Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 36 Acceptance Is The Road to Abundance and Freedom

Hello, I'm Marcie Robinson, your coach at IYLC. Thanks for taking the time to be with me today. I certainly always appreciate your support in listening to this podcast, including during this time. While so many of us are feeling stress and uncertainty, I want to take this opportunity to focus on something useful to you. Before I get into that, I see what's going on all around the world. Each one of us is bound to have times when we feel negative things. It's normal for all of us to feel some fear right now. No one is immune to their emotions, nor should they be. There's nothing wrong with feeling whatever you're feeling right now. So I want you to stop for a minute and do that. So what emotions are you feeling? What's coming up for you? Let yourself sit with it for just a moment. You need to acknowledge it so you can deal with it. 


As you can imagine, a coach hears a lot about how people are feeling. Emotions are one of the mechanisms we have built into us for guidance. Each feeling we have is a state of mind that's brought to us by an impulse. Those impulses and emotions can be powerful indeed. What we often don't realize, and I find this is especially true when it comes to negative feelings. What we don't think about is that the emotion isn't necessarily logical or based on what we know to be true. Let's take panic, for instance. If you've ever had a full-blown panic attack or been with someone who's having one, you'll know how extreme the awareness of panic is in the moment. The fear of the person experiencing the attack is real, and the reactions are instinctual, even though there isn't any logical danger or cause that might be apparent at the time. The reason I say that this tends to be true for negative feelings, especially, is because humans have very fixed behaviors based on bad sensations or uncomfortable perceptions. Our past experiences have taught us this.


So in light of everything that's going on today, I'd like to make a point. And I intend that it should give you hope. So even though it's normal and okay to feel things like fear, uncertainty, doubt, panic, loss, hopelessness, insert whatever you like here. Whatever you're feeling, ask yourself this question, "What would I prefer to be feeling right now?" 


I know this seems like a 180-degree turn, and it is. Here's why I'm posing this question. Universal principles are steadfast and true. They don't care what's going on around you. They perform their job every single time with perfection.


You already know that what you focus on comes back to you through the LOA. And you already know that the LOA works as a result of the Law of Vibration. If you know those things, you'll recognize something else too. There are connections and flow between your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs, and your actions also. You've got the awareness that paying too much attention to what feels wrong to you isn't helping you right now.


That doesn't mean you shouldn't be bothered or have empathy for others. It does mean, though, that if you pay attention in a way that doesn't boost your anxiety 24/7, you'll be able to be of service to yourself and others during a critical time in our history. So, what can we do to steel ourselves so we can be of help at any time for anything that's coming our way?


  1. Number one is to use acceptance. There are several parts to using this valuable tool.
  • Recognize what is right now. Even if you can be part of the change, you have to acknowledge what the situation is at the moment. Your realization of that doesn't harm, it makes you human. You can't change anything unless you know it's there. (Understanding that the coronavirus is something that's spreading and currently making many people ill and even, unfortunately, to die.)
  • Be willing to do what's necessary to help as required. (Taking part in things that keep you healthy such as; frequent hand washing and sanitizing of surfaces, physical distancing, monitoring symptoms, self-isolation, checking in with others in acceptable ways, not panicking, etc.)
  • Of course, the word "accept" can be used in more than just one way. Such as to receive the goodness that's available to you today. (That means to purposely put our focus on things like health, wellness, healing, peace, calm, wealth, generosity, helping and freedom.)


2. We know everyone is dealing with a loss of something. As difficult as it may feel, we have to deal with those things. Ignoring the issues doesn't help because they'll continue to mount up. We know that problems need solutions. As lovely as it would be, they don't go away by themselves. For many of us a loss we may be experiencing, could be the loss of our;


  • Jobs
  • School for our kids or ourselves.
  • Money 
  • Freedom to do and go where we like.
  • Time spent ill and recovering.

And of course, the most significant loss of all, a life.


Yes, we must deal with all of those feelings, and I'm going to tell you about something that can help you with that.


But we also must understand that as difficult as circumstances are right now, this is going to pass and that we can feel better if we choose to. So if we want to feel like we have some of our freedom back right now, it may mean making some changes to the ways we might be doing things.


  • Limit the time you spend listening to the news and on social media. When you spend a lot of time thinking about the "what ifs" and worst scenarios of a problem, it keeps the problem circulating and growing. Focus on solutions, not the issues, stop talking about them. Instead, talk about what you'd like to see and what you'll do in the future. Even make some plans. 
  • Find a way to keep things as routine as possible. If you're homeschooling kids right now or working from home, you've probably been maintaining some of that structure in your day. Even if you live alone or don't have kids, I encourage you to do what you can to keep your everyday habits going as much as possible.
  • If you're feeling out of touch with family and friends, use technology. Set up a chat through Skype or Zoom or make some phone calls. Talking with someone else and catching up with them can help you feel so much better.
  • Be gentle with yourself. It's okay to feel good in the midst of this; it's not wrong to do so. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. There's infinite possibility in the universe for something good to happen. Don't close yourself off from the opportunities for good.


I realize that feeling abundant right now may be a challenge for a lot of us. The most abundant thing I can think of is the opportunity we have to make a difference. It's in our hands to do what we know will help. As soon as fear is creeping back in to take over your thoughts and feelings, that's the time to bust it. Don't wait for it to overtake you because it's going to be more effort to get rid of it then. I'm not telling you to ignore the places where you should be putting your attention. I'm saying to be aware of what's going on inside you and to make a choice. As soon as you can, move your concentration back to the lighter, feeling things. 


  • Count your blessings.
  • Have a good laugh.
  • Sing a song.
  • Bust a move.
  • Pray for someone else.
  • Do something that lights you up.


No thought truly takes off toward manifesting until we mix our emotional energy with it. Putting that emotional energy into our ideas is a choice, and that choice is real freedom in itself. We can exercise our independence at any time to decide how we'll use our mental capabilities. So think better, feel better, and you'll do better.


When you take the opportunity to use yourself for better things, it puts more good energy back into the world. You and I both know that the more positive energy there is out there, the better things are going to get. That's because positivity is so much stronger than negativity. It moves faster, it feels lighter, and it's that much more alive. 


Until next time, I'm holding a space energetically for you to get your Shine ON! 


Thanks again for being here today. Take care.