Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 34 The Powerful Persuasion Of Positive Energy Is Real For The Law Of Attraction

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, people are always talking about positive vs. negative. Ever wondered why that is? I know that hearing about this topic isn't very pleasant for some. I get my fair share of people rolling their eyes when that particular subject comes round. At least I can assume that's how they're responding to it since I do most of my coaching work over the internet or the phone. So I figure that's the case because it seems to come through in the tone of their voices. I've found that remaining positive is often the least exciting part of the conversation surrounding manifesting anything. If you're thinking, " aw geez Marcie, don't be a drag by pointing out how negative I can be," please hear me out. It won't take long. And I may just convince you to give this a try.


 So what's the big deal about being positive? It comes down to how and, of course, how quickly you'll experience shifts in what's happening for you. Remember, the LOA works on the principle that like energy attracts similar energies, so let's look at what this means. If you pulled up google right now and searched for the definition of "energy," you'll see that it's all about the potential that a specific force has to complete its work. Of course, there are many different types of energy out there. That's because there are many forces exercised on this earth and in the universe at large. If you want to imagine it, think about the effects of gravity, electricity, etc.  


When something is positive, it has certain kinds of characteristics that make it so. Think about when you feel happy or confident about something. What is it that makes you feel good about those emotions? It's because they bring a higher vibration, which is light; you might even say "airy." That's why when you're around someone who's in a good mood, you know it by the quality of the atmosphere around them. Those uplifting characteristics are present.


But when you're around somebody who's decidedly not in a good mood, it's very different, isn't it? There's an absence of pleasant feeling vibrations, so the very air around them lacks something. The state of goodness isn't there. Now think about how it affects you when you come into contact with someone who is obviously in a bad mood. If you're sensitive to that type of thing like I am, it can take a toll. For me, I can feel tired instantly or frustrated or a plethora of other kinds of things. If you're mindful of your vibration, you find yourself working to control how you feel extra carefully. To be fair, it's not just other people, either. We all have our own "off days," too, don't we?


The reason that being positive is so compelling to the LOA is simply that lighter energy moves so quickly. Negativity or lack moves much more slowly, and it takes that much more work for us to kick it out of our lives. The difference in nature between these two types of vibrations is what's behind the idea of not to try changing the negative stuff but replacing it with something better. Makes sense, right?


So now apply all of that to what happens when you go to manifest something important to you. If you continue to get bogged down in heavy, darker types of thoughts and emotions, that's where you're likely to stay. It just takes more work to move out of them. Remember that any feeling is okay to feel, but creating change in your life means switching up the way you think, and how you do things. Emotion plays a real part in doing that. 


So instead of trying to change something that feels bad into something that feels good, do something radical. You know what I'm going to say here. Take your attention away from what feels crappy. And instead, replace it with something that feels more acceptable to you right then. It doesn't have to be a wonderful feeling. Just start where you are and look for "okay" instead of "blah." Then move from "okay" to something "better" when you've gotten the hang of feeling okay for a while. It's baby steps friend. That's all it needs to be. 


When you can move into something that does feel excellent, and you can sustain it for a decent amount of time, then things start happening fast! The LOA picks up on that energy, and it's irresistible. Because of its featherweight quality, any positive-ness moves right up the front of the queue, leaving all the bulky and burdensome energy standing and waiting in line. That's what gives positive energy its strength and effectiveness. Those buoyant, resilient vibes of feeling really great will get moving immediately. They'll proceed most easily and very speedily. That means the path of least resistance for you, and it's co-creating at its finest. That's where you're going to start having a lot of fun with it. I have only one disclaimer here. When you get used to it, manifesting is addicting! You might find yourself surrounded by new friends, different attitudes, and stuff you didn't even know you wanted!