Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 28 Imagination Is Your Most Powerful Manifesting Ally

As you know, our topic is about how your imagination is an essential tool you have in your manifesting toolbox. I've had so many questions lately from people who are sending me messages saying envisioning their desire is too hard for them. They're wondering if it's all that important and if so, how to do it. So if that's you, this is your episode.

Everything that shows up in our world has to be thought about first. It's pretty simple. If the idea hasn't been rolling around in somebody's head at some point, we, as human beings, can't see it. Every invention known to man has started in someone's brain. Every meal you've ever eaten is imagined first. It's been thought of before it's sitting, in all its deliciousness, on your dinner plate. Easy to understand, right? 

Einstein himself said that imagination is not limited to any one place, thing, or time. No, that's not an exact quote, but that is the gist of what he said, and it's mind-blowing if you sit down and try figuring it out in your head. What that means for us is that when it comes to daydreaming about all the stuff we'd like to have or to happen to us, there are no limits!

Working with people on improving their lives, one of the most significant observations I've made is the difference in people who genuinely grasp the concept that the contents of what you're thinking and feeling is what is made manifest in your life. In other words, the beliefs you have and the way you have them organized within your mind is what you're going to experience in your outer world. That means that one must be careful of what they let into their heads. Because when you accept that things are a certain way, then that's what's going to show up for you.

The implication then is that your imagination is everything! Everything that shows up in your world has been in your mind in some form first. It isn't always straightforward for us to accept this knowledge. Everyone seems to struggle with it for a time. However, if you take the opportunity to mull it over, to think about this enough, and to test in your world, you come much closer to actualizing the things you want. It can be a harsh truth for us, but if there's something in your life that you want to change, then the first step in getting it is to find the connection between you and what's keeping it from you. 

That doesn't mean endless hours of thinking about what you've done wrong. That isn't the way to manifest anything. But if you can de-clutter your brain a bit and stop thinking about how you've messed up in the past, it's going to be less painful. If you can decide to let go of some of the old beliefs about why you can't or don't have what you want, that's an important step to take. You don't even have to evict those old beliefs right away; you probably know by now that old ideas are some of the hardest tenants to remove from your memory. But deciding you're going to get rid of them will call in some new energy to you that you can use to make that change. Here's how you'll do it. 

You know what you want, so start using that powerful imagination of yours to see yourself in a slightly different light. It's natural if you have a hard time envisioning massive changes in your life right away, so think about what the next logical step in getting your desire might be. And I'm not telling you to go out and make a 32-point to-do list here. Forget about getting involved in the process for now. All you need to do is imagine that something is better for you today than it was yesterday. For instance, if you don't have enough money in your bank account today to pay that one bill, stop seeing yourself as being flat broke. You don't need to create a situation in your mind where you've won the lottery.

You create a scenario in your brain that says the bill's paid. Please keep it simple and realistic enough that you can imagine it. Don't think about how you're getting the money. Maybe you're calling that particular company and making a payment directly with them. Hear them say thank you for the payment. That's all you need to do. Then you want to close your eyes and shut out other distractions for a few minutes. Keep hearing that thank you over and over until you feel calm about it. Until you feel like you've made that payment. 

The hardest part is that when we have a problem, it's easy to return to it. It naturally just pops back into your mind because there's enough emotion there to make it a strong point of focus. Worry can creep in instantaneously. You might find yourself going over your issue again and again, even as you're trying to manifest something different. Look, I know all about it. Even after all these years working the LOA myself, some days are still better than others in this regard. It's about reminding yourself of what you know to be true. That's where you'll want to train yourself to imagine, to hear, and to look for signs that your desire is coming to life in your world. Just close your eyes and hear thank you for the payment again and again. If you hold fast to your new focus of the paid bill, there's then no reason, no choice for it to be any other way than paid. But if you take the time to think about what is and overthink how it's going to get paid, then you go right back to the problem. What happens is that you're stopping all the good you've just done for yourself by imagining that it's paid. 

You genuinely do manifest what you are and where you are within your mind. That's why your imagination is the best tool you can use to create changes. In essence, the problem is also the cure. The quality of your envisioning process is what can make you magnetic. And that's why I like to suggest not biting off more than you can chew all at once. You get results faster if you can make your fantasy feel real, and it's okay to take one small step to achieve something meaningful to you. Even the LOA does things in the fastest and most effective way possible, so make this as easy as you can for yourself. 

You are accountable to yourself for what you allow into your mind's eye. Remember, too, that as soon as you have something in your mind, immediately it's done. Don't separate yourself from the things you want by revisiting what you don't wish to have again and again. 

Once again, if you're finding it difficult to imagine something you want;

  1. Step one is to make a straightforward, clear-cut idea or statement you can see in your mind, or you can hear happening. The less complicated, the better.
  2. Close your eyes and repeat your idea or statement until you can feel the reality of it.
  3. Avoid going back to the problem you're trying to fix. Use your new idea to create a new belief. 


I'll be imagining you doing your vision work effortlessly and manifesting like crazy. Thanks so much for joining me today. Remember that when you get your shine on, the world's a better place for everybody!