Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 39 The Truth About Logic In The Recipe Of Abundance.

Hello, welcome to this episode of Magnetic Me, I'm Marcie Robinson. How are you doing? I hope you're doing well and feeling good today. This episode was inspired by a question that came into IYLC's inbox this week. It's from Abby, and Abby said this.

"I've noticed you've been talking a lot about it being important to use your logic lately. But isn't that the opposite of using the Law of Attraction? Please explain."

First of all, thanks for the question Abby, and it's a great one. When I saw this question, it reminded me that manifesting is a bit like a recipe.


What special recipe are you using?

Many of us are looking for ways to occupy ourselves these days. In a time when a lot of us are purposely staying home and out of each other's way, we're maybe checking some things off our to-do lists. For some, it could mean baking up a storm. I love to bake by the way, so if that's you, I totally get ya there. I actually posted a pic of some donuts I made with my family (they did the decorating). That was a week or so ago on my Instagram page at lawofattractioncoach.marcie if you want some proof of that. But I've seen my share of funny quarantine baking fails that have been circulating on social media too. Hey, it could happen to anybody, right? You might make a substitution for something and get a less than desirable result. You could have chosen the wrong day to make something, and it ended up soggy, Maybe you just picked out a recipe that just wasn't a good one for you. There are tons of things that could go wrong when you go to whip something up. 


Just like baking, manifesting is about the mixture of ingredients you're putting together. There are many components that you could throw into the atmosphere and mix them up to make a batch of brand new abundance. However, the quality of your ingredients and how you use them will go a long way to getting your finished result. Testing your method could be an essential part of your manifesting. So today, I want to explain that there's a time to use everything from your stockpile of life experiences to help you during your co-creation.


As you well know, all of the ways we've learned to react to things matter. Our feelings and how much of them we put out there matter. So do our beliefs and our thought patterns and habits. The ways we adjust to something, how much resistance we conjure up will make a difference. And of course, the memories we use, the timing of our actions, that will all impact what we manifest too. It's all part of the recipe we use. What we end up with is the result of a mixture of what we put into life. And just like when we're in our kitchens, not all ingredients need to be used at the same time. Does that make sense? 


So when it comes to the component of logic, most people in the world have a supply of it. Of course, it's one of the mental abilities that help us to make sense of things. But since this faculty is built into us starting from the time we're born, it isn't an easy thing to dismiss logic, even when doing so could be to our benefit. But our rationale is meant to be used too; it's just a good thing to know when to use it and when not to. 


First of all, if you're testing your method for purposeful co-creation, you may not have built up solid beliefs in your abilities to use the Law of Attraction yet. And it may be that way with many things that you'll be required to apply to your efforts for what you want to actualize. So it's okay to err on the side of caution and to use your logic in those circumstances. So, for instance, if you're trying to attract perfect health, then washing your hands is a good, solid step to take. You wouldn't quit doing that, would you? If you stopped washing your hands all of a sudden, it would put you at risk of catching something you don't want, and washing your hands even if you don't feel like it will still help to keep you in a state of health. Nothing wrong with that. Same thing with saving the money you have now to pay bills when you have them instead of blowing it on something you don't need. 


So in your everyday physical existence, it's mostly a good thing to follow your logic. The LOA is working there too. When you have an established pattern of reasoning for something, don't throw caution to the wind just to prove a point. You may show yourself to be wrong, and that would be disappointing. It may set you up for a more difficult time in the future as well. 


And of course, there are also times when ignoring our reasoning abilities is a great thing, particularly during co-creation. It just isn't always the natural-feeling thing to do. When you're trying to realize something that you've never experienced before, it's going to be a necessary leap to make. The trick is to be able to turn away from what you can see on the outside long enough to feel that your aim is real right now. I know I say that all the time. 


Your secret ingredient that creates the best result.

 The difference is that you're not just turning in the opposite direction. You're going inward. You're not taking extreme, outside action here. You're turning your attention to what's going on inside you. That's so that you can feel the truth of what exists in your imagination. You just aren't seeing it on the outside yet. That's okay too, but that's why faith is essential.


So there will be tons of times in life when you're dealing with the outside world. You'll see or hear something that bothers you. That's when you want to stop and evaluate what you're feeling. That, by the way, is the most crucial part of the training you'll encounter that will turn you into a great co-creator. That's when you go inward and say to yourself, "I don't believe it has to be that way, there's something better than that."  


Now keep in mind that you aren't necessarily sharing that opinion with the outside world yet because this is inner work, my friend. When your reaction to that external irritant, whatever it is, changes, you know that you're doing the work required. You're on the way to changing your world. It's okay if it takes a long time for that reaction inside of you to adapt to the situation. What's important is that you do the work of stopping your habitual response when it's happening, and you find a way to soften it. In time and with practice, you'll be able to recognize what's going on and quickly shift into a new mode of being. And it will feel very natural when you've had some experience doing it. 


So as a manifesting teacher, my advice is to err on the side of logic, until you have an inner feeling that it's time to ignore it.


As you progress with consciously using universal laws and taking charge of your attitudes, you'll start having times when you'll know that the path that doesn't make sense is the right one for you to follow. It's not something you're going to be able to explain to anybody, but you'll know at the time that it's the right thing to do. That's what's called "inspired choice or inspired action." When you can show the world that your inner being is completely lined up with your desire so that the logical choice is now not the sensible alternative in that particular situation.


Now you may be asking if it has to take a long time to know that you should bypass reason for the unproven? It depends on the situation. For some students of manifesting, it happens quickly, and for others, it takes more time. It will depend on how aligned you are with your inner being. In fact, if you've ever heard about a manifesting technique called "Acting As If,"  you could be thinking that's the key here. But I would consider that to be a more advanced technique to try because students who have some experience working with the LOA and who've built up belief seem to do better with it. There's a big difference in feeling " as if" and acting it out. That's why I have a manifesting framework for my students to follow. 


I hope that makes sense to you. If you have questions, you can always direct them to me at [email protected] I'll be happy to take a look at them and give you my best answer.


Until the next time we're together, remember to breathe and to let things be okay for as many moments as you can. Also, take some time today to look inward and find the proof you need to "Get Your Shine ON". It always makes the world a better place to be. I'll be thinking about you and sending lots of light your way.