Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 40 How To Give The Law Of Attraction Fearless Permission.

One of the questions that people everywhere are asking these days is this, "How do I change my track record with the Law of Attraction?" If you've been trying to get the LOA to manifest something for you, it's going to be top of mind. We're living in a time right now where it's so, so important that we know how to use our universal principles in the right way. That means that we understand how to practice them in a way that can bring us some security. It could be to maintain our health, create more financial security, etc. After all, our families do depend on us to have our crap together, don't they? Now, there's no reason to worry about what hasn't worked yet. Let's go ahead right now and look at something that can help you change your outcomes. 


Put this on repeat.

First of all, I'd like to repeat something that I've talked about before. But now, today, we're in a place where you're likely to hear it differently. That is that the universe has an abundant supply of all things. Everything you could possibly ever need or want in your life is available to you right now. And if that sounds like a lie to you, that would be pretty normal. We're conditioned from the day we're born to look at the world-view of things. In a world that in the last few weeks has been concerned about toilet paper supply, among other things, I get it. But there is something that we have to stop and remember. Maybe you've heard this before and maybe not, so let me explain this briefly.  

In the universe, supply is equal to demand. That's because, at the time of creation, everything was created. I know this is a bit difficult to wrap a brain around sometimes, but just know this. If you can see it in your imagination, it already exists as a form of energy in the universe. Through the LOA, you can use your own energy to draw it into your life. Cool! That's an exciting thought. 

So there's a way you can get what you want into your bank account, your home, and your body. Whatever you want to have, you can certainly have it. And you can also do it without a lot of struggle or cheating somebody else out of it or rushing to the store ahead of everybody and buying out the entire inventory. Like I said, the secret to doing that is by learning how to use your energy in a particular way. But you should also know that for most people it takes a bit of practice. That's because our human tendencies can be a foil to the outcome we want to see. 

Are you holding back on permission?

What am I talking about in particular here? Today I'm going to focus on permission because it's paramount in receiving new things. Of course, if you're consenting to have something in your life, whether it's needed or wanted, you have to agree to it. You might be asking what this "agreement" means. Of course, you can't just go to the store for a fresh supply of permission or order it online. And it isn't like you're exchanging money for what you want if you're manifesting it. It means that you have to be comfortable enough to have your desire now so that it seems like you already do. 

I'm not going to get into visualizing or anything else right now. I'd like you to take the idea of consenting to let something new in and let that roll around in your brain for a bit. We sometimes get so excited to get to the good stuff that we fail to understand what it is we're doing before we do it. When someone comes to me, and they're confused about what's taking so long, they can always rattle off what they did. We're all really good at that. But what we don't often understand is what didn't do. 

So when you say to the LOA, "Okay then, I'm gonna let you help me with this," you have to mean it. Think about this for a minute. Have you ever known anyone who hires someone to clean their house, but then they go and clean before the house cleaner gets there? I have, and even though it makes me laugh, it's a bit redundant, isn't it? So, what does it look like then, to let the LOA work for us?" Well, it means getting out of the darned way!

 If you start putting conditions on things like when it supposed to happen and how it's supposed to happen, it's going to take longer. If you start feeling guilty that you might be taking something away from somebody else, that's going to stop your progress. If you complain about not having it, like my kid does when I ground him from the Xbox for the day, the LOA is less than impressed just like this momma. You're probably going to be waiting longer in this instance too. 


Do this instead.

So be smart enough to do these things today to give your permission to the LOA so it can help you.


  1. Cut off the source of negativity as much as you can. I'm not saying that you don't need to know what's going on out there. But you also have to know when it's time to make a cut. Naysayers, overwhelming statistics, and bitchy people are all going to bring you down. It's when you're starting to feel like your mood is sinking that it's time to take control of this. You do get to control yourself, remember? So when you're getting overwhelmed or angry, or upset take a deep breath. When you do that, focus on releasing any mounting anxiety with your exhale, and I promise you'll feel a bit better for it. 
  2. Say NO to what doesn't line up with your desire. Often I'll see that people will start making shifts when they start using the word "no." That's because as soon as you start rejecting what isn't for your own good, you can be lining up better with what is. That doesn't mean you have to be heartless and uncaring. That's not a good way to manifest either. But you do need to start thinking in terms of what is best right now. 
  3. Understand that you are deserving of what you want and, of course, what you need. You're here, and you exist in a place where we have the ability to use universal principles to help us. It's not wrong to use them: it's not manipulating someone into giving you something when they don't want to. The universe is always in agreement with you on what you want. And the LOA is all about learning how to live your best life. Some people may think that sounds a bit hokey when I say that. But I know you are worthy of what you want, and so does the LOA.
  4. Trust that it's okay to leave the universe in charge for a while. As a reforming perfectionist, which can be another word for a "control freak," I promise I know what I'm talking about here. It's exhausting to worry about making things "just so," and having something happen on a deadline all the time. Loosing up the reins to a power that had the foresight to give you a way to create your own security feels very freeing when you get used to it. The universe knows what it's doing!


So as you go through your day today, I want to urge you to give the Law of Attraction consent to work on your behalf by freeing yourself of things that will hold you back, even if you don't realize they do. Just take a deep breath, find the courage to stand back, and let the universe do its work.


Having trouble feeling aligned or maintaining your energy?

Now, if you're finding it difficult to align with your desires right now or you don't know what you can do to feel better, sign up for the video of our Awesome Energy Amplifying Coaching. The Energy Amplifying Session is free, and there are a few free downloads you get with it. To be completely transparent, I do quickly mention our Affirmative Energy Boosting Challenge at the end of the session.

The AEBC, as I call it, is a 14-day challenge where I walk you through my six-step framework for creating uplifting energy. That may be for you if you feel like you want some guidance on creating better energy.


But for now, check out the free session for some good vibes

And remember to Get Your Shine ON because the world is always a better place when you do!