun. Yes, you can do it, and there's nothing wrong with it; altruistic intentions aren't the only ones we're meant to act on. But not everyone is self-aware enough to check the intent behind the desire for what they want. What I mean is that sometimes, the reason you have for wanting something isn't the best reason to have it. 

I had a client once who wanted to attract a huge lottery win; I'm talking multi-millions of dollars. He'd been trying for years now to get that win, but it was still eluding him. He couldn't figure it out, and he was obviously frustrated and agitated that he hadn't manifested it when he signed up to coach with me.


I should tell you that he was attracting money; he just could never get beyond a certain amount of money, which wasn't nearly enough in his mind. Heck, he didn't even need the money. He had a great job that paid him what most people might be overjoyed to make, but he wanted a fast, gargantuan amount of money. When I asked why he wanted that so much, he told me that his money-hungry ex-wife had divorced him to marry somebody else that had way more green stuff than he did. Oh, yeah, and he hated the new guy; he said he would have preferred if she'd left him for anybody else. The new hubby was a multi-millionaire and could afford to buy her the homes, jewels, cars, all the stuff that she wanted. In my client's mind, he thought the only way he was gonna get that much was by winning a lottery. The reason he wanted the lottery win was to show his ex how dumb she'd been to make what he thought was a colossal mistake by divorcing him and marrying the guy he hated who happened to be sort of his rival in his business. He wanted to show his ex she was wrong to leave him, and he was trying to compete with her new husband because he was so blinded by his anger and hurt. He had the wrong reason for his intention, and that's why he was finding it so darned difficult.


Now I'm not saying to never manifest material things at all. Far from it, if you want something or need something, by all means, attract it. I am saying to check your motive for doing it, so you don't waste any time trying to attract things that really aren't for you.



If you wonder why anyone would want to do that, I have news. I get tons of questions along the line of;


"How can I use the Law of Attraction to get my crush to fall in love with me?" 


I'm always surprised by the sheer number of people who want to get their ex back or meddle with their current relationship. Not only that, but they might want to seek revenge on somebody with some weird idea to take something away from them or make them pay with an absurd plot to ruin everything they do by using the LOA.


Here's my public service announcement for today. Stop that kind of insanity! Nobody can mess with anybody by using the Law of Attraction in a negative way. It just doesn't work like that! 


First of all, everybody has free will. Just because you want something from them doesn't mean they want to or have to give it to you. Think about internet trolls here. They spread their views around in a most atrocious and obnoxious way. I don't know if trolls seem to think their insults will change somebody's mind and make them think that they're right. It often seems they want others to wake up and see the error of their ways, right? That's never what happens, though. A troll's comments are only going to do what everybody else's comments do. They give the people who read them a glimpse into how they're thinking. The harm they do to themselves is just as effective as what they think they're doing by spreading insults and bringing other people down. 


If you think you can force the LOA to control somebody for you or do your evil bidding, you're thinking about black magic, not using universal principles. And even black magic is subject to those. Universal principles are a set of immutable laws that apply to everybody and everything. They never change. If I'm accurate here, then black magic is about using supernatural power for some sort of malicious intent. 


While I know that the universe has its super-secret ways of bringing about manifestations, remember with everything you do, think, feel, and with all your actions, you're the one telling the universe what you want it what to bring to you. The LOA is sometimes described as "The Law of One" because it works through you as though you were the only person in the universe. And it's the same for everyone else. If that's too much to think about right now, you're okay. Just know when you set about to bring something negative to someone else, you're not doing yourself any favors because whatever evil intent you have for someone else is slapped right back to you. And it happens by way of the Law of Attraction.


So don't try to control others. You're gonna be so much better off learning how to keep yourself in check so you can attract the things that suit you best. 



I could do a whole series just on expectation. To let you know how seriously I take this, I dedicated an entire module to LOA expectations in one of my group coaching courses that's now a part of one of my memberships.


I've said it before, and this won't be the last time you hear me say it. In fact, I just said it by using other words. Using the LOA isn't magic. It's all about where you put your belief. When you first start manifesting, wondering about what the LOA can do, knowing what to believe and how long you'll have to wait can seem pretty daunting. It's because of having unrealistic timelines and ideas about exactly what might show up or how things will show up that you could find yourself on a dark and depressing path that will lead to ideas that could help or most likely won't help you at all. There are sooo many lessons about living and learning tied up in using the LOA to manifest what you want. 


That's why it's a good idea to have someone who you can trust to support you if you get stuck. But remember, you want to keep your circle of support for this particular topic small and to those you know are like-minded about manifesting. I'm not saying to dump all your friends, just don't set yourself up to make things harder, that's all.



Sometimes we get so focused on the idea of manifesting that we forget to look where you'll find the answers to all your questions. Which ultimately will be inside yourself. As a human being, you have many physical parts and pieces. But you also have non-physical components with divine guidance built into them. What am I talking about?


You want to pay attention to all those subtle cues that tell you what is and isn't for you. Forget about paying attention to what our brains know; we have all kinds of information jammed into them that isn't necessarily the truth. The little thoughts that say, you should do this or you should go there might be trying to tell you something. I'm talking about the hunches you get about things that reasoning would say to discount entirely. We've all heard the stories about a mom just knowing her kid is in trouble when they're miles and miles away. Or there are probably times you can remember when you've thought, maybe I should do that, but you don't because you talk yourself out of it. Then later, you end up kicking yourself for not listening to the still, small voice. I'm talking about the things you know in your gut without needing physical proof to back it up. 


I want you to hear this and when I say " hear", I mean listen for that inner voice to see if it resonates. Sometimes you don't need anybody outside yourself to give you the right answer. We tend to get so concerned about doing the right thing, about being right or attaining perfection in some cases, that we forget about the higher parts of us. We fail to believe in ourselves. Start listening to these non-physical parts of you instead;

  • intuition
  • heart
  • belief
  • inner wisdom
  • soul

Pay more attention to what's going on inside you, and you just may find the guidance you might looking for. Yes, you might not interpret everything correctly all the time, but using these senses will get easier for you, and you'll find yourself becoming more accurate with getting the messages they're trying to give you the more you use them.


There are other things that I can put on this list, but I'm going to leave it there for today. I know you want to get to what's important to you, and that's important to me. I want you to be well, healthy, productive, and abundant.


But I also want you to know that if you need some stress relief or just want to feel better, don't forget to claim your own FREE virtual coaching session that I put together for you. I designed it to help you relieve stress and to create and amplify good energy. I want you to feel more relaxed and reassured that good things are coming your way because they are. It's totally go-at-your-own-pace, so I know you can do this. The meditations I put in there are downloadable, so you can take them and use them anytime you want to. The link to sign up for that is below in the notes. I'd love you to let me know if it helped you feel better. I've also just created a new page on Facebook. You can ask me questions there; let me know if you liked this podcast episode or learn something about manifesting on my new page. Please don't leave me there by myself! I want to get to know who's listening and maybe even chat with you. 😀


That's it for today; I'm thinking about you and holding space for your desires to be realized. Remember to Get Your Shine ON because the world is always better for it when you do. I'll be back soon. Bye for now.


Thanks to Kevin MacLeod and for the use of the music, "On My Way," in our weekly podcast episodes. You can find more musical selections at