Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 35  Staying Healthy With The Help of The Law of Attraction

I'll start by saying this was not the episode I originally intended to share with you today. Given recent events, I've heard so much about the overwhelm we're all feeling with this full-blown pandemic on our hands. It's become more imperative than ever to think about how we operate in our world with this COVID-19 virus spreading like wildfire. It's so crucial for all of us to realize how our actions could impact ourselves and others as well. It's time to take care of ourselves and our people. I've heard from many who are susceptible to the virus or who have loved ones that are. I've got a sister who's immune system is severely compromised; my mom is in a vulnerable age group. The last thing we want to do is to cause harm. The question I keep getting over and over again during the previous week or so is about whether or not we can rely on the LOA to help us maintain our health during this trying time.


There are several things I'd like to point out to you in response to this question. So, as you know, the LOA is a universal principle that applies to all of us. It's something that's in operation all the time. As a Law of Attraction Enthusiast, you know that the LOA uses our energy. Understanding that this is the case, we can consciously work with the LOA to train ourselves into keeping better overall sustained energy patterns. The way things manifest in our lives is part of our spiritual nature. We don't know exactly how it happens sometimes, and that's okay. 


But there are some other components we must take into account here. No matter how you believe we came to be on this earth, who our creator is, or what you call them, we've got specific systems built into us. For instance, we have mental faculties. These higher faculties give us our cognitive abilities. With them, we can understand a situation, and we can remember it and replay it in our imagination. We can also draw our conclusions about its meaning for us. Then there are the sensory faculties that help us navigate our world with our senses. They are part of who we are as well, and there is a good reason why we have them.


Many things could cause alarm in this particular situation. For me, one of them is that by scrolling through social media, I've seen that there seem to be people who would resist the advice of their government and health authorities. They don't see why they should stay home and limit their exposure to others. On the other hand, some people can't shelter in place as it were. That's not just applying to front-line health care workers, but also people who work in all types of businesses. They're still going to work every day because business owners are worried about keeping day-to-day business activities going. While I'm sure we'd all agree that we need some essential services to stay in place, I'm certainly praying for everyone who's still going to work every day and for their health. Hopefully, business owners will soon come to understand that closing is an investment in the continued health of their customers and employees so we can all return to a healthy environment asap.


I've also seen those who think COVID-19 is a conspiracy theory. To those who would believe that and I say this with love, why debate it? There are tens, soon hundreds of thousands who are contracting this. People are sick, and many are dying! If you asked them they'd tell you it feels very real. Let's band together to help everyone and worry about conspiracies later. 


Then, of course, some are panicking. It isn't time to panic. We must allow cooler heads to prevail. So please follow the common sense our creator gave you and listen to the experts on disease control. If your government is telling you to do something that will help everyone and will stop the spreading of COVID-19, please do it. That is part of manifesting through the Law of Attraction. What you and don't do affects your outcome on any matter. If you panicked and you find yourself with a lifetime supply of toilet paper or something else that you now regret purchasing, don't feel bad. Just share some of it with someone you know could use it. Use common sense. Wash your hands thoroughly and often. And of course, don't let your pets lick hand sanitizer off you. It might harm them. Let's take care of our physical well-being because it's part of the larger scale of things. Basic self-care is essential right now. 


If you find yourself having a lot of time to spend with your kids because the schools where you are have closed, I get it friend: my kids are at home too. That's okay. It may be a time for some of our kids to learn some new skills, have some fun, and some quality time. Listen to them; learn from them. Most everyone I work with tells me that the ultimate goal is to have more time with family and friends. Here we are, many of us will find that wish has been granted. Maybe not in the way we hoped it would be, but recognize it for what it is. 


When it comes to safeguarding yourself by using the Law of Attraction, yes, you can do that too. The disclaimer is that I can't guarantee what your results will be. That is going to be determined by how well you control your own energy. Remember that raising your vibe is going to be a critical piece. That means if you are feeling fear about this, you must distract yourself for long enough to change that feeling. If you're feeling lack because you're home from work and don't know when this will be over, distract yourself from the lack. Focus on the abundance around you. It's time to come on over to the light vibe. How can you do that? I've made a list of 10 vibe-boosting things you can do right now to lift your spirits.


  1. Affirm your health. Give thanks for your strong, healthy body. Give appreciation for each and every cell of your being radiating perfect health. Do that until you can feel your mood lift.
  2. Give thanks for all the things that have meaning for you. Do it for all you have had, what you have now, and all you ever will have.
  3. Get moving; do a workout at home. You know you have that all-important workout video or piece of equipment there anyway. Even if you've never used it before do it now. If you have littles, play with your little ones and dance around. Their giggles are sure to make you feel better.
  4. So you say you don't feel like moving? Hum or sing your favorite tune. Put on some music you can lose yourself in while you're doing your daily disinfecting routine.
  5. Meditate or pray. It's incredible how good it can make you feel to focus on your faith or quiet your mind.
  6. Journal your thoughts. Again it's a way to get everything out of your head. And that can leave more room in there for inspiration and common sense to flourish.
  7. Get out that book you meant to read or find those earbuds and listen to the audiobook you bought months ago but haven't started yet.
  8. Tackle that project you've been putting off. Whether it's building a side business, planning out your perfect garden layout, meal planning, or baking something yummy, get it done now.
  9. Get on FaceTime or Skype or WeChat to catch up with someone you haven't seen in a while. That's always a great way to feel better.
  10. Send love to others. Doing so will set up some great vibes for you and them too. Extend that from your inner circle of friends and family members to include all the people we need to stay well and healthy right now. Think about our incredible health care workers, people at your bank. Please don't forget the people that work so hard to keep things clean and disinfected in any public place. Remember to pray for the people in our supply chain. Such as the factory workers and manufacturers that grocery stores rely on to fulfill their orders. The people like truckers who carry those essentials to our local stores. Those in our grocery stores who stock the shelves and the cashiers who ring up our purchases. The pharmacists who are filling our prescriptions. Anyone who's putting themselves at risk to ensure that we have some kind of normal right now.

One thing's for sure. If you're freaked out by all of this, know that the LOA is always at hand, and it can help you if you're open to letting it. Even right now and I believe that right now is the perfect opportunity to learn how to enable it to do so. It's just a matter of not getting sucked into the "fear" and the "lack" vibrations that are all around us. If you can learn how to control your energies in the face of this pandemic, think about how much stronger you'll be when "normal" returns. Even when this is over if, our day-to-day looks or feels a bit different, you can adjust to that and move forward knowing you've done your best.


If you've listened to this point, thank you so much. I'm here right now so that you know you're not alone. I'm here to help you. I'm here not just today when there's something that's scary to so many of us. I want you to be healthy and well every day, and to be an example of what the LOA can do for all of us. Now I want to tell you that I hear you. I've had so many asking me if there's anything else they can do can help heal the world of this epidemic. I believe that this time in history is extraordinary because, as a Law of Attraction Enthusiast, you know that you can make a difference.


So remember to listen to the authorities and to do what makes sense. Keep loving and helping one another too. Remember that you can help the world by getting your shine on.