Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 31 Why You Need To Kick Self-Sabotage To The Curb.

Hi there, I'm Marcie Robinson, it's great to have you with me today. Here's a question for ya. When was the last time that you felt like your logical mind was fighting you on something? For lots of the people that engage me in conversations about the Law of Attraction, they tell me this is a daily occurrence. And I've been there too. I get a great idea, and the more I think about it, the more I like it. So I'll set out with the intention that it's already happened. And then that censorious voice who wants to pick things apart starts yapping at me. I'll hear thoughts like "who are you to do this?" or "nobody is going to care about that." When that happens, it's sometimes really hard to get those thoughts to stop.  


No matter what they say about sabotage being a protective device of the subconscious mind, it can also be a burden. Especially if you are somebody who has something you feel is valuable to share with others, and it stops you from doing so.  


Now I'm interested in what ways you usually find yourself in a situation where you might be allowing something to disrupt a plan or a goal that will ultimately help you fulfill your purpose. Sabotage makes itself known through the routines and the habits that we enact each day. 


  • Maybe you're waiting for the right time to do something when you know full well that timing has nothing to do with it. 
  • Or, like I so often do, find yourself striving to attain a perfection that can never happen instead of accepting something not as excellent, but still great. Does that make sense? 
  • It could be that no matter how hard you try putting a positive spin on things, you're still falling into the trap of negative self-talk or doubting your abilities.  
  • You could be waiting for someone to give you a thumbs up on something instead of trusting yourself and getting started. 
  • I was speaking with someone the other day who was inquiring about coaching, and they told me that one of the things they've noticed about themselves they'd like to change is the tendency to blame other people instead of taking responsibility. That's where they find themselves sucked into damaging behaviors. 

But the ways you exhibit self-sabotage will never be as important as what you do about it when you realize that you're stuck in that place. So even if you know that you're using it as a way to deal with stress, anxiety or because you don't feel worthy of something, it calls for some self-reflection and just a wee bit of effort. 


Because we're dealing with universal principles here, we know that the LOA will send us things that will be a reflection of what's going on within us. Other people can easily show you what you believe or feel when you observe their behaviors. So if you're seeing someone who you think is engaging in some disabling behavior that will hurt them, perhaps it's something you might want to reflect on as well. I know I keep saying this, but if we're going to be a purposeful creator with the LOA in mind, we have to accept this idea and get used to doing it. Think about why something someone else is or isn't doing is bothering you and how that may apply to your life. 


Remember too that if you can imagine what you want, you can have it. That's why we have this incredible mechanism called the LOA. To have what we want, then we must be willing to change how we deal with things that will hold us back. If we don't, then we're not using our God-given gift. It's a gift to be able to use our imagination instead of creating through effort, isn't it? That brings us to the next question. If we're not using it for the good of ourselves, or others, what are we doing with it? And if we're using imagination to create situations that are not for our benefit or the benefit of others, then we're wasting its potential value to us. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be responsible for that. 


How do you stop sabotaging yourself? Well, I won't say it's easy to do. I know this from experience. But when we come to realize that we're conducting ourselves in a way that won't bring us the results we desire, then stop. It's critical to notice this and notice it without judgment of ourselves. If we start blaming ourselves for doing something wrong, it's another way to diminish the value we can bring to life. Again, it's not easy to do at especially at first. That's why there's a bit of effort in it. However, that's why we learn how to control the surging of our emotions at the moment.


So take a small step forward when you realize what's going on by cutting yourself some slack. Tell yourself it's okay that you went there. Now that you know you did it, you can take another approach. Then use the best strategy that you can find. Create the space in your awareness to imagine yourself with the best. Improving the ways you use your gifts, imaginative, and otherwise will go a long way to help you overcome how you might be holding yourself back.


That's it for this episode, but for more on getting rid of self-sabotaging behaviors, stay tuned. And remember to Get Your Shine ON!