Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Podcast Series

MMP 59: Great Reasons Why The Law Of Rhythm Shouldn't Block Your Manifesting Goals


Hey there, it's time for the Magnetic Me, You + Law of Attraction Podcast. Welcome, Come On into our super magnetic space because it's always a sunny day here. My intention for today's episode, which is episode number 59, is that we'll catch up and that you'll leave feeling lighter, brighter, and filled with the best kind of co-creative energy. Basically, you'll have your shine on! Let's get started!

Hey there, I'm Marcie Robinson, and I'm so glad you're here today. Thanks for joining in. Today we're continuing our podcast series on the 5 Often Ignored But Seriously Useful Principles Of Manifesting. And today, we're talking about the principle of rhythm. 

The Principle Of Rhythm

Let me start by asking you how many times you hear the phrase, "live in the moment?" Probably quite a few, and not that it isn't good advice or anything. I think it's excellent advice, but I bet you hear it often enough that it kind of passes by you now, and you aren't catching what it says like you did the first time you heard it. If that happens, does that mean we're not living in the moment? Hmmm... Things to ponder, right? But what does that have to do with the Law of Rhythm?

The universal principle of rhythm says that there's a certain cadence to different vibrations. They move in a certain way and will attract other vibrations that they'll move along with. It helps create patterns and sets up the way things tend to develop in our cosmos. If you live near the ocean, you'll see the tides all the time, that's rhythm, of course. You'll hear it in music; the sun rises and sets every day, our hearts beat, we follow routines. All of these examples demonstrate rhythm in the universe.

As a Law of Attraction enthusiast, you already know that things vibrate all the time; that's one of the fundamentals of the universe. Everything's got a certain vibe to it, and when I say everything, I really mean everything—every thought, every feeling, every particle that is now or ever was. Even those times when my son was little (or maybe that was yesterday) and figured he could sneak the chocolate chips out of the pantry as a tasty snack without getting caught, yup, that decision that he put into action it was all a vibration. I'm not even gonna deny I haven't done that myself with the chocolate chips... anyways. 

At this time of the year where I live and maybe where you do too, it's been transitioning into autumn. For those of us that love our apple and pumpkin pies, the changing leaves, and a cool breeze, it's a glorious time of the year. Even though I sometimes do have a hard time saying goodbye to summer, it wouldn't be right if autumn never came. It's natural, and it's a beautiful time of the year. 

Just like the changing seasons, things don't stay the same, do they? They're not supposed to. We're thinking creatures. Our senses like smell, touch, and sound trigger memories that get us thinking all day long. We see something we like, and we say to ourselves, "Gee, I'd love to have that!" and then our emotions get involved too. We're always thinking and feeling, which is what we base our actions on; that all changes from minute to minute. 

We grow, our kids grow, our pets grow. Things decline whether because of illness or not; naturally, they do. A popular idea runs its course, and then it's replaced by a new one. We see it everywhere. Think about trends in fashion or home decor. Even the types of meals we like to eat at our dinner tables have evolved...sometimes for the better over the decades. Business, finance, sports, everything has its time. Eventually, we all transition from this life, and I happen to believe we move on into the next one. 

It's all part of the flow we hear so much about, especially when we talk about abundance. Everybody likes the idea of flow there, especially cascades of money landing in your bank account. Yup, I'm doing a little visualization here for me and, of course, for you too when I say that. Not that money's the most important thing, but it does make life a bit more fun when we've got some extra. For most of us, though, there are also times when that flow's been blocked. During those times, we end up with less than we'd like. But why is that? Why do things change for us like that and why so fast?

Well, thanks to another buddy in our circle, the Law of Polarity, which says that opposites are actually part of the same thing; think good and bad here, our flow has multiple directions it can go in. That's why you want to be vibrating on a frequency with all the good stuff you want. Cause the Law of Rhythm gets in there, and if your personal vibration isn't entirely on the same level as whatever you're lookin' for right then (what you desire), the Law of Rhythm works to put you where it thinks you belong, and believe me, there's no room for error here. Remember that all universal principles are impersonal, which means they cannot be persuaded to do anything other than what they're meant to do. 

So, if you want twice as much in your bank account and your vibration equals having twice as much money, you're in rhythm with what you want. The LOA will find opportunities that suit you best so you can say yes and gather double the money. The opposite of having twice as much is having less of what you've got in your bank account now; if you're not in rhythm with doubling your money that month, you'll be living in a different frequency than what you want to have. It's kinda like the difference between the neighborhood where you may be living now and the neighborhood where you'd like to live. Both could be charming neighborhoods with lots of amenities, but different ones give them both a different feel. They could be in entirely different postal or zip codes. And if that's the case, you're likely to be doing and saying things that conflict with your desire. You know what that means. Circumstances will be popping up out of the blue to make sure your money seems to be running away from you. 

