Video Q & A

How To Build Up A Strong, Healthy Intuition

Get some tips on how to know when your intuition is talking to you. Listen to this episode of the Magnetic Me podcast.

Hello, Law of Attraction Enthusiast! In this week’s Magnetic Me podcast episode, we talked about intuition. For people who wonder if it’s really a thing, I explained what it is and why it matters for using the Law of Attraction. Then I gave you four great ways to know that it’s your intuition talking to you. Why? Because so many times, I’ll get clients wondering how to distinguish the thoughts in their head from an intuitive nudge. It’s always a good thing to know that we’re following the “right” inner voice before we wander off into a place that could get us into some trouble. If you haven’t heard that podcast episode, find it in the post below and click on it to catch up after this video.

Another thing people ask about a lot is how to connect to that intuition. Some of us find it harder to hear than others do. That’s perfectly normal seeing how it’s pretty easy for us in this world that’s run by rules and logic to forget that there’s more to life than just what we see. While it’s not quite as handy as getting a text message, intuition is how the LOA can contact us. It sends replies to our requests by sending us insights to let us know if we’re on track and in alignment with our desires or not. It also sends us a to-do list if there are any actions we need to take to get us more in alignment. It can also alert us to dangers or things to avoid this way.

So, without further ado, here are some simple ways to develop your intuition.

  • Listen to it. If you haven’t heard the podcast yet, about this subject, please check it out. I’ve embedded the podcast episode into the written post. Once you’ve established that, it might be your intuition go on, ask it any questions you need. This way, if there’s a clarification that would be great to have, you’ll get that too.

  • Write down the information you get. I suggest that you get a simple notebook and when you get that feeling that you’re being provided information or led to do something, keep track of it. It will help you remember to take action (remember that the universe loves speed when it comes to getting things done), and it will also establish proof when you’re right about something. It will build up trust between you and your intuition.

  • Take care of yourself. I know it sounds very commonplace, but eating good, nutritious food, getting some exercise, getting a night of good sleep, and relaxing are so important. The way you treat your body can significantly affect how in touch you are with it. For example, have you ever worked so hard that you were burning out from exhaustion? Have you ever gotten sick at a time like that? If so, think back for a minute and ask yourself if you had any indications from your intuition to slow down before getting sick? Chances are you did, and you didn’t listen. I’m not kidding. One of the reasons it’s so important to hone your intuition is that it can help you avoid setbacks like that. Yeah, so maybe you went to work sick anyway, but you probably weren’t as productive, and the whole thing slowed you down and created extra stress for you. That could have kept you from recovering as quickly as you might have. It’s a vicious cycle, my friend. Hearing those little tips that are coming to you, whether it’s from your own physical body or directly from the universe is meant to help. So do yourself a favor and break the stress cycle. Live well and live in the moment.

  • Meditate. There are so many studies out there that show how meditation can improve your mental health, your physical health, and lifestyle. It can also help you connect to your intuition. Don’t get too worked up about being perfect with meditation. It can be as easy as closing your eyes for a few minutes. Yes, the idea is to turn off that monkey mind, and not let it wander around too much. Just don’t go to sleep while you’re doing it. Focus on your breathing. Or maybe some background noise like the hum of an appliance or something like that while you do it. Hopefully, you have something better to concentrate on than your refrigerator! Even focus on a word you like or some beautiful music can help. So, set a timer for a few minutes and sit down in a quiet place that’s reasonably comfortable. Close your eyes and breathe.


I could go all day giving you suggestions, but this is the way you start developing a strong intuitive sense. Keep tuned for more at a later date on this! I have some things planned for the near future on this front.

Until next time, remember you can make the world a better place by getting your shine on!