Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series Client Stories

MMP 61: Timing Is Everything During Manifesting Because Of This Remarkable Principle


Hey there, it's time for the Magnetic Me, You + Law of Attraction Podcast. Welcome, Come On into our super magnetic space because it's always a sunny day here. My intention for today's episode, which is episode number 61, is that we'll catch up and that you'll leave feeling lighter, brighter, and filled with the best kind of co-creative energy. Basically, you'll have your shine on! Let's get started!

Hello, my name's Marcie Robinson; I'm a manifesting coach, teacher, and mentor. Thanks for joining in for today's episode; I'm excited to spend this time with you. This episode is one of our series on universal principles that people don't know about, don't think about, or maybe they purposely ignore, and I'm gonna be showing you how the Law of Gestation relates to you and your world of co-creation. So since you're here today, I'm going to encourage you to stay until the very end because it's no coincidence you are here. I'm confident that there's a good reason for it. 

If you've ever listened to any past episodes of the Magnetic Me podcast you might be thinking, oh for cryin' out loud, she's gonna talk to me about being patient again; you might be right. You know that things take time to happen, and you experience it every day. It starts when you get up in the morning, and you're putting on coffee or boiling the kettle for your hot cup of awesome to get you started. It's gonna take a few minutes for that to get ready, and you're mentally, if not emotionally prepared for that. You also realize if you've raised children, it usually takes them a long time to do anything they don't want to do, so a good bit of poise and self-control goes a long way there too. 

However, in the age of technology, many things are now instantaneous or almost so. Not to date myself, but I remember being very young with my first real job; I'd have to go to the bank with a physical paycheque every second Friday and stand in a lineup on my lunch break just to deposit my pay and get some cash. Thankfully between then and now, things have changed, and I know my kids don't understand why I feel grateful that I can look at my phone in my hand, and with a couple of taps, there are any number of functions with money that can be accomplished. Just like that! And that's precisely part of the reason why they're such impatient people. They have no experience with or practical idea or what steps had to happen or what took place between my story of standing in line at the bank and accessing those functions on a cell phone. As a parent, I'm always trying to impart the virtue of patience to them.

In the natural world, there's no disclaimer saying some results may take longer than others. There's no label telling you that on exactly this day at that time, your flowers in the flower beds at the front of your house or in your planter boxes will bloom, or the veggies you lovingly grew in your garden will be ready to harvest. But logically, we know that it's going to take some time, and we're going to be looking for signs that things are ready. And that's all because of the Law Of Gestation.

What this means in simple terms is that the development of anything and everything takes a period of time to be completed. But if we unfold the process to see the evolution of something that we can understand, you know there's going to be a lot goin' on behind the scenes for that to happen. For instance, that cup of coffee you love to have sooo much in the morning didn't start with you grinding or scooping those coffee beans. It started with the shrubs the coffee beans grew on. Then it was the harvesting of the coffee beans when they were at their peak of perfection. Then the roasting and blending of the beans, the processing, packaging, transportation, the marketing, and the person stocking them on the shelf in the grocery store or wherever you got them from so that you could enjoy that delicious cup of brew. There were a lot of people to thank along the way for it getting to you. So the next time you have a cup of coffee or anything else you may enjoy it's a really good idea to give thanks for it just because. 

Now let's take this universal law and see how it makes sense to you and how your dreams manifest. The first step of manifesting a desire, as you know, is the thought you have to create it. You want to develop your thought to ensure that it produces the type of results you want. You can think of this idea as being the spiritual seed of your desire. So you know it won't just be any thought that you're throwing out there into the universe. You want to take a little time to fine-tune it into something that's worthy of you having. That means you know that you're going to work on the thought until it feels real to you, and you also know that you're going to release it so it can be formed in the physical world and actualized into your life. There's going to be a natural period of progression for you to do those things as well.  

That's not quite it yet, though, because our desire still needs our energy to grow and not just any energy either. Because once you hand it off to the Law of Attraction, you'll need to continue the process of believing in the realization of your desire. As humans, that can be easier said than done sometimes. I get that. After all, we have the physical world to deal with, and our mental attitudes often shift. Sometimes it's a minute-to-minute thing. In the meantime, we tend to forget about our purposeful manifesting goals. We forget about being aligned with what's going on behind the scenes. When we remember, we go, "Oh crap, I forgot!" Then we try and sometimes fail to get back on the same frequency we were aiming for in the first place.

That is where everybody falters the most because our ideas and manifestations are made or broken with the energy we're pumping out minute by minute. Please don't get scared off by manifesting. I'm not trying to make this sound so incredibly complicated right now. I specialize in teaching you how to do this, so it's your second nature, and you're not putting a lot of thought into it. Because it's my job, I can tell you that there's hope for you because you can actually work with the Law of Gestation to decrease the amount of time things take to show up in your world. You can compress time and space, and I know that sounds too good to be accurate, but I assure you it isn't. And it's not weird or out there at all. It's called giving the right kind of attention. What I mean by that is that with the right kind and the appropriate amount of those things, your desire can show up lickety-split. 

