Video Q & A

Is The Law of Attraction Hack-able?

Are you stuck with the Law of Attraction? Listen to this Magnetic Me podcast episode to find out why.

Welcome to our ignition blog from Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching. Are you ready for this week’s question?

Trevor asked us,  "Is the Law of Attraction hackable?" 

This is a question that I actually get quite a lot. 

To answer it, let's look at what hackable means in this sense. I think what the asker of this question meant is to access something without permission or maybe to modify something cleverly.  

Now let’s understand what the Law of Attraction is. It’s a universal law, meaning that it is there to help govern the universe. It just is, it always has been and always will be. It does what it does the very same way each time it does it, and it can’t be changed. It also works the same way for every person out there. How? It works with our energy fields. It has no emotion, no judgment, and no way to decide who gets what or when. So, no, the law of Attraction is not hackable.


But you can be hacked.

The good news is that you are hackable! We already know from science that our brains are programmed to process things that happen in specific ways. Then we get to create our behaviors around how we process things. It always comes down to what we experience and how we experience it. We learn how to conduct ourselves by what goes on around us. That includes watching things that happen to the people in our lives. When someone experiences something, and it’s horrible for them, then we might take away that this experience is terrible. Someone else might look at it differently, and it turns to be a good thing. It will depend on how each one of us is programmed. The good thing is that we are not stuck with this programming forever. Each one of us has a choice to change our programming and, therefore, to improve our energy. No matter how you’re thinking and feeling, there is a way for you to change it, even if you don't think so in your darkest moments.

Here’s why. Brain scientists have already discovered that our brains have neuroplasticity. What’s that? We can use our minds to form and reorganize the connections we make to the things in our lives that teach us lessons and give us those experiences that will shape how we think about them. When we can shift our thoughts, the feelings we generate about those experiences will follow. The way you decide to use your brainpower and your feelings will change your energy. Law of Attraction will then pick up on that new energy and will show you whether it’s a good thing or a bad one for you, depending on what you’re attracting into your life experience. 


How can you change your energy to allow for the things you’ll consider to be good to happen for you?

Think about a time that you felt drained by something. How did it feel? I bet it didn’t feel terrific. You might have felt tired, depressed, hopeless? I think we can all recognize those feelings. 

Now think about a time that you felt so good that your energy seemed boundless. How did that feel? Maybe your energy was happy, optimistic, and you felt excited by life. Hmmm, different ballgame, right?

The thing is that we also have the ability to spotlight whatever we want. We can put our focus there for as long as we want to. So when you find yourself in the middle of one of these energy sucks, it can make you feel bad, even sick, if you’re focusing on it enough. 

I hear some “yeah but’s” right now. Yeah, but my energy suck is my job, or yeah, but money is really tight, and it’s stressing me out, or whatever yours is. How are you supposed to deal with this stuff?

There’s no one size fits all solution out there. But having worked with people on this for so long, I can tell you three things that seem to help most everyone. 


  • One is that when you have feelings about anything, you have to deal with them. Trying to squash them down or ignore them doesn’t help. Recognize them for what they are. They're part of your guidance system. Honor them by feeling them, then decide to release them for your own good. The timeline on having this happen is different for everyone, but if the feelings don’t come from some deep trauma, then putting a time limit on them is a way you can keep yourself on track. If they are from trauma, then a professional therapist would be needed for assistance. 

  • The number two thing that I’ve learned is that if you’re able to complete number one, the next step is to commit to feeling something better. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a slight bit better, any emotion that feels better to you right now is going to help you. 

  • The third thing is to avoid things that drain you. To engage with things that make you feel good regularly. Indulging yourself in a passion of yours can help boost your mood and your energy. So, find out what your passions are and make them a part of your life. 



That’s it for today, thanks for the question, it was a great one! Now take the opportunity today to work on your good energy and Get Your Shine On!