Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 30 How Do You Deal With Abrasive Energy?

You're listening to the Magnetic Me You + Law of Attraction podcast by Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching. Welcome to podcast episode number 30, and today we're talking about dealing with abrasive energy.


Hey there, thanks for joining me today. My name's Marcie Robinson, and I'm a Law of Attraction coach. I love to help other people create the realities they want to have, including you! So today, I want to talk about changing how you react to other people when they're coming to you with their abrasive energy. 


When I say abrasive, I'm talking about the kind of situations where you're aware that you're annoyed by what somebody else is saying or doing. Perhaps you find something particularly rude or nasty about them. Sometimes it's just an attitude that gives off an aura of hatefulness or is hurtful to you in some way. You can feel it in the way that a person moves or says something. It's just there permeating the air around you. It can be hard to escape this and sometimes seems to suck all the oxygen out of the room.


If you're like me, I think we all look less forward to some encounters with particular people than we do others. Most of us have a relative or someone in our work lives or elsewhere that we don't care to run into very often. They just rub us the wrong way for some reason. Now, first of all, let me reassure you that that's okay. We don't need to like everybody. And not everyone needs to like us either. I know that can be a problem for some of us. We desire to be thought well of by everyone. 


 Are there any other people-pleasers out there that can relate? 


But I promise that everybody has some people that don't like them and that is just fine. Why? Well, think a minute about the considerable strain it is to have to live up to those standards. For myself, I'm okay with having some people who don't like me or don't care. That's because I don't want to have to make everybody happy. So quit people-pleasing my friends! Conserve your energy for what's important to you. 


But what if there was an essential reason that you have these hard-to-take people in your life? Could there possibly be a point to finding yourself in certain circumstances or dealing with a person that makes you feel uncomfortable? What if they were there to teach you something about yourself?


In the world of universal principles, I can assure you that there is a point. Each time you find yourself in the company of someone who grates on your nerves or doesn't like you, there's an excellent reason for it. You might be guessing that it's the universe stepping in to help you out. And if you think that, you'd be right. 


You might know or be able to guess that I'm a big fan of Neville Goddard. I've been putting his knowledge to the test and practicing it for many years now. One of my favorite lectures that he gave way back in 1959 talks about this exact issue. Let me share it with you. He said;


"The whole vast world is yourself pushed out. All that you behold, though it appears without it is within in your own wonderful human imagination of which this world of mortality is just a shadow."


One of the things I love about Neville is that he had a way of making everything he said sound so profound. 


What this means for us is this; 


When we run into people who surely seem to be testing our patience, they are there to show us what is in our minds and our hearts. So when we react to them, we're actually responding to ourselves. 


The one person you might not want to have in your face right now might be exactly the person you need today. Their anger might be reflecting anger that you've been holding onto tightly. The attitude you find so repulsive on them may be one that you adopt regularly. Or it could be that whatever problem they are alerting you to is one that you may need to deal with yourself.



The next time you find yourself in that situation, remember this two-step approach to dealing with it.


  1. The best thing to do first of all is to give that person a bit of slack. Look, we're all doing the best we can at that moment with what we have to offer. Maybe that person doesn't have the skills to deal with things as you would like them to.
  2. Secondly, when it comes to how you react at that moment, realize that your reaction is all about you. There's a reason you're finding yourself right there, right now. Take a lesson from how you're feeling and ask yourself what this experience is trying to teach you. 


The universe is a very wise instructor, and in my experience, it doesn't make mistakes. If you aspire to something bigger or better in your life, things will show up for you that will train you into your aspiration. Please don't ignore them. It will slow you down, and it will take you longer to get there. 


That's it for today. Remember to look for the flow in each moment and to get your shine on. When you do, you make the world a better place for all of us. 


Thanks to Kevin MacLeod and for the use of the music, "On My Way," in our weekly podcast episodes. You can find more musical selections at