I know you might not like to hear this, but patience is an excellent way to explain the type of attention you want to give your desire. Even if that doesn't make sense to you, here's why. If you look at a dictionary, you'll see that patience is about persevering and being willing to put aside your annoyance when there's a delay. But remember, you want to shorten the gestation period, so you're not sitting around waiting forever because you are so over that! Patience is you having the composure, diligence, and strength to accept and even remember that you know your physical work is done. A couple of weeks ago, when I was talking about rhythm, I mentioned the period of rest. Do you remember that? Your period of rest during the growth and actualization of your desires is super important so that you're not rushing in and trying to change things up. You don't want to "do" something to make it happen faster. That would stretch out the time you have to wait, and it might even put your idea of what you want at the risk of self-destructing. 

When you hear about having faith in your desire, know that you've done your part. The parts of having things show up for you that may include physical action will reveal themselves when needed. To simplify things here, let me go back to the example of brewing coffee. When you run out of coffee at home, you know it's time to go to the store or your local coffee house and get some, right? Don't get ahead of yourself and think you haven't done enough. Faith is the assurance you feel that doesn't require you to need proof. Let the Law Of Gestation handle the time it's taking and realize it's working with the LOA to ensure things are going smoothly. 

Think about it. When you're baking a cake, you're gonna leave it in the oven for the amount of time required in your recipe because you want it to be beautifully baked. If you turn up the temperature thinking it will cook faster, it could easily become overdone or burn. If you're making coffee to go with your cake, you're going to want to ensure you get a good cup, so you let the coffee maker or coffee press or whatever you use do its thing. You don't worry about it because you know you've done your part, and things are handled from there. This is why you want to let the Law Of Gestation take the necessary time for your manifestation to be complete and what you asked for. You don't want things to show up "almost" as you imagined or missing anything. Universal laws do a great job every time, especially when we let them. It's all good, I promise, and when a reforming control freak and perfectionist can say that, it's a good idea to listen. Being cool and collected and knowing that your desire has appeared in good time will speed up the process. 

The time spent in the gestation period can also be attributed to your idea of how big or small you think your request to the universe is. If you think it's really big and will take a lot of time, you're right, it will. If you think it's not a big deal and it will come quickly, you're right. This could be totally true of two different people manifesting the same thing. 

A Perfect Example Of The Big And Small Of Gestation

I've had students or clients, most potential clients who've said, "Hey, I have a friend who manifested the same thing I wanted, and they got it the next week. I've been waiting six months; how the heck long is this gestation period gonna last???" I recall in one of those instances, by the way, that the friend had been delivered a sign that they acted upon. The instance revolved around a very expensive object, and my client was only thinking about the money he would have to make to earn it, and it felt to him like it was gonna take forever. But the friend didn't even think about the money and just wanted the object. The sign the friend got was to apply for a short-term job. The friend had even discussed it with my future client. They said maybe they should apply with the same company for a short-term job as well. My client missed the opportunity because he didn't think of the potential job the same way as his friend had. He was feelin' the work aspect of it. The job had directly resulted in the physical object received by the friend not because of money earned but because of his friend making contact with a particular person while working that job. The object had come through that third person. That happened to be a case of "who you know." Just sayin', the right mindset in all things is crucial. 

But to get back on track here, my point in all of this is that being faithful to the idea of what you want and being prepared to have it, no matter the length of time it takes to receive it will result in your manifesting your desire. There's really no choice; if you continue the process to the natural end, it's law. It has to show up for you. Letting things be after your job is done frees up the Law Of Attraction to work faster. So the only question I have for you is, how easily do you give up on your goals? If you're tempted to give up easily, then it's likely not going to happen.

When things seem to be taking waayyy too long to show up, stay strong and empower yourself with positive vibes. Keep giving your thoughts about your desire the right energy and attention, aka patience. Know that you're doing everything you can. Believe in your desire being manifest in the now, which is a whole other topic.

Wrap UP

If you'd like to delve into the topic of NOW and get more insight on this universal law, you can get my mini-course called The 5 Often Ignored But Seriously Useful Principles Of Manifesting. You can find it on my website or get it free with your Powered UP Premium Monthly Subscription! But if you're not ready for a premium subscription, I invite you to check out Powered UP FREE; I'll drop the link in the show notes.

I hope you feel uplifted and ready to have your shine on because the world is always a better place when you do. I'll be thinking of you and can't wait for next time. Bye for now. 

Note: Episode 61 is part of a series, The Five Often Ignored But Seriously Useful Principles Of Manifesting.


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I wish you a glorious day, and I'm sending you the most fabulous of vibes right now! 💝


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