That duality that is polarity is why things can go from good to all kinds of wrong and back again; there's a flip side to every coin. The excellent news for us is that no matter how bad things feel at the moment if we've messed up big time and we've gotten something we didn't want, we don't have to stay stuck in that situation thanks to the Law of Rhythm. To everything, there's a season, flow and rhythm, rhythm and flow. Think about your heart beating right now. In between beats, your heart rests. Remember when you find yourself in a place that sucks for you, it's not permanent. It's rhythm. At that moment, you're just in the rest between beats. 

How To Use The Resting Places Of Rhythm

If just knowing this makes you feel like you're out of rhythm, don't let it freak you out. That rise and fall can actually work for you and be what makes things so much sweeter when our desires manifest. And the rest I was talking about serves us very nicely if we think about it. Let's talk about that for a moment.

  • It's where we refine our choices and get to make a new one.

Let's take our example of money for a moment again. How many of us buy lottery tickets? There's no shame in it. It's a fun thing to do, and I'm all for envisioning the type of relief from the financial burden it can provide you, especially if you're in a challenging financial position right now. But we all know what the odds of winning are. Does that mean you shouldn't buy your weekly ticket? No, but if you're spending all the money you have trying to win the lottery instead of paying your bills, that's not optimal. But the reason you probably want to win the lottery is that you think you'd never have to worry about money again. More seems better in that situation, doesn't it? But what people don't like to think about when they dream of winning a huge lottery jackpot is that it can come with difficulties, too, particularly if you're not truly ready to handle that kind of money. Being prepared to win it and the responsibility of managing it can be two different things, my friend. So instead of setting out to manifest an obscene amount of money, which can block your flow of any kind of wealth, even your regular income, why not revise that a bit? Why not set out to have enough for right now? It's gonna be easier for you to manifest in the first place because you're already mentally prepared to accept a bit more at a time. 

Choosing something a bit different isn't a defeat; we can take it as a sign of our growth when we accept that something we want isn't for us right now. It doesn't mean it isn't happening at all. It just means there may be something better or a different path for us for now.

  • That rest is also there for us to reflect on how we react to and deal with things. 

You've heard that for every action, there's a reaction. So you've been working on manifesting something important to you, but it hasn't shown up yet. How do you handle those times? Feelings of frustration and doubt, anger, or anything less than being in that state of flow will keep us in that resting pattern. Oh, you've been in a state of rest for a while? And it's not feeling like a short breather from a whirlwind of excitement? Then it's time for some reflection on how you're managing your energy. Be honest and work on finding your rhythm again. When you're handling things well and feeling at ease in your days, then you know you're back in the game. You can start looking for and finding signs of your desires manifesting and all those reassuring changes that are welcome.

  • It's a natural pause that helps us prepare for what's to come with our manifestations. 

Like I already pointed out before, being ready to accept something doesn't mean you're prepared to deal with what that means for the day-to-day. No, that doesn't mean we can know what it's like to live in every circumstance before it's happened for us. But I've learned the hard way that sometimes you have to let go of what you think is best for you now and give up some of the control. There may be something that you need to experience first before you can truly appreciate what you want to happen. Everyone has lessons to learn, so listen to the universe, notice what shows up and when. What were the circumstances like at the time, and what did you learn? See if you can determine how you can get yourself ready for all systems to be a go.

All of that is precisely why it's important to live in the moment. We know that the rhythm of our cosmos and our lives mean that change is coming for us. Like in my confession from the beginning of the episode about my sadness about losing the summer season, I also recognize that we'd be losing out if autumn didn't come. Don't let the most fulfilling experiences we can have today get lost in our visions for the future. Even if they aren't what we want, they may have something important to tell us. 

Thanks For Being Here, Friend!

That's it for now, but I want you to know that this episode is sponsored by my mini-course called The 5 Often Ignored But Seriously Useful Principles Of Manifesting. You can find it on my website or get it free with your Powered UP Premium Monthly Subscription! You can also become part of our manifesting community for free by going to our website and simply filling out a form with your first name and best email. Click the link in the notes for Powered UP FREE.

I hope you feel uplifted and ready to have your shine on because the world is always a better place when you do. I'll be thinking of you, sending the best vibes your way, and I can't wait for next time. Bye for now. 

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