Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

MMP Episode 22 How Avoidance Can Actually Be A Good Law of Attraction Strategy

Hey friend, welcome back, it's great to have you here. My name is Marcie Robinson, with IYLC. I'd like you to know that The LOA Elements Workshop is sponsoring this episode of Magnetic Me.

Are you trying to escape your circumstances?

Let's talk about avoidance. Now, of course, avoiding things that make us uncomfortable is a common way that many of us tend to cope with things or situations that are hard for us. We're not going to be talking about bypassing our problems or what we know we should be doing. What we are talking about today is how to use avoidance as a strategy. To use it to get results that are opposite of what typical stalling of action does for us. We know that putting off doing things or deliberately not thinking about them can increase our stress levels. Just like anxiety can bring it on as a coping mechanism, avoidance can also make us downright anxious. There's no real reason to use it unless we are in some danger.

The way that avoidance can help as part of a deliberate manifesting technique is to create a better and more inspired action for us to take. Let me be clear about this. You're still going to be doing all the things that you know are going to help you realize what you want. You'll be taking action to get there. But you're just going to be using it as a sort of retreat to dispel fears and take a short-cut in getting to the having of the things you want. It's a bit like the difference in choosing if you're going to stand in a long line-up at the grocery store. Or maybe to use the self-checkout and get out of there faster.

Let me explain this a bit better. When we're in the process of manifesting something we really, really want, our emotions tend to run a bit on the high side, meaning that we feel them pretty intensely. The issue that poses for us as humans is that, at times, when we have a genuine need for our desire, it feels like it isn't going to happen fast enough. It's normal for our thoughts to take a nose-dive in that circumstance, and it makes it hard for us to detach from the outcome. Our need for what we want is going to out-weigh the knowledge that we already have. That all we need to do right then is to align with our desire. We start over-thinking the process of manifesting, and boom, we're out of alignment.

How avoidance can actually be part of a great strategy. 

Here's where we use avoidance as an actualizing technique. We deny what's going on in front of us. Or inside us that says, what I want isn't going to happen. Or that it won't happen in time, or the way I want. I can hear some of you thinking, "You mean you want us to be unrealistic?" Yes, I do. At least for a little while. Here's how you'll do it.

At the times when life has taken you off into manifesting territory where you don't want to be, you'll choose to do something differently. Shocking yes? We want to relieve the pain or the stress that you're feeling in the moment. So, 

  1. Take a walk or a nap.
  2. Meditate.
  3. Journal it out.


Then when you feel better, intend to be open to the solutions. Let them come to you, listen to them. Hone your intuition and take action when you have that nudge and feel like it's the right thing to do. Pledge to give up over-thinking your beliefs or ideas. It doesn't help very often and can promote unbalance in your life. I've been there all too often.


So use this concept of planning avoidance as a helpful approach to getting the things you want. 


That's it for this week. At the request of some listeners, I'm now putting the show notes from each podcast episode on the Ignition Blog in written form. It means you can listen to our podcast and read it at the same time.

Now Get Your Shine ON because when you do, you're making the world a better place for everyone.