Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 43 What To Do If You Feel "Iffy" On The Word "Manifest"

In light of the tumultuous year we've been having, there are all kinds of alterations to how we've been living and thinking about how we live too. Over the last few weeks, I've been feeling it, oh yeah, I promise I've been there too. And it's been tough for so many people! Unfortunately, lots of you are telling me it isn't getting any easier.

I'm noticing scared people, they're hurting, and we're all just trying to figure out how to move forward without letting the outside circumstances keep us in bondage to fear. What that means for me is that I've been talking to a lot more people about manifesting the good stuff lately. And there are some thoughts that I've passed along to make things a bit easier, at least that's my intention with them, and I want to share them with you too, of course.

Look, let me acknowledge that there's a great deal of excitement in the air about the thought of manifesting right now. It's a buzzword in my industry, and it gets a lot of attention. Depending on who you are, you may think of it as being something good or bad. I've talked about this before, which means that some people consider it associated with magic of some kind. But that's not how I see it at all because the word manifest can be replaced by many different words that add up to the same thing. There's nothing inherently good or bad about it. A manifestation is just evidence of something. But because of our past conditioning and with the ideas we've taken on about life, many of us might think the way we get to that proof or corroboration has something evil or at least something negative behind it. This is the thought that been rattling around in my mind recently because I've encountered more than one person who's kind of blasted me about using that word. That brings me to this question;


What can you do if you're a LOA Enthusiast but can't accept the word "manifesting" into your vocab?

So in the course of working with the LOA, if that particular word concerns you, I want to clear that up today. If you have a tough time accepting the word manifest into your vocabulary, I'll suggest changing it right now with the word grow. It's like this; I love to create things. I always have and always will, maybe you're like me, and you like to garden. You love the promise of the delicious and abundant veggies and herbs that you can pluck right from your own space whenever they're ready. You relish the thought of how much better they taste than the ones you buy. You sit and plan out your garden, the varieties of the plants you'll grow, and how you'll arrange them for a good harvest. You might start your plants from seeds at home, or you might buy the seedlings from the store and plant them in a carefully prepared piece of land. Then you nurture them as though they were tiny infants, so they'll flourish under your care. Now, at this moment, my tomato plants have a bounty of tomatoes on them, and they're starting to turn color. It's so fascinating to watch.

So when I sliced into a beautiful heart-shaped tomato last night (I'll put the picture I took of it on Instagram), I was thrilled that it came from my own backyard. And the taste of those juicy little tomatoes coming from my small garden is so much brighter and more flavorful than any could I get in the store. But when I think back to how that tomato got there, it's interesting to think that beautiful plant that it came from started as one tiny seed.

Let's think about how awesome the act of creation is.

That one minuscule seed contained the entire blueprint for the tomato plant and all the little tomatoes that came from it. Why? Because it was the source of the future tomatoes. It was all contained inside that one, compact seed, and it was there all along. There were very few outside conditions that it needed for it to grow. Just the earth that contained all the nutrients to feed it. It required fresh, clean water and the sun that coaxed it to germinate and gave it the energy to grow into my tomato plant. Other than that, it only needed the appropriate time frame for me to decide I wanted to plant it and take care of it and mother nature to do her work. And what is the manifestation of that plant? The tomatoes, of course. And inside each tiny tomato that I get from the plant, there's a ton of potential for new tomatoes inside the seeds...unless I eat them, of course.


Here's why the word "manifest is totally cool.

That's the nature of creation, growth, and expansion. You'll never run out of opportunities to grow or ideas to actualize. I read something on one of my kid's Facebook pages that summed it all up beautifully. I'll find it and post that on my Instagram feed, too, along with where it was shared from, the link to my feed will be below in the notes. But that re-post talked about the act of discovering love, dreams, and chasing them or having accomplishments, not just belonging to people who are in their teens or twenties. Growth is a life-long process for everyone, and it's meant to be that way because we're co-creators. My response to that post was something like I'm going to be having significant achievements even as a centenarian.

I want to lighten the load for you if you're apt to take on all the responsibility to get yourself what you want because you don't need to do that. I'd like to urge you to remember that your desires already contain the plan ( the entire plan) for what you want to grow. Including what it needs and all the actions you'll need to take. All you need to do is to provide the place in your mind to plant the seed of that want. Then use your good energy in the form of positive thoughts. Of course, you'll want to care for your request showing it some love. You gotta keep it alive. Then you just step back and let time and the universe do their thing. It never takes as long as you think it's gonna when you just live life, knowing that each seed in your garden of realization is source energy, and desire grows at its own perfect pace. Your results are just around the corner.

So manifesting isn't about black magic at all, it's about growth. And sometimes you have to grow inward to see the appearance outward. Manifestation is simply the byproduct of creation. There's nothing evil about it, so don't get hung up on old thoughts that don't serve you when what you want is already out there ready to do so.


Grow your own desire by planting the source.

If you are in a place today that you don't want to be because of outside circumstances, the best advice I can give you as a manifesting teacher is to prepare that space in your mind to sow the beginning, the source of what you want. Switch up the way you look at life. What's going on around us is the manifestation of what's going on inside of us. On a big scale, like global events, it's a culmination of everyone's joint effort. Whether you think what's going on is good or bad, know that our energy creates events. Choose to be part of the collective that brings about better things for our world.

Now, I keep hearing over and over that we're stressed out more than ever. So if your energy is all over the place these days and there are plenty of moments where you feel like you're at the end of your rope, I'm offering you something FREE today that I know can help you out. I put together a 6-part virtual coaching session. I designed it to help you relieve stress and to create and amplify good energy. In less than 20 minutes, if you do just one of the meditations I've put together for you, you'll feel more relaxed and reassured that good things are coming your way because they are. But please complete all the parts of the Awesome Energy Amplifying Coaching SessionIt's totally go-at-your-own-pace, so I know you can. The meditations are downloadable, so you can take them and use them anytime you want to. I've made it really easy for you and I'd love you to leave a note for me if it helped you feel better.

That's it for today, I'm thinking about you and holding space for your desires to grow. Now go sign up and do the Awesome Energy Amplifying Coaching and Get Your Shine ON because the world is always better for it when you do. Bye for now.

Thanks to Kevin MacLeod and for the use of the music, "On My Way," in our weekly podcast episodes. You can find more musical selections at