Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP 60: What Your Co-creation Capabilities Have To Do With The Law Of Gender


Hey there, it's time for the Magnetic Me, You + Law of Attraction Podcast. Welcome, Come On into our super magnetic space because it's always a sunny day here. My intention for today's episode, which is episode number 60, is that we'll catch up and that you'll leave feeling lighter, brighter, and filled with the best kind of co-creative energy. Basically, you'll have your shine on! Let's get started!

Hello, my name's Marcie Robinson, I'm your manifesting coach at, and I want to thank you so much for being with me today. I love this time I get to spend with you. Once again, this episode touches on what I think is a universal principle that lots of people don't think about or might not even realize exists. Today it's all about the Law of Gender.

You're familiar with the idea of gender; after all, our society classifies each of us in terms of it. But it also goes beyond male and female these days as so many people are fighting to be recognized in different ways so they can feel like they're seen, heard, and represented in this world. So they can live as themselves without any limitations. But the Law Of Gender isn't necessarily about sexuality or how we'd describe physical gender. This can be a bit mind-bendy for some, so hold on and let's take this idea for a spin. 

In the world of energy, we're vessels for all types of energy to flow through us. That means we have ample opportunities each day to interact with multiple kinds of it. Our job as humans is to direct the energy that flows to us each day. We get to decide what we want to feel and what to do with our emotions. That in itself should make you feel more empowered.

The first thing the Law Of Gender tells us is that we are prone to have different patterns of energies come to us based on whether or not we tend to exhibit more masculine or feminine energy. 

What Does It Mean?

Let's look at what masculine energy means first. If you pull out a thesaurus and look up the word masculine, you'd find words like fearless, macho, manly, virile, bold, brave. It doesn't mean, for example, that the word brave doesn't apply to females as well as males. I know many ladies out there who are some of the bravest people I've ever met. The point is that the vibration that is brave is classified as masculine. Please don't shoot the messenger here.

That means that masculine energy is stronger, more practical, even businesslike; it's ambitious, big-thinking, imaginative. There are many ways to describe it, but you get what I mean. To find examples of this, you could turn your channel to Animal Planet or find a YouTube channel that specializes in that type of programming and watch the behavior of the males of different species. You'll definitely see it there. 

Feminine energy is softer energy; it's tender, compassionate, intuitive, and nurturing. Imagine the way you treat your toddler, for example. You're aware of the stage of their development, and you interact with them according to their needs. You're more lenient with a toddler than you are a teenager on points that might be similar—for example, putting away their things because a toddler doesn't have as much experience with that, and you want them to learn. Teenagers know better what you expect of them, so if they leave their stuff all over the house, you're probably gonna remind them to put them away with a different tone of voice. Also, think of your pets, who you might think of as children. A lot of us feel that way toward our pets. It's pretty hard to ignore their pleas for treats and pets because we love 'em so darned much, and part of us knows there's a day coming (soon or not) that they might not be with us. 

These examples that I've given you are the good side of that proverbial coin, though. Remember the Law Of Polarity I mentioned in the last episode on Rhythm? Yeah, it applies here too. Let me remind you that because of polarity, there are multiple directions in which we can decide to direct the flow of our energy. For instance, good and bad.

So masculine energy in its opposite forms could be directed into negative forms like rage, hatred, or revenge. And feminine energy could become weak, fearful, or weary. What does all this mean?

The second part of the Law Of Gender is all about balance. Like I said before, a woman can be just as fearless in her business as any man. And a man can be just as nurturing a parent as the mother of his child is. That's because we all have both male and female energy available to us at any time. I'll say it again. Our human bodies are vessels for energy. This universal principle reminds us to embrace both our masculine and feminine sides. 

Working with the Law Of Polarity, then, it's best for us to know this and to choose to direct that energy into things that will serve us and those around us in the best ways possible. And let's face it, if there weren't both males and females, our species wouldn't be able to reproduce. Not only that, but neither would other species. Nature itself, or as we know it, may not even exist. And you could probably forget about manifesting anything too.

The Law Of Creation

So that means gender is the Law Of Creation. As far as the co-creative process goes, we could take the Law Of Gender like this. Our thoughts or actually our consciousness itself would be the masculine energy. It's the part that envisions what could be, and that vision creates a powerful feeling of desire within us. The force, that quiet power of potential that takes the desire and manifests it into our life, is the feminine energy. They work together; that's why it's called co-creation.

And all of that is wrapped up in wonderful, magnetic you! I hope this reminder is a timely one for you in that when fear's taking you over, that you can remember your masculine side and attract the assurance you need that things will be okay. Or that if you want to be bolder in your decisions that knowing this will help you become that. Either way, allow yourself to accept who you are and also to play with both masculine and feminine energy when the time and circumstances are right for that. It will move you forward, and you may discover more things about yourself to love. 

That's it for now, but if you want to dig into more on this universal Law, you can get my mini-course called The 5 Often Ignored But Seriously Useful Principles Of Manifesting. You can find it on my website or get it free with your Powered UP Premium Monthly Subscription! But if you're not ready for a premium subscription, I invite you to check out Powered UP FREE; I'll drop the link in the show notes.

I hope you feel uplifted and ready to have your shine on because the world is always a better place when you do. I'll be thinking of you and can't wait for next time. Bye for now. 

Note: Episode 60 is part of a series, The Five Often Ignored But Seriously Useful Principles Of Manifesting.


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I wish you a glorious day, and I'm sending you the most fabulous of vibes right now! 💝


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