Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 41  How Do I Know I'm Manifesting The Right Way?

If you're someone who's been trying to get something to show up for you, you've likely wondered, "How do I know I'm doing the right things?"

It can be confusing because there are so many techniques to try, and blogs to read, podcasts to listen to. And because you're serious about this stuff, and want to co-create like crazy, you want to know. So if you are worried that there's something else you need to be doing right now, please hear this. You are doing fine, and everything you need to know is right there for you. Let me explain.


You've probably heard this old gem, that says,


"When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears."


I'd like to tell you exactly who said that first because it's genius, but I've seen it attributed to different teachers, Buddha and Lao Tzu, among them. 

The only thing I can say for sure is that whoever it was, surely understood manifesting. The universe is our most important teacher of the Law of Attraction.


With this podcast, my job is to make being magnetic to all you want more natural for you. I hope that you'll gain a good understanding of how the Law of Attraction works. But also how it works in conjunction with you and with other components of manifesting too. It's all about getting the results you want, and I always want to hear about yours. But a lot of the time, I harp on about things like taking control of your reactions and your emotions as much as humanly possible. And whether you're wondering if you're manifesting in the right way or if I'm just trying to annoy you, it's simple. The answer to that question is contained in that quote. Actually, it is that quote!


The simple answer is the message.

When we hear the word "teacher," we usually have a particular person pop into our mind's eye. It's a common thing to dredge up our favorite one from our school days.

Bless them all—so many of us parents who are home-schooling and trying to ensure our kids are comfortable with remote learning and taking it seriously, have a new respect for our teachers these days.

But as we traverse the daily ups and downs of life, there are many things that can teach us about ourselves and other people too. The opportunities for learning are truly endless if we care to recognize them. For lots of us, it will be the most dramatic experiences or circumstances that will force us to come away with some profound, deeply felt knowledge. But I also want to urge you to pay attention to the simple things. I mean, those things you may not notice or expect. Those day-to-day conditions that pop into and out of our lives are a chance to discover something new because each moment holds the possibility of teaching us something.


So, the "ickiness" of not feeling well might teach us to take better care of our bodies. The anger we feel when we see an injustice in the world may agitate us enough to get involved in a worthy cause. And the happiness we feel when we're finally free to hug our loved ones will be a reminder of how much we care about them and missed them. 


Look for the things that keep happening to you.

It's not hard to recognize those lessons. Sometimes we're paying too much attention to other things, like our cell phones and our to-do lists. Those things do have a place, of course. But remember that what we're focusing on now creates our reality. So when the same themes keep coming up over and over again in our lives, it's best to pay attention, because the universe is trying to teach us something. It could be any pattern or repetitive thing. Like being broke all the time, that's one that's very relatable for most of us. Some people keep choosing the same characteristics in a partner over and over and wonder why their relationships don't work out. Not that every pattern is a bad thing. If these patterns are ones you like and you feel good about them, that's fine. You don't have to do a darned thing, bring on the good life! But if you keep seeing something you don't like, consider that it's the universe saying, "Hey, maybe you'd like to try something different here." So, please, don't be blind to those things, or push them away when you become aware of them. Those are your opportunities. 


Accept help from the universe and its messages for you.

Now, when you're setting out to manifest something, in particular, look for those "teachers" to appear. They'll guide you. Good feelings are an indication to invite more of that into your life. Negative ones could be an indication to do something differently or even to give yourself a push, depending on the circumstances. Your intuition is there to help you recognize what the lesson is for you. 


How do you know when you've learned the lesson? Easy, the teacher disappears. It's essential for it to do that because it's an indication that you've made progress. If it sticks around, you're not learning anything. So, if you've been struggling to keep some money in your bank account because it's the lesson, you might decide to look for a way to make more money. You may take on a second job or improve your performance at work. Showing you're capable of more responsibility may put you in line for a promotion or a raise. You could also manifest a better-paying job elsewhere. But when the homework is done and done well, the teacher doesn't need to be there anymore. At least for the time being.


That brings up another point, which is, stuff happens. Circumstances change. Any good instructor is going for long-term results in your education. Just like we start learning before we even begin our formal studies, we learn in increments. Taking it slowly, completing one grade before we move onto the next, we're building a foundation of knowledge to help us get through life, general as it might be. If we're a bit of a bookworm, we understand the value of good study habits and life-long learning. If we're not very attentive, the lessons may take longer to learn. Perhaps our talents lie elsewhere, and maybe learning the hard way is worth it for us. I'm not judging anyone for the way they happen to acquire their awareness and intelligence at all; there's no right or wrong here. Once we have a foundation to stand on, we can go into more specialized learning and expand our skills and expertise.


So be prepared to revisit some lessons along the way and let that be okay. Learning how to manifest takes some time just like anything else. We don't have to learn everything at once. If you get tired of co-creating your life, take a break for a while. The universe is always there to guide you back to a place of purpose. And if all else fails, take a hint from the really cute coffee mug I got from one of my kids at Christmas time. It says, "Life happens, coffee helps." Obviously, I like a good cup of coffee. But you indulge in something you enjoy. I find that taking the time to appreciate something can sometimes bring us a new perspective on where we tend to get stuck.


That's it for today, in this short but sweet episode. If you've been feeling anxious or agitated lately, or you just want some well-deserved relaxation time, I'd like to invite you to participate in our Awesome Energy Amplifying Coaching Session. It's made up of pre-recorded videos, full disclosure there, that will get you relaxed and focused with good feeling vibes. And that always makes you more magnetic! It's about an hour-long, and I take you through 3 mind-blowing meditative exercises during the video, creating feelings of relief, love, and lots of high vibrating energy. Feedback from those who participated during both the live and pre-recorded session said it was amazing!

You can join in for free by signing up for the Awesome Energy Amplifying Session right here!

We'd love to know about your before and after transformation in your energy, so make sure you let us know!



In the meantime, keep paying attention and learn those lessons! And of course, remember to Get Your Shine ON. The world is always a better place when you do! Until next time, take care, and I'll be thinking about you.