Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 29  The Fresh Flow of Energy Brings Amazing New Possibilities

One of the things that all of us ask at some point in our journey of creating different things on purpose is how to attract more opportunities, more possibilities to create what we want. It could seem like a daunting task to go out into this big, wide world and rustle up some energy that seems to be more in line with something that we've never had before. We always hear that you have to catch the feeling of what it's like to have "that thing."I remember feeling a bit confused when I first heard that line. I remember thinking, "Yeah, but, if I don't know what it's like to have it, how am I supposed to "feel" it into being? I also remember thinking that manifesting is like a series of puzzles, that if you put them together right are supposed to get you what you want. The trick is that you have to find what works to put it together in the correct sequence. Gosh, I was making things so hard on myself!

I have good news for you, though, while manifesting does take some inner work, it's not nearly as much as I thought it was going to be. And I want you to be able to skip the enormous learning curve that I had, so I'm trying to make this as easy as possible for you. There are lots of methods you can use to attract the energy that's more in line with what you desire. But before you try any of that, there's one essential thing you have to do first. You have to surrender all the junk that you might be holding onto that's also holding you back.  

Yup, I said the word surrender. That means you must let go of it completely. I know that it's not such an easy thing to do. We, humans, arrive with all these systems built into us that prepare us to live on this physical plane. Letting go of things like feelings and thoughts that we think are protecting us feels like a real sacrifice or maybe even the wrong thing to do. That's why we have to look into ourselves and do some de-cluttering. What we feel sometimes doesn't have anything to do with moving forward and progressing to something bigger and better. If bigger and better is what we want, then we have to be willing to give up something in exchange for it. It might feel hard at the time, but I promise that it will make you stronger in the end.

 So, what am I really talking about here? I'm talking about the way we react to things. Our reaction to what's going on around us is who we are at that present moment. Yeah, I'm goin' there, and I say what I say with love, I promise. That means avoiding arguing points on things we see in our Facebook feed, even if we believe we're right. If you look at the comments, people only care about their opinion, not yours, so you'd be wasting your energy anyway. It also might hurt to have to hold your tongue sometimes. I'm well aware that we all have certain people in our lives that seem inescapable in some capacity. You know who I mean, maybe for you it's that particular relative that rubs you the wrong way. There have been times I thought I'd bite my tongue off; I was holding it so hard between my teeth. It also could be something that happened that you see on the news that affects you too or just something going wrong in your day. 

So we all need to suck up the courage and be brave enough to ask ourselves this question, "When I see or hear or have something happen that bothers me, what is my first response?" Sure, it can differ in certain situations, but we all have defaults that we fall back on a lot. For some, anger is the first response, even when it seems inappropriate to the people around them. For others, it's sympathy, ever gotten sucked into that one? For empaths, it's so darned easy to take on other people's emotions. You hear a story that makes you feel so much that you aren't just empathizing, you're sympathizing, even if it's not necessary. I'm not saying to not think about other people, by the way, or that you shouldn't help them. I'm saying that some situations don't always warrant sympathy. Other people will use any avoidance tactic necessary when they come up against something that troubles them. Clearly, our reaction to something can be incorrect or unhealthy. That's down to us. 

What this means for everyone is that before we react to something that's going on, it's a good practice to stop and formulate an appropriate response before saying or doing anything. If you're worried, it will take too much time to do that, don't. It can happen in a fraction of a second. It's all about deciding. If you're wondering who the acknowledgment should be suitable for, it should always be the circumstance you're thinking about first. Again, not that people come second at all. It's just that for some of us, we feel so much about people ( good or bad), that our reaction is a bit too much or not enough.

Why is it important to think about giving up our first, very human reaction for something more suitable? What about being"us," who we are? Because dear heart, being who you are right now might be holding you back from the version of you that you'd like to become. If we aim to usher in energy that we're not familiar with, we may have to change something about ourselves first. If we keep putting out the same old energy every time something happens to make us mad or worried or want to hide or run away, whatever's going on, that's the energy we're getting in return. You need to think about your aim and what's important to you. You have to decide when it's valuable to do so if your reaction is worth it. Sacrificing our old ways of dealing with stuff is a way we can show the Universe that we trust it, and we're getting ourselves ready for the new that's to come. If you follow my blog, you may have seen the post about the cost of manifesting I did last summer. The cost of manifesting is always an exchange of one type of energy for another.  

Giving up old, junky, clunky, heavy energy makes way for a bunch of clear, new, light feeling energy that's full of new possibilities. And that is going to make all those dreams you have possible. You don't even have to give up all the junk at once! Just work on that one thing that's happening, one step at a time. The results might be surprising. You could find yourself in circumstances you never even imagined possible when you start re-writing your reactions. Then you can use some of those other methods to bring in new energy too. 


Even though you may have to come round to a new way of thinking about dealing with things "in-the-moment," it's well worth it.