Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 37 Do These 3 Things To Soar Above Problems At Any Time.

Hey there, my name's Marcie Robinson. Thanks for joining me. If you're listening today, I know that there's a reason, and I'm so glad to connect with you on this. If this is the first time you're listening to our podcast, there's something that I want you to know, and that is that I work with heroes every day. In my world, where we're talking about manifesting the style of life you want, the heroes I'm talking about are my clients and my students. I've been so fortunate to be just a tiny part of so many transformations over the years. We're talking about the type of changes that make a huge difference in people's lives. I won't lie; sometimes, it takes some time for someone to start seeing results. I think a few people from my client list would agree with that. But I have to tell you that the best part of my job is when I start seeing somebody shift from fear, doubt, confusion, whatever's holding them back. They'll stop worrying about "if this thing can be done," whatever that happens to be, to "I'm doing this!" They"ll start seeing connections to what's going on in their life. They start understanding how what they're doing is affecting their overall outcome.

When they "get" that, I know it's just a matter of time, usually a relatively short amount of time in most cases to have what they're aiming for show up. I call that particular stage, "proof watch." When I tell somebody, we're on "proof watch," they're excited and I'm just as excited for them! That's when the celebration truly starts. Anyone who overcomes difficult circumstances in their life by purposely using the LOA is a LOA hero in my eyes. You know, I actually made a quiz that can tell you what kind of Law of Attraction superpowers you might have. Even if they're latent powers! That's something you might want to check out sometime. I'll be talking more about that later.

Today I want to give you insight into how you rise above current circumstances so you can overcome any problems. We're all aware of a huge, collective thing that's going on right now. If you've ever wished you could be a superhero, this is your chance friend. We all know issues don't go away by themselves. Once we've paid enough attention either individually or collectively to have an issue form and show up for us, then it needs our help to disappear too. One of the things I give each one of my clients and students is an Essential Manifesting Framework. They all tell me they find it extremely helpful. So please know that what I'm about to lay out for you here comes directly from this tool.

(The Essential Manifesting Framework is now part of the Law of Attraction Elements Manifesting Workshop)

I know these days there are so many things that you might be experiencing as a problem. There probably isn't just one. Things that felt big and scary to us a few weeks ago have been replaced by something that we may not have even seriously imagined before. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed and doubtful of what to do. I've spoken to a fair number of people recently who just want someone to tell them what to do. That's why turning to the LOA is so enticing. These are several steps I think would help you get started if you're not sure where to begin using the LOA. Here is where I'm getting into a bit of what's in my Essential Manifesting Framework.

(The Essential Manifesting Framework is now part of the Law of Attraction Elements Manifesting Workshop)


Check your perception. What do you believe about the situation? 

Let me ask you this; when do you think about something as being an issue? If you're like me, it's when I recognize the potential something has to cause disruption to my life or to bring me something I don't want.

One of the things that I had to train myself to do when I first started working with the LOA was to change my perception. Until I started doing that, I would continue to get bogged down by the circumstances. Here's a secret, even after all this time, it still happens every once in a while. I'm still gloriously human, so this step is a big part of my essential manifesting framework.

I'll ask you to always keep in mind that whatever you're thinking about your problems, there's a different way to view what's going on for you right now. Sit down for a minute and ask yourself, what's the good, the bad, and the ugly here? You know our personalities sometimes make it difficult to see ways that someone else might interpret the same situation. So even though that would be an excellent place to start, but it's not always easy to put yourself in somebody else's mindset to figure out how they're thinking.

Here's something you can try if you get stuck. It sounds a bit dangerous, but I had a student post on social media that they were looking for opinions. After she put up a brief and general description of her issue, she asked for thoughts and silver linings. It was a successful experiment for her because there was a silver lining that was posted that my student said she would never have come up with on her own. It gave her an idea, and her creative juices started flowing.

Another thing you can do to make a change of perspective easier is to think of ways how the conditions you're dealing with now can help grow you. How can they help you change for the better? Change may be a scary word for some of us, but remember, change creates different things for us.

Once you find some potential ways that your issue will help you get stronger, wiser, or better in some way, it's much easier to move forward.


Step two is to change your focus. 

It's a bit like putting on a different pair of glasses. If you wear specs, you'll know how it feels to get a new prescription. You may not realize how much your vision has changed since you got the pair of glasses you've been wearing. But when you go and pick up a different pair of glasses with a new prescription, wow! When you put on the new ones, your sight is so much better. That's because the lenses are what your eyes need right now. You'll be seeing everything with a new level of detail. It's almost like you've rediscovered an old friend.

