MMP Episode 33 Your First Step In Manifesting Isn't What You Think

Hey there, welcome, welcome, I'm Marcie Robinson. There are so many people I speak with who are so excited about manifesting. They want to go from where they are right now to the actualization instantly. And while there's no need to think it has to drag on for years, there's something I want to point out today that's really important for any would-be co-creator to know. It would be best if you didn't take this the wrong way because I'm not saying this to bring you down at all. But as someone who's here to be supportive and to help you find self-guidance in your manifesting, I want you to understand that manifesting is a process. 

 Yes, I've seen incredible things happen in very short amounts of time. From manifesting money to homes to cars to more self-confidence, solutions to dilemmas, and everything in between, I've seen it show up very quickly. However, there's no way to get around the fact that there are some preparatory steps to realizing things through the LOA or in any way you choose to do it. Remember, the LOA is more motivating than it is magical, even though it can seem pretty darned magical sometimes.

 That brings us to the first step in your co-creativeness. This step is for anyone who's wondering what they should do first to realize their goal. I get lots of questions every week. Many of them are about what technique is the best one to use for a particular purpose or how to visualize correctly. As humans, we love the idea of a magical pill that will take us from rags to riches instantly. There isn't anything like that even in manifesting. You determine the amount and, to no small degree, the timing of your success, even with the Law of Attraction helping you. What works for me may not work for you, and that's why I give you lots of ideas for techniques and suggestions. So when I'm asked what the first step is in manifesting what you want, I'll often refer to something people don't really think about. However, remarkably the first step in seeing your desire show up for you is a very common one. 


 That would be a feeling of restlessness or maybe uneasiness. 


It doesn't really matter what form or emotion that sense takes. It could be anger, frustration, depression, or a profound dissatisfaction about something. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a negative emotion. Often it's a feeling of excitement or some enthusiasm with an idea. But even more positive-sounding emotions have something in common with the negative ones in that they'll spur on a sense of agitation. You might find yourself thinking, "why don't I have that?" or "what would it be like if I did that?" There will be something inside you, coming from the spirit that will tell you that this isn't right. That's this isn't all there is for you. That there's more you want to do or that a change is in order. That's because your spirit wants you to grow and to experience more of life. It wants you to test your boundaries and expand them into new areas of being that will raise you to a new awareness of yourself.  

Sometimes someone will tell me that they have a long-standing experience with a particular emotion. Or maybe it's just recently that they've started recognizing a recurring theme. There's always a reason for this happening. It may mean that something is going on that requires the professional assistance of a therapist or counselor. If you think that's the case for you, I'll urge you to seek that help. However, there are times when it's our spirit nudging us toward something different that's greater than who we think we are at that time. Please pay attention to this because either way, it will make a difference in the quality of your existence. Even if there's something that requires you to seek counseling, there's no shame in that. It's part of your experience that can lead you to something better. 

Trust the inner guidance of your spirit because it isn't likely to make a mistake. It knows you better than anybody else because it is you. So when you have an idea that may seem outlandish to your logical mind, don't brush it off as a random thought. If there's an emotion or a sense of unease about something, sit with it for a bit, mull it over.

Ask yourself questions;

  •  What is the purpose of this feeling?
  • What does this mean for me?
  • Where is this feeling taking me?
  • What can I do about it now that will help me fulfill its purpose in my life?


Any feeling of unease will lead you toward a desire that will help you create a new part of yourself. If you ignore it, it's likely to find ways to keep showing up for you until you do something about it.