You've already done a big part of the work here once you've set a new direction for how you're looking at things. That's naturally going to pick your new focus for you or at least narrow your choices so you can choose one. Once you know what you're aiming your attention for, find a way to affirm it every day. Keep your affirmation simple, though, so it'll stick at the front of your mind, and you remember to use it throughout the day. Use it any time it feels right to do it.

One thing I recommend is to make an affirmation that shows appropriate gratitude for what you want to happen. Also, use the statement as though your intent for the declaration has already happened.

For instance, if you want to boost your health, give thanks to your healthy immune system throughout the day. You can say it out loud or in your head; however, I feel that if you can say it out loud, it starts feeling real much more quickly.

So say something like, "Thanks for my strong immune system that keeps me healthy each day." or " Thank you immune system for taking such good care of me and keeping me feeling well all the time."

Talk about how good you're feeling today. You could say, "I love feeling well." or "I love the feeling I have of being healthy." You could use, "Thank you every cell in my body for being perfectly well and healthy."

And don't forget to match your actions to the proper focus as well. At this time, we're washing our hands more than ever and staying home to prevent catching and spreading COVID-19. I hear some people aren't taking it very seriously. Remember to use your reasoning and thinking abilities here. You can make a difference by using them to keep us all healthy.

Once you're paying more attention to what you want, you'll naturally start turning away from the problem. 

If you're wondering why you'd want to forget about your issues, there's an excellent reason for it. It's because you're starting to build faith in your new perception. The more belief you have in your new focus the more you're able to let go of the issue. Remember when nobody's paying attention to the old subject, then through the LOA, the solutions will start to present themselves.

But before you get too excited, though, you'll want to remember that it's easy to get sucked back into the problem. At least it can be at first.

Of all the things I ask people to do, this is where we all falter the most. We're so used to anticipating problems that it's easy for us to spot them, even when they're the teeniest-tiniest things. A person picks up on that vibe or gets focused on the issue again or an aspect of their problem, and it's a very bumpy downhill ride.

On the other hand, a resolution to something can be sitting right in front of us for a long time, and we don't see it. Or maybe we feel it's too risky to go there. I've seen people miss out on extraordinary opportunities because they refuse to make a change to the way they do things. They may not want to for some reason, or they don't see the value of taking a small risk. In return, no transformation takes place.

Just one conversation with someone you know, and you could find yourself re-igniting circumstances that have started to even off and fall away. If you're chatting or even thinking about something that you start getting emotionally involved with, in a negative way, stop that. Start thinking about a better topic of conversation or start looking for those silver linings. Don't allow yourself to lose momentum and get the issue burning once again. Once things catch fire, they tend to spread to other areas quickly.

The goal is to allow the problem to dissolve completely. You can only do that by building enough faith to feel and to know that better times are on the way. The more real it feels, the better it is. The way to show confidence is to turn away from the problem and to focus on solutions.

So keep working at rising above the circumstances by choosing positive as much as possible and looking forward. Be proactive, and keep adjusting your way of looking at everything. Put on a new pair of glasses with a better prescription for you to see the bumpy hills. That way, you can avoid them and get the good stuff moving into your field of vision.


One more thing.

I've had several people ask me if we can rely on the Law of Attraction to keep us healthy and free of COVID-19. If we can, why do we need to worry about all the instructions and restrictions that are out there?

Well, yes, you can rely on using universal principles to attract better health. That's at any time, that's for any illness you can think of. I genuinely believe that because I can think of at least three of my clients who were diagnosed with severe disease and healed from them. However, it's a process. Building faith for healing is one of the things that humans seem to struggle with because of how we feel about ourselves. Remember, the Law of Attraction works on the same level as our belief. Until we can learn to align our minds and bodies with focus and the type of energy that allows us to heal, results are better for some than they are for others.

Therefore, since all of us are depending on everyone to do our part, staying home is safest for everyone. Getting the right information is imperative. Do what's best for all of us. Remember, doctors can't tell you how this virus will affect you until you have it. I know of several people who didn't think they had an underlying medical condition until they got this virus. Even if you don't have symptoms, it's still easily spread to others who may not be so lucky. Remember, we are all part of the solution.

That's it for this week, focus on Getting Your Shine ON. I'm sending lots of love, sunshine, and healing vibes your way.